
Monday, September 1, 2008

Detroit Dad Swims for His CF Son

Heather Newman - Detroit Free Press - September 1, 2008

Ric Geyer is not an athlete. He swims to soothe his brain, which shrieks at him every time he remembers his son's chances of survival. He swims to try and put his life into perspective, to feel like he's doing something, anything, to help, even if it's just staying healthy enough to continue helping. He swims to remember that he, and his 7-year-old son, are alive... (Read More)

This story is an excellent glimpse into the emotions and (positive) reactions that many families experience when a child is diagnosed with CF. BWT, because I know people will ask, the paper misquoted when it said that Ricky can't have a transplant until he's 18...hopefully he won't need one for a very long time, if ever, but children can and do receive double lung transplants.



  1. What a beautiful article! I will add this precious family to my prayer list..

  2. Beautiful article, Nate. Thanks for sharing. Erika :)

  3. Once again, Nate, this article is a prime example of how important it is to advocate for your loved ones! Nobody knows their child better than a parent and these parents KNEW it wasn't allergies or "just another cold". And no one knows their spouse better than a spouse...
    You wrote a post about being Tricia's and Gwyneth's adovate...could you post the link to that again? It was well said and respectful to the medical commnuity.
    Thanks for sharing that story this morning.

  4. I don't know if you two are connected already, but just in case:

  5. Unbelievable! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks for sharing that...what a beautiful story.

    I gave you an award on my blog today...go check it out. You deserve it.

  7. I just came across your blog and am blown way by your families strength. And I thought we had it hard- I can't even imagine all you have been through. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
    Jen (mom to Faith born at 25 weeks same exact size of your little angel!)

  8. Thanks for this post, Nate. I am much more accustomed to swimming than to blogging, but I know how important this is. I think we are going to swim on Thursday, depending on the weather - we should be getting NNE winds. My whole family (including Rickie) very much appreciates your kind thoughts. Ric Geyer

  9. Thanks for posting this! It explains very much how I feel. Sitting on the side lines while my child fights a disease is not something that I will do.

    God Bless


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