
Thursday, September 4, 2008

3 Down...

...actually, I don't remember how many chemo treatments Tricia is supposed to complete at this point. To be honest, every appointment and treatment seems to blur into the next, and it's hard to keep track of where we're supposed to be and what we're supposed to be doing.

Tricia's day went well. She slept for much of the treatment, while I was at work, and she's slept much of the rest of the day. We'll enjoy the next few days until we expect the side effects to kick in again. Hopefully, we won't have to evacuate while she's feeling bad.

This coming week will be very busy for us, as we help prepare for the Great Strides walk next Saturday. We're praying that Tricia will feel well enough to participate. We're both looking forward to meeting the many blog readers who are coming to town just to support the walk and Cystic Fibrosis!




  1. Praying Tricia feels well in the coming days!

  2. Have not commented in a long while, trying to wean myself from my year long addiction to the Confessions ... blog! Just want you to know we still pray for your family EVERYDAY and stand with you on the tough days, and rejoice with you and Tricia and the baby as you cross over every hurdle!

  3. I am praying for Tricia. And you and Gwyneth! And I hope that storm doesn't affect you guys too much!

  4. hmm I thought it was 4!?! I can't even imagine going through this with a newborn either! you guys have so much strength and are such an example of hope even to those not of your faith! the glimpse of your lives alone is heartwarming & inspiring here on your blog ((Thank you Tric, Gwenyth and Nate for sharing your lives with total strangers!)I hope Tricia is on the mend soon and praying the cancer is retreating. and I'm agnostic so that says alot right there! :)

  5. Praying Tricia's week goes okay and you don't have to evacuate. Good Luck with the walk - praying weather will cooperate.
    Susan from California

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Praying for Tricia to rally for the race and for the hurricanes to dissipate before they get to you!

  8. I hope that Tricia has an easy time with this round. She deserves it.

  9. I read all the posts and feel like I've caught up. I was on vacation for a week and came back to "digging out." We are still praying for you guys daily. I just ran into someone at our church that said she knew me through your blog!!! That was interesting.

  10. Praying Tricia feels well, praying for good weather, praying for the walk on Sat.
    Thanks for keeping us updated on your family.
    God bless you all today, and always.

  11. Saying a prayer for Tricia today, that this time the side effects would be a little more bearable and that it would all pass quickly!

  12. I think and pray about you all each and every day. Love to all of you on the OBX from Richmond.

    Love to all.

  13. Wow, you guys do have a lot going on right now!

    Praying that Tricia does not feel the side-effects from this round of treatment. Also praying that the hurricane stays at bay.

  14. Keeing you all in our prayers, both for Tricia feeling as good as possible after the treatment and for you all not having to evacuate.

    Hugs & Blessings!

  15. Glad to hear things went well... Will be praying Tricia, in hopes continues to feel good and the days to come arnt so bad for her and that she is able to participate in Great Strides.



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