
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hurricane Watch

Currently, Hurricane Hanna is projected to hit NC sometime early this Saturday morning. It is not a powerful storm at the moment, but that could change quickly.

Hurricane Ike, however, is ginormous, with a clearly well-defined eye. It's also projected to head up our way, probably late next week.

Hurricanes are impossible to predict with 100% accuracy, and I can't count the times that we've gone in and out of the path of huge storms over the past 20 years here on the OBX. It's also impossible to predict the damage a hurricane can cause...wind, rain and tidal surge all play a factor when a big storm hits the OBX. Fortunately, evacuation is much easier here than it is in big cities like NOLA, especially since the tourist season has slowed down tremendously. It's usually safe to wait before making a decision to evacuate until about 24-48 hours before the outer walls of a storm actually hit, and, anything below a category 3 rarely causes much damage for us here.

Growing up, I can only remember evacuating once (I've lived through probably close to 10 hurricanes)...the breaking point for us was always 115 mph winds. Tricia has yet to experience a hurricane since moving here 8 years ago, which is pretty amazing... If we do decide to evacuate, we'll be heading inland toward Raleigh or Lynchburg.

Anyway, we're praying that these storms either die before they cause further damage and loss of life (over 60 dead in Haiti because of Hanna). We're also praying that these storms will not cause us to cancel our Great Strides Walk next Saturday. It's a rain or shine event, but only if that rain isn't accompanied by lots of wind.




  1. We lived through Hugo years ago back in the 90's... not fun. We hope and pray Hanna and Ike stay far away.

  2. We lived through Hugo years ago back in the 90's... not fun. We hope and pray Hanna and Ike stay far away.

  3. We will definitely be praying for everyone's safety! On a different note, I stumbled upon this blog of a photographer and he actually lives in NC, I thought you might like to check it out, his pics are AMAZING!!

  4. Yikes...I guess you could say that a hurricane would just be the icing on the cake for you family's past year! Y'all are so good at taking lemons & making lemonade...I can't wait to see what flavor of lemonade you'll make from this one! :)

    My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  5. Come to Raleigh!! I know of this family who would LOVE to host you guys :)

  6. I was in the OBX in 2002 when a tropical storm hit. It was actually pretty cool, but I bet being on the coast during a hurricane is SO not cool!! I'm praying that these 2 hurricanes stay far away from the east coast.

  7. Will be praying. Hope the chemo goes well today :)

  8. I didn't know there were so many hurricanes! They seem to be practically on top of each other.

    Is there a whole alphabet's worth in one hurricane season? Yikes!

  9. I remember once ( not sure which year it was), when we were having strange weather. There was this sudden thunder storm and as I was driving home I looked out over the open veldt (pronounced felt) I saw all their whirlwinds touching down. It was the closest I've ever been to anything remotely like a hurricane

  10. thanks for the update!

    me...not sure that I want to experience even a cat 1....good thing my funds are being raised via the internet....but I REALLY want to come up there and walk with you guys, and be in your church on Sunday :) Thankfully with a hurricane you have a day or so notice....not that way with most storms.

  11. A really good site to check out for professional meteorologist's predictions is

    Hanna is not supposed to get stronger than a cat 1. Ike, though, could make landfall as a cat 4 (though no one is sure it's going to go to the Carolinas... right now, an east Florida hit hasn't been ruled out).

    Stay safe!

  12. Here's hoping the hurricanes stay far away.

  13. Stay safe. We just went through Gustav with my Dad evacuating from the TX coast to our house in San Antonio. He turned out to not be so bad so hopefully these other two will die down also. Praying for you all.

  14. We are keeping a close and wary eye on Ike here in South Florida as well, its a bit nerve wracking to say the least! We went through Hurricane Frances a few years back when our son was just four months old, it can be a bit more challenging then making sure you have everything you need for a little one too. This year our son is three and that brings on the challenge of all the extra equipment (scooters, playhouse, bikes, trikes, oh my!) you now have in the yard to bring in from the wind, LOL. Here's hoping Ike hits neither here nor there or anywhere for that matter. Waiting til November when we can get through a newscast with no mention of pending hurricanes :)

  15. Good luck! I'm in Houston so we are watching too to see if it happens to hit the gulf.

  16. my rule when evacuating for hurricanes - go south! Hurricanes will follow you if you head west or north, but there aren't any that can turn around and head back south. Good luck up there! We in Wilmington seem to have a bullseye painted on us right now. Blech.

  17. Thinking of you all while Hanna and Ike do their thing. My daughter's name is Hannah and she's going crazy about a hurricane being named after her. We also hope they both bypass or do minimal damage as we're heading to HH, SC at the end of the month for a family vacation, a LONG awaited one at that! Be safe!

  18. Just wanted to let you know I'm praying Tricia's chemo went well today and that the side effects this time around are little to none.

    Also praying the hurricanes stay away.

  19. come on out to the west coast. things only shake, rattle and roll around here. being the musician you are, it would fit you well.


  20. Praying for the storms to calm down and for everyones's safety--it can get rough even here in the Raleigh area. Also, hoping the MS150 in New Bern does not get cancelled next weekend. We are always there, and my daughter usually rides, but due to a physical problem she cannot this year. She is still doing fund raising however, as is the cycling group from our church. If anyone wishes to donate, here is link for Kara and the team "The Spiritual Spinners" thru our church Fuquay Varina UMC

    If you chose to donate thanks from me and the many who have MS

    Shari, NC

  21. as a matter of fact, we were at the beach at Top Sail two years ago when Ernesto came in--he was supposed to go south!! It was scary. Stay safe and if you need somewhere to go, let us know and head to FV.. we are real equipped for babies here--you would not need to bring the pack and play or high chair, just food and diapers!! ;-)

    shari, NC

  22. my thoughts are with you and everyone in the path of the storm.

  23. I hope that you don't have any problem.

    We are supposed to go to the beach for the first time in 10-11 years and have reservations near Savannah for Sun and the following 3 nights. What awful timing! We've been watching TWC a lot!

    Be well and take care!

  24. I know nothing about those scary hurricanes, but have seen tornadoes a little too close for comfort. Praying that the storm weakens and for safety and protection.

  25. I pray that Ike stays clear of NC not only for the Great Strides Walk and for the safety of people of our OBX, but .. for a selfish reason.

    My husband and I are coming to the OBX on the 12th just in time for the Great Strides walk. I've not been "out of town" in a hotel in so long and it will be nice to get away from Lyme Treatment and doctors for a weekend.

    So I pray that this will be a non event so that I can have a great weekend and you can continue to raise wonderful amounts of money on that saturday. :)

  26. Be safe!! Your baby girl gets prettier with each picture you post of her!!
    Take care

  27. Praying for Tricia today. Thanks for the update on the Girls. Always nice to know how they are doing.
    Praying about that Hurricane as well.

  28. I am near Fayetteville, so I doubt we'll see any hurricane action here, though we've been advised to pay attention I guess.

    I hope you don't have to evacuate, hope the chemo goes well, and hope your walk doesn't get rained out!

    Apryl in NC

  29. Thought of you tonight when I watched the news. Ike looks pretty scary.

  30. Nate and Trisha,
    My prayers are with you as the storms are "playing around" right now. I am in Jacksonville, Florida and we have had some interesting calls we some hurricanes ourselves. I have family in both South Carolina and North Carolina as well as some in Delaware, I will have you all in my thoughts and prayers in the coming days and weeks.

    God Bless

  31. I hope you all stay safe.

    We are just out of Jacksonville so everyone is in preparation mode here too.

  32. We just got back from an OBX vacation last Monday. (Side note: we stayed in Duck, and it was lovely. The OBX is just as beautiful and wonderful as you have always said, Nate!) Anyway....good luck during the rest of the hurricane season and I hope and pray that it will pass smoothly.

  33. I am so happy that Tricia and Gwyneth are both healthy enough that if you need to evacuate (and I hope you won't) that you can do so safely and with confidence.

    Stay dry :)

  34. Good luck to you! We just got back home after evacuating for Gustav. Luckily there was no damage...we probably could have stayed but it's better safe than sorry. We'll be praying that Hanna deals just a glancing blow and that Ike dies in the Atlantic!


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