
Monday, September 8, 2008

Baby Babble



  1. She is so darn cute. I love seeing how big she is getting and seeing that she is living a great life!

  2. I love these videos! Keep them coming! There's nothing sweeter than a dad and his baby daughter bonding. Prayers from South Dakota.

  3. She is too stinking cute. The two of you make a good pair!

  4. I can't even believe the time that has gone by! It is so wonderful to see Gwyneth in action. Again, thanks for sharing!!!

  5. You know the coolest thing about these vids... no, not the fact that you 2 are so completely fascinated by and in love with each other... the coolest, most incredible thing is how active she is. In her earlier videos, she was always so still - this still little fragile soul -- and now, she's a kicking, babbling, jumbling ball of energy who just exudes joy! Brava bebe -- grow, grow, grow!

  6. That is the sweetest thing. She is so cute!

  7. Nate: I am so thankful that you choose to share these videos with all of us! It makes me smile. They will be treasures for you someday as well -- they grow all too quickly!

  8. So So very cute, and my oh my how she has grown. What a little blessing!
    She love her Daddy, and seems to relate so well to him!!! Grin

  9. Wow. Truly amazing. She is so cute and her 8 month pictures are just precious!

  10. Love this. She's just chattering away. I love the pics of her with the pug. WHat a cutie.

  11. Praising God with you as she continues to grow! Both of your girls are so beautiful!

  12. That was precious. Thanks for sharing.

  13. This has absolutely nothing to do with this post, although the video is adorable and I'm so glad you've been posting lots of videos. That girl of yours is too cute and I can tell she brings you such JOY!! I just had to tell you that my husband got a call tonight from the National Marrow Donor Program Registry. We both went to LU and in 1999 there was a student there with a sibling who had leukemia and they did a huge campus wide drive to sign people up to become bone marrow donors (which basically just involved giving blood). Well that was 1999 and somehow almost ten years later they tracked us down to tell us that my husband is a potential match for someone. Since being a bone marrow donor is not a pleasant process you would think that we would both feel a little hesitation about this. But because of your story and because I feel like we've walked this road with you (through cyberspace :)) neither of us have an hesistation about this. In fact I've already found myself praying for this person that my husband could potentially give the gift of life to. Praying that if he's not the perfect match that they'll be able to find someone that is. So thanks for putting a "face" to organ donation and even bone marrow donation. Everything you and Tricia have been through in the last year is making an impact and I know that it's made this decision for us an easy one! And to anyone reading this comment: head on over to to find out how you can become a bone marrow donor!!!

  14. oh how I miss this in my kids. I just love babies.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Im loving these vidoes. She is just way too cute. The 2 of you are like a comedy act. :)


  17. nothing compares anywhere to the sound of a baby making those precious little sounds, I love that you and she have those daddy-daughter talks :)

  18. That is so stinkin cute! She is a doll!

  19. Oh she's adorable! I just love the videos!!!

  20. That is hilarious and adorable. The way she imitates you is so cool.

  21. These videos are marvelous - they make me grin from ear to ear. I love how she called your attention back when you looked away. So glad you are capturing all this fun on video.

  22. One of my favotie things (in life) is to watch my husband play with our girls. Daddies are more important to children than thay are given credit! May your relationship with Gwyneth always be a blessing. And lots of fun!!! Thanks for posting the video.

    ~Sara in MD

  23. She is just the cutest funniest little thing Ive seen all day! (Dont tell my kids I told you that!lol)

  24. My family loves keeping up with you through your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with us! Ever since we met you at the Durham Great Strides walk, my 7 year old son loves to go to your blog and watch for new videos/pictures of Gwyneth to see how she is growing. He often calls me to the computer to say "Look mom, isn't she cute?" I couldn't agree more :)

  25. Just be careful when there's a pause in the action...We were getting video of our little man when he was just starting to coo and babble. He stopped and my hubby and I were encouraging him to start up again..."what else do you have to say Ollie?" "do you have any more in there little guy?" etc...He then proceded to bunch up his face and FILL his shorts, quite loudly! He even startled himself! It was still pretty cute. Gotta love being a parent! You also have to LOVE having all these goodies on video. Oliver had better watch it around Prom date time!

  26. This past 8 months has really gone by fast! Gwyneth is so cute and it's very endearing to see her loving on her Daddy. Your family is a blessing to us. May God continue to let you live it up for His glory each day.

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  27. Wow!She is such a doll! And it's so amazing to see how much she's grown (by just looking at her 6 mo. pics vs. her 8 mo. pics). Her pictures always make me smile; she is one adorable little girl! What a wonderful little blessing!

  28. That is so cute! Love hearing that little voice. :)

  29. I love the father/daughter moments captured on video. She will love seeing these one day. We are praying for all of you.

  30. Don't you just love how a sweet little baby's laugh can just melt your heart?!?!?

    How's Tricia doing?

  31. Is that not just soo adorable. Thanks so much for sharing all that you do with us!

  32. cute is she!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!


  33. You guys are great together. Love how she keeps "talking" back to you! :)

  34. Hi Nathan-
    So this is totally unrelated to this post but IS related to the recent post about Kenzie Standfield. Since you initially posted about them, I have been following their story and praying for them. Anyway, today when I tried to check Kenzie's blog, it said it had been deleted. I know she had been hacked at some point so maybe there is some tie. I'm guessing you have a way of contacting Kenzie and just wondered that if she plans on putting up a new blog or something, would you maybe post that info on here? I'm guessing there are many others who have gone to her blog with your recent posts, too. Thanks for any help you're able to give.

    It's so amazing to witness Gwyneth's growth and to see the amazing path God has you on!

    Peace in Christ,

  35. So cute, she is copying you! I love it! What a blessing, I miss those days. Have fun

    Tricia :)

  36. This blog brings me tears of joy EVERY time I stop by. Thanks for the many blessings I receive when I stop by. LOVE THE VIDEOS!


  37. That's awesomely adorable. She's starting to look a lot like Mommy now. Pretty, pretty girl!!

    heidi reed

  38. she is doing AMAZING! totally precious!

  39. If I ever feel sad, I am watching that vid. It was so cute, funny, precious, and I am still smiling.

  40. Too cute...

    Have fun at the walk this weekend - hope that the weather and fatigue aren't able to keep Tricia and Gwyneth from enjoying the day too!


    Southern CA

  41. Ok, Nathan you are getting really good at babbling; Gwyneth is training you well.

  42. As I was looking at Gwyneth's 8 month pictures and listening to her talk to you, I was just in so much awe at the miracle that she is. I've been reading in Luke 1, and think of how Mary and Zechariah praised God for thier miracles. Well today, I praise God for the miracle of Gwyneth. He is so cool!

  43. She is really talking about a storm! Such a cutie!


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