
Monday, September 8, 2008

White Rose Blooming (8 Months)

Click Here to see her last pug pics.



  1. It is amazing how much she's grown! Beautiful, sweet girl!

  2. I remember the days when that pug was bigger than her. God is good!

  3. Oh My Goodess!!! Way to GROW Gwyneth!!! She gets prettier with each photo you post!!

  4. Very cool to see her holding the pug up!

  5. Nate, I can't believe how much she already resembles you. She is
    beautiful and I know you both are
    just crazy in love with her!

  6. So cute...that third pic is fantastic...she's like, "why are you looking at me like that?"

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. AWWWWW!!!! Thanks for bringing back the "pug pics"...

  8. I love watching the White Rose photos...she has grown so much and now holds the Pug...


  9. I love this pug pics! She is so interactive now- and so beautiful. I love watching her grow.

  10. "you lookin' at me? huh? huh?"

    she's adorable!


  11. Hasn't the Lord brought her so very far!! I remember just how tiny she was. Well she gets cuter everyday as she grows!!

  12. Oh my cow! Could she get any cuter?

    Thanks for sharing!

    Amy from Hawaii

  13. She is just looking so much older, can really see a difference from those July pics. Darling little dress, too:) It is just so hard to imagine her as small as she was....she is still such a petite little thing! But absolutely perfect in every way!! The miracle continues!

  14. Is that the April fools pug? WOW she's getting SOOO big!

    Yes, like other comments I love the pug pictures!

    Praying for you all.

  15. That is really incredible. What foresite you had to take the pictures in the beginning. It really shows her progress. She is really cute!

  16. I love the one of her holding the pug, it's like she's showing him up now :-) What a beautiful sweetheart!

  17. It is not simply amazing how much growth Sweet Baby Gwyneth has done?

    That Pug looks a little alarmed at being held by the "Big Girl"!!

    PS My two girls want you to confirm that the pug in not the Little Mini Webkinz Pug!! They have not forgot your April joke!

    thanks again for sharing
    Vancouver, BC

  18. Wow, she has grown so much! I love the picture of her holding the pug. She is so beautiful.

  19. so so so so so CUTE !!

    I can't beleive how much she has grown, and I can definately see a resemblance to her daddy,


  20. WOW--and this is no April Fool's gag, either! You should post the first picture of her with the Pug along side the most recent... Amazing. Prayer in action!!!

  21. She is getting more beautiful each day.

  22. Wow! What a difference from those first few months. I love the facial expressions she has! Happy 8 months!

  23. Wow, haven't seen the pug/monthly birthday pictures in a long time. Amazing to see how much Gwyn's grown since birth. Also, can't believe she's 8 months old--- only 4 months until she is ONE! Jeez, where did the time go?

    Gwyn is beautiful and it's great to see her growing! Happy 8 month birthday to you, Gwyn!

    Thanks for sharing. :-)


  24. WOW! Gwyneth OWNS that pug now!! Way to go, girl--prayers continuing.

  25. I love that she is able to hold the pug - what a beauty!! It is amazing to see how far she has come. Thinking of you all in Georgia.

  26. Look at her!! Holding the pug! What the heck!!All those months ago when the pug looked so HUGE! now look at little Miss Gwyneth, another milestone brought to you by one mighty GOD!
    Thanks for the post Nate and Tricia and again, thanks for allowing us the joy of watching Gwyneth grow.

  27. That pug keeps shrinking :-P How's that happen?? LOL
    Cute... I know with her being a preemie the growth is even more marked, but I wish I had thought of something like that when my kids were babies!

  28. Good grief she's such a big girl now! Boy daddy, I'm not sure she's very happy with you in that first picture - she seemed to perk up once the pug came on the scene, but looks very not so sure about you in that first 1!! what an amazing gift she is!

  29. I can not believe how time has gone by so fast. I am sure you all feel that way too. She is sooo big and too cute (if that is possible).

  30. Oh, how those pictures made me smile! What a beautiful blessing you have there. :o)

  31. Such a BIG girl and absolutely adorable! She looks like she is really alert.

  32. OK, so the pug is a Webkinz. Do you have an account? Feel free to do a post on how awesome webkinz are :p

  33. Compared to her January 29th picture of her with the is all so amazing. It show how much she has grown just in size. Beautiful family.

  34. WOW look how big she has gotten!! Gives me goosebumps!! That's just wonderful!

  35. Can't believe how big she is.... so precious... my fav.. her holding the pug!!

  36. I can not believe the difference! She is getting so big & what an adorable dress!! Congrats on how far you have all come!!!

  37. Oh my gosh!!! I have been following and lurking for a while... I remember when you tried to trick us by posting with a tiny pug... I can't believe she has gotten SO BIG!

  38. It's hard to believe that's the same pug... OR the same Gwyneth.. wow!!

  39. YEAH! Thanks! She is just so cute and getting so big!

  40. Gwyneth is so adorable.It was funny to see her playing with the pug.

  41. She is so big!! The one of her holding the pug is the best! BIG GIRL!

  42. Nate-Thank you for posting these. I was one of the ones that ask if you could do this again! I really can't believe that is the pug? She is SO BIG and so adorable!!!!

    THANK YOU!!!

  43. OMG... I love them!! Look at her, I remember when the pug was bigger than her. She is so adorable!!! Keep growing princess!


  44. Can't believe that's the same baby. She's all grown up. Just beautiful!!

  45. WOW!! Seeing your sweet little girl with her pug reminds me how little she really was!! I knew the pug was small but I had no idea! Praising God for the way he is working in your little girl's life.

  46. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!! Such a miracle and blessing!! Thanks for allowing us to be a part of it!

  47. Love, love, LOVE the pics, esp. when she's looking at the pug as if to say, "You again?"

  48. How Cute!! Is she trying to turn over at all yet?

  49. Oh, what a difference! Remember the days when the pug was bigger than she was? Just a few short months ago! Or have they been long months? I'm rambling.........

    These are beautiful pictures! I love, love, love looking at them! My daughters enjoy the videos you post as well. We really & truly appreciate you allowing us to get a glimpse into your lives! Thank you so much for sharing! You have been a tremendous blessing to our family!

    ~Sara in MD

  50. Oh, my goodness! The first photo is just precious! I love little girls in pastel dresses. Love the dress, love the baby in it!

  51. Oh these are so adorable - the growth is amazing - but I so love the way she is studying that pug! WHAT a tremendous amount of growth in 8 months.

  52. How beautiful it is that she can now hold the pug and look at him, too! Not to mention that she's MUCH bigger than he is now--Praise the Lord!

  53. That is so awesome! She's so beautiful.
    How amazing the amount she has grown!!!

  54. My goodness, how wonderful and refreshing to see happy, healthy baby Gwenyth much larger than her adorable growth marker Pug!!! I love it!!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Jamie, Indiana

  55. I can't believe how big she's gotten! I think she looks alot like her daddy!! She's very beautiful and I'm glad we get to watch her grow!! :)

  56. I've been following your blog from afar (Colorado) for quite a few months now. Our kids are just a few weeks apart, and your story is more inspirational and touching then you will ever know. Just have to thank you for sharing your life with us. Haven't posted yet, but these pictures just brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe how MUCH she has grown and just how incredibly sweet and adorable she is. You two sure made one adorable little kid!!

  57. She's just so cute. It is amazing how fast she is growing now.

  58. She has grown sooooooooo much!!! Very cool to see her "interacting" with the pug.

  59. Wow-she has more than surpassed the pug! What a miracle.

  60. Those were soooooooooo ADORABLE!!! :)
    It is so cute to see her holding her Pug & her expressions are just darling!
    Gwyneth is just beautiful as always! :)

  61. Hello sweet girl. You sure are growing pretty. Love your doggie.

  62. G holding the pug is about the cutest image ever... I guess it comes from a time when that pug was just a measure of her size. I love this photo.

  63. Oh my goodness! It is hard to believe Gwyneth is now bigger than her pug. Way to go baby Gwyneth! You are growing into a beautiful little miracle.

  64. WOW! What else is there to say??!! I"m so glad you thought to take those 'pug pictures' so many months ago!

  65. AWWWW!!! I've been waiting for these pictures. Makes me so happy to see her overwhelming the pug! Thanks for sharing!

  66. Thanks for those! She is really growing and SUCH a stinkin' cute baby.

    I really wanna pinch those cheeks..too cute.

  67. Man Nate, it's crazy to see Gwyneth HOLDING the pug! :)

    God is so good!

  68. It's sweet to see her looking at and playing with the pug. I'm not sure why, almost like they're buddies, in it together.

  69. Oh my goodness - how it is possibly that Gwyneth is 8 months old already?!
    She looks so grownup now, in that outfit, and really aware and interested in the pug. What precious days you have with her.
    God is great.
    Continuing in prayers for you all.

  70. oh the pug is back - love the one of her grabbing hold of it - what joy it is too see that! God is so GOOD - thanks for sharing!

  71. I love the picture of her talking to her dog.

  72. Oh my goodness were the first words out of my mouth when I scrolled down and saw that first pic of her with the pug! Such a precious little (or should I say big) miracle. :)

  73. that is incredible!!!!

    For the future reference, I think Gwyneth should consider walking down the aisle with her pug ... ha ha ha

  74. "i remember when" she was smaller than the pug! PRAISE GOD!!!

  75. She's just precious! It's so great to see how much she has grown! Know that you're all in my prayers.

  76. OH MY!!!!! She looks HUGE now!!! Way to GROW Gwyneth!

  77. This is really amazing. What a little adorable gift from heaven.

  78. Wow, Nate and Tricia. I must say that picture of her in her little dress just took my breath away - because I could see in her eyes that she is an incredible little person, so tough and strong, and sensitive. I swear that Froggy's personality hasn't changed much since infancy. She has always been a character. And I see that same incredible spirit in your gorgeous girl. It will take her far. I'm sure of it. Sending lots of love to you!

  79. WOW!!!! I LOVE the one of her looking at the pug...and WOW...God.


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