
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Change of Plans (Continued)

Our plan has been to return to Durham on October 6-8 for some checkups for Tricia and Gwyneth. This trip would show whether or not the chemo is making a difference with Tricia's lymphoma and how well Gwyneth is progressing.

But, because Tricia's chemo treatment has been moved to Monday, her side effects will probably still be hitting hard during that trip, which isn't a good thing for travel and spending lots of time running around a hospital. So, I'm going to find out if we can reschedule those October appointments for the following week.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers as we try to figure out what the best plan will be.



  1. Praying for:

    wisdom in choosing the plan

    openings in the doctors' schedule regardless

    Tricia's treatments' maximum effectiveness and minimal side effects

    and praising God for your continued trust in Him!

    We love you guys!

  2. Still praying.... Keep us posted!


  3. Hey Nate and Trish,
    The Johnsons are praying for you all as you continue on. I am praying that the doctors office visits can be scheduled as you guys need them, and that Trish treatments are working the correct way- Your house sounds great!! Can't wait to see it?!!! I hope that it is up our end of the beach!We are serving, and worshipping as we wait on the Lord. Blessings to you Pam

  4. Good luck with the planning, I pray you are able to get everything moved around.

  5. thank you for the update on Tricia, continuing to thank God for all of you!

  6. Praying that you are able to get the best plan in action here for Tricia and that the chemo is doing it's job completely. I know she is in the best hands of all, Gods. He will take care of all details too. Love you guys and I continue praying for you 3.

    Laurie in Ca.

  7. Hope everything works out in getting the schedule changed.

    Know you were looking forward to spending time with Gwyneth at work...just so she could help out that is :) hope you guys can make up that time soon!

  8. Praying! God's love and peace...

  9. we'll be praying for all those things...the Holy Spirit will guide you and the Father will arrange everything for your good!

    much love from mexico!!

  10. always praying!

    and back in the loop for the prayer request as they come in.

  11. Praying for your family.
    Have a wonderful weekend.


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