
Friday, September 26, 2008

Slow Day

With the excitement of the house earlier this week, today has felt very slow. Tricia wasn't feeling so great this morning, so she slept a few extra hours while Gwyneth and I hung out. I got to work in the early afternoon (so thankful for flexible hours that work with our unpredictable schedule), and Tricia's been home getting some rest and playing with Gwyneth. I'm back home again, and Tricia is in bed...

The wind has been blowing pretty hard off of the ocean for over a week and became really bad the past few days with this nor'easter, which takes away the fun of the cooler September weather. But, the sun was out for much of today, and the winds and rain are mostly gone, so maybe we'll get to enjoy some nice September days after all.

A new movie opening today, "Nights In Rodanthe" was set and shot about an hour south of us. The movie was adapted from a book of the same name by Nicholas Sparks, a NC author who sets all of his novels along the coast of NC (you may have seen "The Notebook", and our personal favorite, "A Walk To Remember"). I'm not going to tell you to go see the movie, but if you do, I hear it gives a pretty accurate portrayal of life on the southern OBX (minus the movie stars). In fact, the pic below was taken just yesterday during our big storm of the house where the movie was filmed.

Read more about this house Here.

We'll be traveling back to Duke in just a few weeks to find out if the chemo is doing what it should to Tricia's lymphoma. We're hoping and praying for the best news possible, and anticipating that, with the last of her treatments in a few months, we'll have most of this difficult medical stuff (minus Gwyneth's continuing meds and appointments and Tricia's normal post-transplant issues) behind us. With the contract to buy the house, we're actually allowing ourselves to believe that our lives might appear and feel as close to "normal" as they ever have in our time together...

Also, Tricia's 6 month transplant anniversary and Gwyneth's 9 month birthday are coming up in the next few weeks, and hopefully we can spare a day to find someway to celebrate! We've been shooting a lot of video the past few days, trying to get some of Gwyneth's new tricks and discoveries on camera...I'll try to share some of it with you soon.

Anyway, that's about all I have to share about today.




  1. I LOVE that house! Wishing you and your girls the best. Good luck with the house!
    Tabitha Rowland

  2. I am learning the etiquette of blogging and recognize I am what they call a “blog stalker”. I read each post but never comment. Thank you for sharing your life and I hope that thought it, research develops a cure.

  3. I am glad that you are having a slow day after the year you 3 have been through. Sounds like "normal" might be right around the corner soon. I am praying for excellent results for Tricia when she is tested. Praying for all of you to continue being blessed daily.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  4. Has it already been 6 months?!?! Did you take that beautiful picture? Thinking and praying for a positive outcome from the upcoming appointments!

  5. Praying for these upcoming appts and for the glorious life ahead of you.
    I can't believe Gwyneth is going to be 9 mos and it's already been six months for Tricia... wow. alot of life has happened in such a short time.
    Thank you for the most incredible faith filled journey precious ones.

  6. Hmmm-I was expecting the inside of the house to be as rugged as the outside. I love old houses, even if they aren't "pretty". Any others in the area used as movie sets recently? I remember some movies from the late 60's on east coast beaches. Not surfing movies, but dramas. SOme if not most may have been off Long Island. I just feel so weird. the actors in these movies played teenagers then and are my hubby's age or older. Well, at least Gere is younger.

  7. I am so glad you posted a pic of that house! My co-workers & I were just discussing today whether that house was really that close to the water or not! We are so excited to see the movie! The OBX is a place I want to visit. Maybe next year for our annual beach vacation.

  8. I've followed your blog for a while but have hardly commented. I'm a close friend of the girl who does the Really Living blog that is in contact with you guys I think...anyways she introduced me to your blog in January and I've been addicted to the miracle I've watched unfold in the beautiful pictures and words you have shared. I truly and smiled, cried, etc. with you guys and prayed many times for you all. I would check your blog numerous times a day just longing for some type of update and would excitedly share the good news of several days with my husband.
    Your story and little Gwyneth has truly shown me many things over the months and humbled me to my knees as well as caused me to shout praise loudly to God!
    Thanks for sharing! I consider you all friends because I feel as though I know you all for some reason! =) Just wanted to share a word of thanks with you all. And wanted to share that I heard Richard Gere in an interview say the OBX is nothing like he expected and one of the most beautiful, unique places he's ever been. I've seen a few with OBX on their liscense plates time to time and think of you all. You all have got me quite interested in visiting the area and I hope to one day. =)

  9. "A Walk to Remember" is my favorite, too! I've read all his books, which only continues my love affair with your great state!

    Back to the topic, so glad you guys are getting a house. And I pray for you all daily.

  10. Oh how wonderful, the calm...(sort of) humdrum of daily life must feel for you! So glad that you have had such wonderful opportunity to return to the beautiful OBX with both girls to enjoy the glorious, changing weather patterns. And, thank you for sharing this journey with us. God is good.

  11. Thanks for sharing that about the house and location. That is so neat that you guys live so close.

    I can't wait to see the move as I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan, and I think the the other movies, based off of his novels, have been fantastic as well.

    Congrats on getting your house as well, that is such an exciting thing. I know how it felt for me whne my husband and I bought our house, it's been over a year and I still can't get over how excited it makes me feel to have our place, our home.

  12. Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors. I am reading "Nights In Rodanthe" now. I always like to read his books before I see the movie. Very cool that the movie was set so close to you guys.

    Praying every day for good news regarding Tricia's cancer.

  13. tricia girl so glad you're getting some rest...hopefully you can all feel up to some celebrating soon!!

    much love from Mexico!!

  14. We saw the movie was ok. The book was much better. The house is pretty cool. However, I would not want to be in it during a hurricane, like the characters did. I told my husband tonight during the movie that I really want to visit the beaches there. I've always wanted to. I want to do the whole tourist thing on the east coast.

  15. Pulled a "drive by" on the house last weekend while vacationing in Avon, NC.

    Funny story. My husband is a "die hard" surfer and was actually in Rodanthe surfing on one of the actual filming days. I remember him calling me and telling me all about the road (NC 12) being blocked off near the beach house and he said there were camera crews all over the place, as well as "crew" members 4-wheeling on the beaches with microphones and other speakers and such. He also said that the crew appeared to be doing some minor renovations to the exterior of the house. Pretty cool.

    I CANNOT wait to see the movie. I already "hinted" to my husband that we need to plan a "date" night soon for dinner and a movie.

    Anyway, the house is portrayed beautifully in the photos. But, the house is even more beautiful in person!!! I'm glad I got to see it last weekend.

  16. Saw the movie tonight and loved it....I thought it was probably the OBX and felt a connection by "knowing" you guys...Still praying for you in Memphis. Your precious family is truly a miracle.

  17. Wow, I've been gone for about a week. Off on a business conference with little spare time. Sounds like life is progressing well. I'm excited about your home!! We'll be praying for the checkup. We still pray for you guys daily.

  18. Cant' wait to see the movie. Hope Tricia starts feeling better soon!

    Try and have a relaxing weekend :)

  19. I still check your blog every day, and I really care about your family and feel happy when these exciting "NORMAL" things are happening. Here's to more posts about house buying and baby development! So happy things are in a (relatively) calm place right now.

  20. All i have to say "God bless you!" both!

    I am praying that Tricia receives the best news possible as well, and that you two can get your lives back on track and just have your 'usual' medical stuff to deal with!

    Best of luck to you both!

  21. What a cool looking house. I will have to check out some of his movies.
    Sometimes a slow day is good, enjoy it. Praying for Tricia.

  22. Prayed for Tricia and your whole family on my run/walk this morning! Up to 8 miles today!


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