
Monday, September 29, 2008

Feeling Bad

Tricia's not feeling good today...mostly fatigue. She had some blood work done this morning, which made her day at the doc's longer than we expected. After sleeping some during her meds, she has slept most of the rest of the day since she got home around 3:30.

The blood work revealed that Tricia's anemic, mostly due to the chemo. She'll receive a shot tomorrow to help her along with this. The anemia (along with other factors) causes the fatigue, which we've especially noticed the past several days.

And, of course, being a new mother with fatigue leaves Tricia feeling very un-motherly, which leaves me feeling very helpless. I love spending time with Gwyneth, but not when it's because Tricia cannot. We're praying for a better day tomorrow.




  1. Praying for the ever needed strength you both find somehow, someway. What an inspiration...hope this fatigue turns to energy in no time! Thanks for the update!

    refreshing in ohio

  2. and we will all come along side you and pray for relief from the anemia and related fatigue!

  3. Praying for a better day tomorrow!! I know how much chemo took out of my mom - with Tricia's anemia, I can only imagine. I hope her numbers continue to improve and that she feels better soon.

  4. Sending our prayers to Tricia, and lots of support to your family.

  5. I pray tomorrow is a better day for you all. I'm so sorry that Tricia is not feeling good but I have a good feeling she will be back and feeling better soon! We all love you guys!
    Katie L

  6. If it helps I understand especially in the the lymphoma and chemo area.
    With being a Mom its tough but its tough on Dad to Nate I understand that to.
    Tricia has been through so much prior to the lymphoma and chemo. I can't even begin to understand that.I am sure she is still regrouping and healing as well.

    But I can say I will walk with you both through this in support of you.
    Hopefully the shot will help a bit. I know for me they did. But rest and sleep is a good thing to.

    Praying for both of you.

  7. I've been thinking about her too. Here's for wishing for a better tomorrow too.

  8. Praying for a good nights sleep for all of you and a better tomorrow!

  9. Sorry to hear Tricia is not feeling well and her bloodwork didn't come back great. Anemia can definitlety make you like that, B-12 shots really help though.

    I pray that tomorrow brings her more energy and she wakes up feeling somewhat if not totally better.

    Good Night and Sweet Dreams!

  10. Praying for a better tomorrow for Tricia and hoping the shot will help.

  11. You're a true testimony of faith. Your family has helped me get through tough times with my 2 year old nephew who was recently diagnosed with CF. Who knows what the future holds for his life, but we know whose hands he is in (just like your wife)!

  12. Tricia, you are an amazing wife, mother and woman!!!!! You are SOOOO strong and have endured so much!!!! It is simply amazing to be able to witness your amazing life and journey. You give me hope everyday...I pray for you that you are able to get rested and some strength back and that your side effects are minimal.... Hang in there and know we are all thinking and praying for you!!!! You are LOVED!!!!!!!

  13. Definately praying for strength for all of you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Also praying for a better day tomorrow...

  14. Just praying and praying that God is using this chemo to completely eradicate that cancer...and all of this will be an unpleasant and distant memory in the very near future!! Hang in there you two!! I so admire the way you are continuing to just tackle life and revel in the everyday miracles as you travel this road!

  15. I know it's so hard to be a new mom and be sick. I've never had to deal with what Tricia's going through, for sure, but I will pray anyway.

  16. Lifting you all up in my prayers.... fatigue for a new mother without health issues can sometimes be overwhelming (especially with a premie). You guys are pretty amazing to only be reporting the occasional "off" day. I'm praying for God's peace, comfort, rest, and restoration for you all tonight!!

  17. Oh Nate, thanks for your transparency. It's hard to be the parents of a newborn under the best of circumstances. If all of us would let others know how hard this time could be and how much we need others, I really think there would be less post-partum depression. Thanks for leading by example with your honesty. Praying for strength for both of you.

  18. I'm praying for all of you & especially Tricia. I can't imagine how she must feel & I pray that very, very soon you will get the great news that we are all expecting! I loved the pictures that you took over the weekend! Tricia is beautiful as a blond! I am keeping you all in my thoughts & prayers!
    Emily in Mississippi

  19. praying! Thanks for sharing so I can pray more specifically and so God can use you guys to inspire me and renew my faith once again, no matter what may happen in a day.

  20. It was hard enough to be a new mom and be tired... I can't even begin to understand how Tricia must feel to be feeling so fatigued. You both are in my prayers - praying you are re-energized with HIS strength!

  21. Praying that you will have a better day! Hugs from Idaho.

  22. I cant imagine how tough everything can seem sometimes and Im sending lots of prayers your way :)

  23. I hope Tricia feels better soon! I'll be praying for you guys!

  24. praying for renewed strength...

  25. I'm praying for your little family. Trish has been holding up very well considering all that she has been through.

  26. Prayers for Tricia to be filled with energy and healing.

  27. That must be really tough for Tricia to feel so ill, with a tiny babe, and all of their not-so-tiny demands. I don't know how you guys do it with such grace. Sending love and healing thoughts. Elise

  28. Praying that Tricia will be feeling better soon, and for more strength.

  29. Praying for her to start feeling better and for you, as you deal with all the worry and emotions that this must bring. You are doing great! Send Tricia hugs and smiles and lots of love from us here.
    We continue to pray every day,
    Tricia and Clan :) xox

  30. I hope your day is better today Tricia!

  31. I will continue to keep Tricia and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I can only imagine your frustration that this has been such a difficult road. I am sorry it is so hard. Here's hoping and praying that things get easier soon!

  32. Praying that the shot really does a number on her & puts more pep in her step. And praying for your emotional fatigue as well. God is good.

  33. Tricia dear I want to remind you that God picked you to be Gwyneth's mommy. He knew everything about you and thought you were darn special and said I am giving this one, this sweet little baby girl to her to My Tricia. Don't for one minute think that you aren't a good mommy. You are a good mommy and Gwyneth is blessed to have you as a mother. You are just what she needs. You rest when you need to especially now (I promise she won't even remember,lol). Gwyneth needs a mommy that takes care of herself so that she is better equipped to take care of Gwyneth!

    Don't let anyone tell you differently. Satan will try to attack you and tell you how terrible of a mother you are (he does it to all of us) DON'T listen!

  34. Will be keeping Tricia in my prayers.

  35. Praying for you guys, like always..

    I don't know if it's CF related, but I'm anemic also. My CF docs told me to start taking Flintstones Complete vitamins a few years ago b/c they are packed with iron, and I've never had a problem with my anemia since. :) I can feel Tricia's pain though. I was a complete zombie until they figured out I was iron deficient. Sooo tired!

  36. I'm so sorry your not feeling good Tric. While I have never gone through all that you have, I do understand anemia as I battle with it during my pregnancies. And I know how hard it is to want to be with your child(ren) caring for them when you are short of breath and all you want to do is sleep.
    I will be praying especially for you today.

  37. Praying for a better day Nate!

    He will lift up your tired hands and strengthen your feeble knees.

    Trusting in God to be your all in all today!

    Blessings and love,

  38. Sending Prayers to you both today.

  39. Well today is now tomorrow! Hehe so I hope to see a post that says praise the Lord Tricia is feeling much better today! I have had a family member with cancer and I know how hard those sleepy days can be. Sending great love and prayers your way.

    The Dovel House

  40. Praying Tricia is feeling better today.

  41. Praying for rest, healing, and restoration for your beautiful wife!

  42. Praying that Tricia is feeling better today.

  43. Hello Nate, Tricia and Sweet Gwyneth ... I am sorry to hear you are feeling fatigued ... what a bummer! You amaze me Tricia with all you have been through ... thank you so much for sharing your story! What a book I can't put down ... and of course when you get to see a sweet face like Gwyneth's how can you not keep visiting? ** Oh and I love the blonde locks Tricia ... !

    Rebekah, Jaden & Baby#2 in MN

  44. Better days are yet to come, tell Tricia to hang in there! She is truly an inspiration in all she has been through. I know that she probably doesn't feel amazing right now but she is truly one of the most amazing people I have ever had the honor of reading about and "knowing" online or even in real life.

    Hope she feels better soon so she can play with that little angel baby, I know that it must be upsetting to her that she doesn't have the energy right now, but times will get better.

    Praying for the 3 of you, as always.
    Lori and Emma

  45. Hang in there guys, we are all sending our prayers and support -

  46. Poor sweet thing! Motherhood is exhausting enough without chemo on top of it. Hang in there Tricia. I pray for a better day for all three of you. Blessings!

  47. Hope you are feeling better today Tricia! It does get better!

  48. Oh Nate ~ I'm so sorry it was a rough for all of you. Tomorrow... ~Heather

  49. I'm praying for you today, Tricia. I'm praying for a better day, less fatigue and strength through this tough time.
    Sending my love and prayers to you both, Tricia and Nate.

  50. im definetly sending prayers!!! hugs and big kisses to baby girl also!!

  51. Praying for all of you today!

    Southern CA

  52. Can't imagine really. It was hard for me when I had debilitating migraines when my kids were little and I couldn't care for them the way I wanted. Tricia is facing so much more than that. I will pray for God's peace through it. For both of you.

  53. Wow! I will be praying for Tricia. Having a little one to take care of can be tiring enough without adding the extra fatigue brought on my anemia and chemo.

    That song I believe by Chris Tomlin on our strength rising when we wait upon the Lord, came into my head as I typed this. I pray that she will find strength which could only come from our Lord.

  54. I can only imagine how frustrating this is for both of you. I'm praying she regains some energy soon so you both can completely enjoy every moment with your little miracle.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Is Tricia starting Procrit shots? I've been on them for several months now b/c of anemia. I was also on them pre-lung-transplant. They have helped some, but I really need IV iron. I hope Tricia doesn't have to resort to that and her iron level comes back up soon. I am praying that today is a better day for her!!

  57. Aawww..I'm so sorry Tricia's not feeling well. Being a new mother is tiring enough, so I couldn't imagine having health issues on top of that.

    Please remind Tricia that by taking care of herself, she IS taking care of Gwyneth. She is a wonderful mother.

    Praying for her and YOU right now.

  58. I hope tomorrow is better for all of you.

  59. Praying that you will both find God to be your strength. I love the song that Stephen Curtis Chapman sings that says, "His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. He'll carry us when we can't carry on. Raised in his power, the weak become strong. His strength is perfect. His strength is perfect." (I may not have them exactly right, but that's really close.) Psalm 46:1 is a great verse about God being our refuge and strength.

  60. I pray that Tricia feels much better very soon.

  61. Poor Tricia--I'm so sorry that you feel bad not only physically from the chemo but also emotionally from the baby issues. But, at least you know that Nate LOVES taking care of both of you so you don't have to feel guilty. But, being a mother, I know that you want to be taking care of Gwyneth yourself. This too shall pass--soon hopefully. I just remember back when you were in ICU after your transplant and I thought that Nate was going to hurt someone for not letting him stay in there and take care of you like he was used to doing!

  62. Having a baby is hard enough when you are healthy and feel good. You guys are doing a great job, hang in there. Feel better, lots of prayers for you three.

  63. Lots and lots of love and prayers from Colorado ...

  64. Sorry Tricia's having such a hard time. The shot should help. I'm still remembering you in my prayers here in Michigan.

  65. We will absolutely pray for strength and energy for Tricia. Simply parenting is exhausting. Parenting through all that you both must be feeling is heroic.

    Also, tell Tricia that the blonde hair peeking out of her cap looks fun!

  66. I know words are just words, but I have to say: the only true test of a good mother is her love for her child, and Tricia passes that with flying colors. You can see it in the sacrifices she made, in the look in her eyes when she's holding her baby girl, and in every photo you've so generously shared with us.

  67. Wow, being a new mom is quite a challenge already. Tricia is such an amazing woman. I will add my prayers for supernatural energy for her.

  68. I pray for Tricia's regained strength. Please tell her not to feel badly about taking a "break" from mothering Gwyneth. You are both so very fortunate that you have so much family near by to help you. Also that you are able to take off so much time from work whenever you need to,to pitch in and care for the baby when Tricia cannot. That is so so rare!
    When I went thru the treatment experience, I had no choice, but to drag my weak and tired self to take care of my kids, because my husband could not afford any more time off from work or we would lose our insurance. You are both very blessed indeed! May Tricia be on the upswing soon!


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