
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Feeling Better

Just a quick update to let you know that Tricia was feeling better today. More than likely, the side-effects from this 4th round will kick in in a few days.

Much thanks to everyone who was praying and thinking of Tricia (and me) last night and today. It's very encouraging.



  1. Glad to hear she is feeling better. Most mommas have their down days (I know I do!!), but Tricia certainly has way more to deal with than most!

  2. We'll continue to pray, Nate. Glad to hear that this was a better day. His mercies are new every morning, right?

  3. I haven't commented in a while, but wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you all, especially today. We will continue to keep you in our daily prayers.

  4. nate thanks for the update!

    i was just headed for bed to say my evening prayers and now i get to praise Him for this good news.

    know that i lift you up before our Father daily and love watching Him work in and through your lives!

    love and blessings,

  5. Happy to hear Tricia is feeling better today. Will continue you to pray for you both. Hope tomorrow is an even better day!

    Have a great night!

  6. glad to hear she is feeling better. still praying

  7. I'm glad to hear she is feeling better. I am continuing to pray for her!!

  8. Continued Prayers Nate. Glad to hear today was a better day for Tricia. That means a better day for everyone:)

  9. So glad to hear Tricia is feeling better. Thanks for the update.

  10. Glad to hear she's feeling better! What a strong strong woman she is, we are all lucky to know her, even if it is just through words on a computer monitor.

  11. I'm so glad she's feeling better! I can relate... the fatigue from chemo doesn't always go away by taking a nap. It can be frustrating for a mom that just wants to take care of her children! I'm praying for all of you!

  12. Praying for minimal side effects this time around....

  13. Praying for you all every day. Looking forward to moving into your home and the Dr's report.


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