
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Sunday!



  1. Isn't it awesome when they start to babble?!?! One of my favorite baby stages.

  2. So amazingly cute. We could watch it over and over again. Pretty soon she'll be sticking her tongue out at you!

  3. too cute - I can't believe how big she's getting! you're going to come to regret that whole encouraging of the tongue sticking out thing LOLOL

  4. My husband says he respects you for all you do with Gwyneth. He also says you guys are always joyful.

    I loved the wave at the end.

    Have a great Sunday! We did, fellowshipping with fellow brothers and sisters is always a joy!

  5. Oh that was beautiful!! What a talker she is.

  6. The love came pouring through the computer screen. :)

  7. She is beautiful!
    What a reminder of God's love and faithfulness.

  8. Every baby should have a daddy like you! I just loved watching this video! You have a beautiful family and I wish God's blessings on all of you! Prayers from South Dakota.

  9. Ok that was STINKIN ADORABLE!! I love it when they try to talk! Their little sounds are so cute! Do you know how much longer she will have to usethe canula? I saw she didn't have it on again, good stuff!

  10. Happy Sunday to you as well! She is so cute! Thanks for sharing her smile with us today.

  11. She's just too cute. Thanks for sharing that with us...

  12. Tooooo cute!! That wave at the end was awesome!!


  13. SHE IS SO CUTE! You are going to have quite the talker on your hands! I love her constant babbling! It's great. You can't help but smile when you watch that video!

  14. Thanks for showing us this video. I am not having a great day today and this really cheered me up. She is precious! Leigh Ann

  15. What a big girl! Eek! She's so awesome :)

  16. Love it! Great Video Clip!
    This is the "why" I keep coming back to visit your blog!

    Thank you!
    Karen et al

  17. Absolutely adorable...and when you think of all this little sweetheart has come through...God is good!
    Great to hear her praising Him today.
    "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord".

  18. Nate -

    I haven't commented in a while, but after that absolutely adorable video, I can't resist not leaving a few words.

    Okay, the WAVE at the end ..... SERIOUSLY??

    TOO CUTE!!!

    Loved, loved, loved seeing little Gwyneth in action!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday. After yesterday's HANNA action, I am so happy to see the sun shining here in Virginia Beach. I know you are, too.

    We are heading down to Avon, NC next weekend. NO MORE STORMS!!!

    Va Beach

  19. Gotta love those giggly babies! She is just so gorgeous, and has daddy RIGHT where she wants him. Might as well warm up the credit cards now...for the day when "Daaaaaaaaaaaddyyyyyyyyy" comes out of that precious little one...and daddy just loses his mind.

    (yep...I was a daddy's girl too)

  20. What a cutie! I love her smile : )

  21. Precious and beautiful. God bless your family. Good bonding time with daddy. I'm a reader from British Columbia.

  22. I love the wave at the end! She's so adorable and what a miracle! It was really cute how she looked right over at you when you said her name. Baby babble ~ gotta love it!

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  23. SO CUTE! I loved hearing the little baby sounds... :) Thanks for brightening my day!

  24. ok that is seriously too precious!

    once again she just steals our hearts!

    thanks for sharing video of her and tricia! they are beautiful together as well!

    it is wonderful to see you enjoying these wonderful moments together!

    thinking of you and praying for you - full of His blessings and love!

    have a blessed evening!

  25. SO cute...thanks for putting it up for all of us to see.

  26. Thank you for the Sunday afternoon smile! Love that baby babble!

  27. So cute!!!!! I think she looks like Tricia :)

  28. Thanks!...I have a really stupid grin on my face. No matter how many times we see a baby, we will do ANYTHING to make them talk and smile at us.

    Bless you guys!

  29. Talking and waving bye-bye! Way to go, Gwyneth. So cute and smart!

  30. Oh my goodness - how GORGEOUS!!

    That video totally made my afternoon.

    The wave at the end? 'Bout killed me! Sooo cute!

  31. That is such a precious video! Love it!

  32. That was the cutest!!

  33. Ok she's always been gorgeous as it is so how is it that every time you post pics or a video she's EVEN CUTER???? And the talking....oh wow. And the wave? It makes me want to cry!!!! Absolutely adorable! Thanks so much for sharing made my day!

  34. Haven't posted a comment in awhile but I am loving seeing you little sweetie grow up. Praying for all three of you. Thanks again for sharing your life with us.

    Tricia :)

  35. i love the way she mimics you...
    she is so cute...

  36. I know this is not about this blog but what song did you use for the weddind part 1 on utube? Also who did your photography its so beautiful

  37. I know this is not about this blog but what song did you use for the weddind part 1 on utube? Also who did your photography its so beautiful

  38. I love it when they start talking back!!! She is beautiful!!!

  39. Very cute! I love baby babbles!

  40. I never noticed how much she looks like Tricia! This was super cute. I'm so glad you are recording so much cuteness to look back on when she's bigger.

  41. Precious, just precious. That's what a miracle looks like!!

    God Bless~

  42. Just one comment. If that don't make your Sunday happy, NOTHING WILL!!! Good job Dad!!! Hope Mom is feeling good today.

  43. SQUEEEE!!!!! There is NOTHING cuter than when babies first start trying to communicate, and you can see how much Little Miss Gwyneth has to say and how hard she is trying to get it out (of either end, hahahaaa). No developmental problems there--I have developmentally-delayed kids (two of them, and one who is not but has other more medical-type special needs) and the way she responds to your voice and THE WAVE AT THE END just made my heart sing. Gwyneth continues to defy all odds with her feisty fighting spirit; you can really tell she is Tricia's daughter can't you? Amazing, both of your girls, and you too for sharing this with us so that we can smile too. Happy Sunday indeed!

  44. so cute! my two year old twins thought you were funny and they kept saying, "hi, baby"

  45. Gwyneth...thanks for making my day!!! You were the best thing I have seen!!!!

  46. That was such a happy thing to see this Sunday, ohhh my goodness she's precious! I loved watching the video!


  47. That is too cute! I love watching her imitate you. She's adorable.

  48. THAT was AMAZING! That wave at the very end was incredible! those little feet.... too precious.
    thanks for the share Nate!

  49. how precious!!I watched it twice. I am so thankful that God allowed you both this amazing privilege.
    I am so grateful for your family!

  50. how precious!!I watched it twice. I am so thankful that God allowed you both this amazing privilege.
    I am so grateful for your family!
    The tongue thingy however may come back to haunt you lol

  51. So sweet! Precious little conversations!

  52. How cute! My one years old waved at the video and says "hi" to Gwyneth!

  53. Oh my gosh, she is too adorable. I think she looks alot like Tricia. One thing's for sure - she adores her daddy - it's the same with all little girls. Lucky you, having two beautiful girls in your life.
    Praying as always,
    Tricia and Family (N.VA)
    :) :)

  54. Nate and Tricia,

    It is amazing to see just how big she has gotten! It has been neat to watch her grow. May your family have a blessed week!

    Love, The Hagers in Michigan

  55. It is so apparent what a wonderful father you are and how much she adores you! She's adorable!!

  56. You are an amazing father. Gwyneth is very blessed...not to mention so stinking cute! :)

  57. How cute!! I love how she mimicks you after you stick out your toungue - then she does. That is so great (I'm a teacher so those little things just tickle me!) She's going to be a talker in no time!!

    Gwenyth is a very loved little girl and it shows.

  58. Nathan, this video is too cute for words. I just love the wave in the end. You've got one beautiful little girl there...y'all are in serious trouble 15 years from now. ;) lol

  59. Wow, you've taught her to wave at the camera and everything! She is a certified genius!

  60. That was great... loved it! She is just to cute, cant believe how far she has come, it's wonderful. And she really waved... soo cute! :)


  61. I love it, this is priceless!!!! Good job on the wave!

  62. It is always fun to see you enjoying your daughter. Time goes so fast.

  63. With your dog being named Meka, and the love your family has for every day, and seeing the video of daddy and daughter and thinking what a gift that little girl is, I thought of this song. My girls and I love this song, the lyrics aren't all the best, but it's one of those get up and dance songs, and Love Today is a great theme. The song is called Love Today and it's by Mika and you can find it on youtube. :)

  64. Great father/daughter moments there! Still praying.

  65. Delicious video! And cute baby, her smile is a gift for everybody!
    A kiss from Italy

  66. She is so precious! She looks just like Tricia when she smiles. :-)

  67. What a punkin!!

    So, have you found a second job yet? It won't be long before she's asking for a pony. ha ha!!!

  68. how exciting to hear her babbling & see her *waving* to the camera. it's clear the love you & trisha have for's poured out in her sweet little spirit! we continue to pray for all 3 of you!

  69. Thank you for sharing so much with us..How sweet is she?? You can tell she really adores her daddy!! and vice versa! lol You guys are in my prayers daily and I am really pulling for y'all!

  70. She is beautiful. I love baby babbling!! :)

  71. What a miracle of God. Praise you Jesus!

  72. Wow she waves! So talented and so cute!!

  73. Brilliant! Loved the wave at the end. I reckon Gwyneth was concentrating on filling her nappy on camera too LOL! xxx

  74. This is the sweetest thing I have ever EVER seen!

  75. I just love the tongue-wiggling Gwyn does!! So fun to see her try imitate you! :-) Just love seeing you all in action via video feeds in addition to still photos.

    Thanks for sharing!


  76. Her smile is just adorable. I bet you play with her all day.

  77. I my, that is adorable. As if I wasn't clucky enough. If I end up with a fifth child I will tell my husband to blame you. LOL. Love the wave at the end. How clever is she?

  78. Gwyneth is adorable. She is really growing fast now.

  79. My daughter is turning 8 months on the 11th, such a wonderful age, isn't it?

  80. oooooooh how cute, what a little cutie she is, made me cry buckets, and the wave at the end!! she will end up on the stage one day! P.s. you are such a lovely Daddy xx


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