
Monday, September 8, 2008

This Week

With our Great Strides Walk this Saturday and the side effects of Tricia's chemo probably kicking in sometime in the next few days, this week should be our last crazy week of the summer. I'm thankful that I made the decision to give the organization/leadership responsibilities of the walk over to others this year (and they're doing a great job!) so that my involvement with the walk has been minimal. We're praying that Tricia will feel well enough to attend and that the weather will be perfect so that Gwyneth can come as well.

We have picked a winner for the t-shirt contest, which will be announced later in the week. Thanks to those who participated!

The Wedding Day Photography Package Auction ends in a few days, and it appears that nobody has even bid yet, which means somebody could walk away with a great deal! Don't forget to check it out!

And, Gwyneth Rose is 8 months old today! Look for pug pics later!




  1. What a BIG girl!!! Good luck with the walk. I hope the weather cooperates so Gwyneth can go too!!
    and praying that Trisha is well enough to make an appearance.

  2. Darn it...spelled Tricia's name sorry!!

  3. Happy eight month birthday, Gwyneth!

    You have been through a lot in your short life, but you have won the hearts of so many as we have watched your family's struggles and amazing progress. You are very blessed with the love of God, family, and friends. Many people – like me - who do not know you or your parents personally, have become invested in praying for you and keeping up with your daily progress. What a wonderful thing it is to be part of the family of Christ! I pray that you will serve Him all of your life.

    Looking forward to the pug pictures. I miss those!

  4. What a beautifully healthy wonderful 8-month birthday smile!

  5. Wow, does she have Mommy's smile there or what???

  6. Oh wow! eight months old! She sure looks like her beautiful Mama in this picture!
    Cant' wait to see the pug! :)

  7. I am thrilled that Gwyneth is doing so beautifully! That age where they have all that personality, sleep through the night, and stay where you put them is MAGIC!!!

    I wanted to answer your One Year question--I started reading about a month after Gwyneth was born, and stayed on the edge of my seat until Tricia was released from the hospital. I LOVED the April Fools joke, and the photos are SO fun. I now take "crooked" pictures in your honor.

    Blessings to all of you!

  8. 8 months old?! holy cow! our God is soooooooooooo BIG!!! i'm amazed.

  9. 8 months old?! holy cow! our God is soooooooooooo BIG!!! i'm amazed.

  10. I looked back at pictures of Gwyneth from January, and it's amazing how far she has come. What an amazing baby girl you have! She's getting so big!

  11. What a cutie pie! I love this picture of Gwyneth! We're looking forward to seeing the pug pictures later. Praying for you guys!

    ~Sara in MD

  12. Happy 8 month birthday Gwenyth. She has gotten so big!

  13. Gwyneth looks exactly like Tricia! Beautiful!

  14. I thought about Gwyneth's 8 month birthday this morning while I was getting ready for work... and also thought about Tricia, wondering how she was feeling after her latest round of chemo...

    I'll keep praying.

  15. Happy birthday, Gwyneth! You are beautiful.

  16. She has a smile to make anyone's day!

  17. She is beautiful! Just like her Mommy! And I can see both of you in her face, its quite amazing xxxx

  18. Happy 8 month birthday! I think she's starting to look like her Mum! She still looks a lot like Daddy though. :)

    I'd love to bid on her auction but the starting price is already higher than we could afford. We're in England anyway lol... I hope someone with that large of a photo budget bids on it! (I'm thinking in the US people must spend more on weddings lol)

  19. aw man, I'm getting married in November. But I already have my photographer. And the starting bid is $1000... :-/

    Hopefully someone will take this offer though!!!!!!!!

  20. oh my goodness...her mouth/smile is EXACTLY Tricia's!!

  21. Her little face is getting plumper!
    Can't wait to see those pug comparisons!

  22. Wow what a big girl! She is the sweetest thing. Thanks for continuing to share your story with all of us. Praying!

  23. Love that pix of Gwyn-- so big and adorable!

  24. Aw, look at that sweet smiling little face! Ain't she sweet...

  25. Wow, she looks like Tricia in this picture! Great smile!

  26. Wow, Happy Birthday Gwyneth! 8 months old, time flies!

  27. I know I'm late to say this - several others have already noted it - but I just have to say. She SO looks like Tricia here!! That smile is her Mama's! Too cute!!


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