
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

House Details

First, because the closing date is not until November 7, and the current owner will be living in the house for the next several weeks, I won't be showing any pics until we have closed, so you'll just have to be patient.

Next, you may want to Read This Post to remember all of things we were looking for in a house...

The house is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a smaller kitchen and a nice-sized living room. It is ground level, about 20 years old. It is a great, family-friendly neighborhood, with mostly year-round residents for neighbors (which is hard to find around here). It's on a cul-de-sac, off the main road, with a great fence-in back yard, a large shed, and lot's of trees and shade.

We're buying the house "as is", which means, outside of some major issues revealed with an inspection, we'll be taking care of any minor issues after closing. Most of the house is carpet, which we'll be tearing up and replacing with solid flooring. We'll also be patching and painting everything inside. Several of the appliances that come with the house are fairly new, which is great.

We're hoping to be in the house by Thanksgiving week. Assuming we close on November 7, we should have enough time to accomplish this. Fortunately, most of our stuff is still packed away in our storage unit, and we'll be getting rid of some of our old furniture and buying some new stuff, so moving should be pretty simple.

Thanks so much for your prayer and encouragement. This has been a two year adventure for us, with some time off while we were in Durham, and it's very satisfying to think of owning a house and living by ourselves (including hotels and condos) for the first time!

God continues to show that His timing is perfect, every step of the way.



  1. I hope everything goes perfect and smooth and you are able to close on November 7. How exciting!

  2. Congrats!! That is such amazing news! I am sure there will be MANY thanks around that Thanksgiving table.

  3. Awesome news! Just found out as my computer's been down for three days. We are so happy for you - and it is so well deserved. Hope Tricia continues to heal and improve and that that gorgeous little girls learns new trick each and every day! You'll be running after her before you know it :).
    Prayers and blessings,
    Tricia and Family

  4. Hi Nate,

    I found you through Hot Tub Lizzy who I found on my DIL's blog. Your story is incredible and I cry almost every time I read it. I am a grandmother of a one year old and your story makes me sooooo very thankful for her. I am a nurse by profession so I understand what a miracle your beautiful wife and baby are. I pray that Tricia improves and that there will be lots of happy times in that new house. We used to visit the OBX a lot, we live in GA now so we go to a SC beach. Good luck!

  5. Congratulations!

    And I know I'm a bit behind here, but how cute is Tricia in that hat (a couple of posts previous)!!!!!!


  6. I am so happy for you!!! God is never behind or ahead of schedule. Still praying for you regularly in Surrey, BC, CANADA

  7. What an amazing year you guys have had....

    1. Gwyneth Rose was born
    2. Tricia had her transplant
    3. Tricia came home from the hospital
    4. Gwyneth came home from the hospital.
    5. You all moved back to the OBX
    6. You had a very successful fundraiser for Great Strides.
    7. You bought a house.

    Amazing. God is GREAT.

  8. Praising God for the blessings this past year for all of you, and now a house!AND what a home it will be,filled with Love beyond measure!
    A huge heart filled Congratulations!

  9. Im so happy for your family! Congrats and here is to a smooth move!

  10. Congratulations! We are closing on our first home tomorrow and it IS so exciting - I will make sure to send all of the smooth sailing we have had your way!

  11. Sounds like a great family home! Congrats and good luck with the upcoming closing!

  12. I'm very happy for you guys!! :)

  13. you call that time in Durham - time off... just teasing.... super excited for you guys!!! maybe you should check out my ugly wood floors on my blog for an idea! ha!!


  15. God is Good - Congratulations.

  16. I love that, his timing is perfect. I pray you and your girls will be blessed in your new home.

  17. If you go to, you can have google do the searching for you! You will get an email with all of the hits of your search terms!

    I have been following your story for a few months and am continuously inspired by your faith and the way that you use it to encourage others. Thank you for sharing your story and blessings so freely.

  18. Congratulations! May God continue to bless you in your new home!

  19. Congratulations! Enjoy your new home.

  20. I am so excited for you guys! That is wonderful! Prayers answered again! :o)

  21. Congrats! I just wanted to say that I'm learning more and more everyday about Gods timing! Isn't it just so AWESOME!
    God Bless,

  22. Hooray!!!!!! Buying a house is so exciting! Can't wait to see pictures!

  23. How awesome is our God!

    I am so excited for you and the girls to embark on this new adventure of "normal" in your lives.

    I pray that God is in all of the remaining details - through all the closing and escrow, to the remodeling and moving! Does this mean that the cat (was it Ralphie?) gets to come home at last?

    Blessings to you all,

    Southern CA

  24. I'm so happy for you guys! God is so good and so (!) faithful. He hears our hearts and knows our desires and this house is an excellent example. We bought our first house last year; it was (still is) exciting and fit the list we'd made, too. Love that.


  25. So happy for you guys! Hope everything continues to go smoothly!!

  26. I'm looking forward to the Turkey that Tricia cooks for Thanksgiving! I'll bring the yams! I know how you love your veggies

  27. Won't it be awesome to celebrate Thanksgiving in your own home! So much to be thankful for!


    p.s. God rocks!!!

  28. Congratulations on the purchasing of your first home! I'm so thankful God is continuing to bless you in many ways and that baby girl is just growing cuter and cuter! :)

  29. Nathan, moving is NEVER easy... lol

    congrats on your first home!!!

  30. Yay! Buying your first home is so exciting!! :-)

  31. Congratulations! I know you guys are so excited!!! God is good. I missed the caption contest! You should do another one! :o) The thermometer caption was hilarious!!!

  32. Congratulations Tricia - Nate and Baby Gwyneth ... we are so happy and excited for you and look forward to following along in yet another HUGE milestone for you ...


    Rebekah - Prior Lake, MN

  33. I am so happy for you. I imagine this might be the BEST holiday season ever for you and your family!

    God is good!!!

  34. Congratulations! What terrific news!

  35. Congratulations! No matter where life takes you, that will always be your first family home!

  36. Congratulations on becoming a home owner!


  37. Oh, I'm so very happy to see the Lord again answer the prayers of finding you a home! How exciting to possibly be in by the holidays. We lived in 11 different homes the first 11 years of our marriage. Then a couple of years ago, the Lord provided for us to build our very own home here in Mexico. If the babies keep coming, we can just enclose the back porch to make a big bedroom :) It is such a blessing to have your own home.

  38. What a wonderful blessing this new home is for your family. YAY!

  39. Want you all to know that you are still in my prayers! God is never late and rarely early is what a coworker told me last week! Can't wait to see some pictures!!!

  40. CONGRATULATIONS on your house!!! I remember well that feeling of becoming a home owner and fun it is to fix up and make it your own. You guys deserve this house more than anyone could deserve anything!

    I have mentioned you in my blog a couple of times, ESPECIALLY on April 2 but I don't know if I ever told you that so you can visit me anytime at

    I will praying for Tricia on Thursday for sure!!! And I love Gwyneth's personality shining through on your pictures! The "waking up" one is PRICELESS!

    Keep us posted on how Tricia is doing with this next treatment!

    Love from WV,

  41. Congratulations on buying a house! That is so exciting. You guys are in my prayers. :)

  42. I am so happy for you! The house sounds like a good fit for your family. Sending up prayers that Tricia gets a good report on the chemos progress.

  43. I'm catching up on my blog-reading and WOW exciting about your finding a house. Me and mine have just gone to contract on a house as well and close just a week after you and Tricia. It really is amazing how God works. I know we've been amazed to see so many things fall in place. I will be praying for you both as you go through the laundry list of things to get done before closing. It can get a bit overwhelming, eh?


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