
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Round 4

Tricia receives her fourth round of chemo tomorrow (Thursday) morning, and, because the grandparents are all busy, I've declared it, "Take Your Daughter To Work Day"! Gwyneth will be hanging with me for a few hours while mommy's being filled with the miracle poison.



  1. Praying Tricia's treatment goes smoothly and she recovers quickly. Hope you and Gwyneth have a great morning together!!!!

  2. Please post the pictures!!! We want to see how Gwyneth's training goes!

  3. Praying for you tricia. Hope yo don't have to deal with many side effects and that the meds do their job.
    HUGS and Prayers
    Rachel in PA

  4. Praying that Tricia's chemo goes well. Thought about her while I was out running tonight!! She keeps me going when it gets tough. :-)

  5. Doesn't matter how I found you...

    You are an amazing family.

    God bless your family and all the miracles that seem to keep you all going!

    I pray for a peaceful recovery for your amazing wife and strength for you and that beautiful baby girl of yours!!!!

  6. hang in there Tricia, you're doing great!
    have fun at work with Daddy Gwyneth

  7. Praying this treatment goes well... getting close to having things checked out again right??

    have fun at take your daughter to work day!!

  8. Good luck to Tricia! I'll be thinking about her & praying for her!! Hope you & the sweet baby have a blast together!!!

  9. Good luck to Tricia! You'll be in my prayers!

  10. Praying it all goes well and that Gwyneth enjoys being the boss for the day!!

  11. so any bets how long daddy actaully gets his girl? I'm betting there will be people there glad to watch, hold, feed, etc her so her dad could work...
    should be a fun day at the office ;-)
    Hoping/praying Tricia's treatment goes well and no bad side effects happen!

  12. Praying for Tricia! What a blessing it is to spend time with your daughter! Praying for all three of you!!!

  13. praying, praying, praying!!!!!! i am sure that Gwyneth's input will be essential to the productivity of your work!:)LOL seriously, what a blessing to share the everyday things of life with our children. so thankful for all three of you! Tricia, you are amazing!
    praying, jen in al

  14. Best luck to Tricia, hope the treatment goes smoothly for her. Will Gwyneth's day as a Worship Leader involve drums at all? Prayers continuing...

  15. Praying for all of you today Nate!

    God bless,

  16. Praying for Tricia, that her treament goes smoothly and she gets very minimal side effects, if any at all.

    Enjoy working with little miss Gwyneth!! Im sure the 2 of you will have a blast like always! :)


  17. Praying for Tricia this morning!

    Have a great time with two are absolutely adorable together!!!!

  18. Thinking of you this morning Tricia.

  19. Praying that all goes well with Tricia's treatment with few side effects.Gwyneth will do fine with daddy.
    Praying in Missouri

  20. You guys continue to amaze me with your strength. Hoping the next chemo treatment is as easy as it can be, and that you can bypass the icky side effects.

  21. Good luck with "Round 4" hoping it is as easy as it can be.


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