
Monday, September 22, 2008

House Hunting Update (Monday Morning)

We've been given a counter offer, which is great news. We're taking a look and talking with the bank to find out if it's something we can manage. We may have big news by the end of the day!



  1. That's great news! I'm sure lots of people will be sending good thoughts your way today.

  2. I know the back and forth house buying process can be stressful... good luck!

  3. Nate,
    Best of luck in the rest of your house hunting process. Counter offers are a good sign but also can be a pain! Can't wait to hear about the new house ;)

  4. yeah - can't wait to hear... a new house would be perfect for you guys!

  5. Praying for you Nate!

    Trusting God will lead you to the perfect place to live!

    All for His glory!

  6. There is nothing more exciting then buying a new house and making it your home.. Best wishes today!!

  7. Nate, this is great.There's nothing like owning your own home. I'm praying that He'll lead you'll in the right direction.His will be done.
    Praying in Missouri

  8. Praying for God's will. If this doesn't work out, God has something else in store for you.

  9. Best Wishes! I will be praying for God's will in this.

  10. So exciting! I agree; a counter IS good news.

    I don't know the particulars of your situation, of course. But when I bought my first house, I remember being a bit freaked out by something in the counter offer. I think the "something" only amounted to a difference of a few dollars per month. In my case a few dollars was quite manageable once I really thought about it.

    Again, I'm not you... but I hope that whatever it they countered (more money, less closing costs, or whatever) is something you'll be able to work out if this is the right property for you.

    I'll keep praying...

  11. This is SO exciting! God bless and good luck with everything!

  12. I'm so excited for you. Wow, I remember how nervous I was during that process. Fingers (and toes) crossed for all of you.

  13. That is great news!! Praying it all works out...getting into your first home is always the hardest.
    Good Luck.

  14. Awesome news. I will continue praying that things will work out. It's a great location!

  15. Good luck!!!! We'll be praying and waiting. It's so exciting to think of you guys becoming homeowners. Coming home to your own home is such a good feeling. (Not that mom & dad's isn't a bad deal)

  16. I am so excited for you guys! Praying things go your way.

  17. Yippie and Good Luck! We will be praying and thinking of you three!

    Rebekah - Prior Lake, MN

  18. Praying that you'll have wisdom as the process goes on!!

  19. Goodluck!! Praying for great news!

    Is your song by Brett Dennen? I really enjoy his music!

  20. That is great! Will be praying all goes well. Hope to hear some good news later!

    Good Luck!

  21. wonderful news, we will be praying.

  22. Got all my fingers and toes crossed for you...and that looks kinda funny :)
    Seriously, praying that if this is the house for you, that all goes smoothly from here on out!
    These kinds of pins and needles are a lot more fun to sit on than the kind they use when you are waiting for news from the operating room of a hospital!!!! THIS kind of suspense is FUN! :)

  23. So great! just got home from work and checked in, just the news I was hoping for!


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