
Monday, September 22, 2008

House Hunting Update (Monday Evening)

We should be signing a contract tomorrow!

Oh...and mommy's out for the evening, so Gwyneth and I are hanging at home.



  1. The bank accepted our counter on a house today. So, we know what you are going through.

    Love the picture. G. looks more like a toddler then a baby.

    Have fun tonight.

  2. Woot! It's a never ending pile of paper, but probably some of the most exciting papers you'll sign in your life! We've been in our home for 17 months now and absolutely love it!

  3. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!! ( I hope that's how ya spell that!) That is SO AWESOME!!!!! Get to packin'!

  4. Love the matching expressions in the picture!

  5. Congratulations, Lawrenson clan...great news. We pray you will enjoy your first home for many years to come.

  6. Great shot!!! Welcome to the 'money pit' club! Owning a house is awesome ... so are all the expenses that come with it ... Enjoy!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Love the picture! Glad Tricia is feeling better!

  8. That is WONDERFUL!! Congratulations! Hope all goes smoothly! Glad to hear Tricia is out, means she is feeling well.

    Love the picture! You 2 enjoy Daddy-Daughter night and stay out of trouble!!


  9. Awesome news, Nate!
    I hope that you and the baby have a great evening at home. Best of luck tomorrow!

  10. I think the caption for the pic should read - "Two Words - Mirror Image!"

  11. That pic is totally Me and Mini-Me. I think Tricia was merely the incubator - Gwyneth looks EXACTLY like you! =)

    Congrats on the house!

  12. Congrats on the house!

    Your daughter is simply beautiful.

  13. Peat and repeat...i love that her little personality is already coming out...seriously! you couldnt get that pose agian if you tried...priceless it's like she did it on cue!

  14. Yay for you guys! Can't wait to hear the good news!

  15. That is an awesome picture!! Congrats on the house. This is such a good time to buy!

  16. me and mini-me for sure!!! Too cute!!!

  17. For halloween all you need is to get her a fake baby sized mustache & beard. And some brown and blue clothes!

  18. Oh my! Exciting as all get out and a little daunting at the same time. Congrats! (Lovely pic.)

  19. YEAH -- too fun -- can't wait to see pics of the new digs.....

    hope Tricia has a great night out.... Mommy's need that time away!

  20. That's the best news I have heard all day! I am so excited for you three!

  21. Congratulations Nathan. We'll continue to pray that it goes smoothly!

  22. Awesome news!

    She looks more and more like you every day!!!

  23. That picture says, "Mom, we didn't mean to do it, but..."

  24. Congratulations! That is awesome!

    Gwyneth is just too cute!!

  25. love the photo!!! oh and congrats on your new house... WOOOJUUU

  26. Congrats!! *Yay* for a new house!!

    You can tell Gwyneth is your daughter, but she's much prettier. :)

  27. Yeah!!! Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to see pics!!!! The pic of you and Gwyneth is precious!!!! She is getting so big!!!!

  28. That photo is adorable. Good luck with the contract. We will be praying everything runs smooth for you.

  29. Congrats on the house!! That is such great news!!

    The pic of you and lil G is absolutely adorable !!

  30. Congrats on the house!

    I know you weren't asking for a caption this time, but your picture looks like there was a hidden camera in the fridge and you two opened the door and realized there was no milk left!

  31. Congrats! (This is one of my favorite pictures on your blog EVER!)

  32. Incredible how much God knits you and Tricia together to make such a perfect little princess. She looks so much like you in this photo. Isn't it crazy?
    I'm excited to hear about the house!

  33. Congrats, and OMG that is like one of my favorite pics yet.

  34. Congrats on the house! I dont' have to tell you to have fun with Gwyneth because you obviously already are!

  35. Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!

  36. Congratulations, that is awesome news!!!!!!!!

  37. What wonderful news about the house! Enjoy your hangin out time while Mommy is out for a while. Meka and Ralphie will be over the moon about their new home.

  38. How awesome!!! Your own house. :D

    Btw, you do the "Gwyneth face" very well, Nate!

  39. Good GLORY you two look alike. :)

  40. DUDE! Great news about the house. I'll hope for more good house news tomorrow. I have to ask if you "pimped" out the "crib" video on your Dad's site? I watched the entire video and was cracking up! The music totally made it.

    I drove right past Nags Head Chuch on Sunday afternoon (approximately 12:30 pm). We were on our way back to Va Beach after a weekend getaway in Avon, NC. We had a great weekend away and even hopped over to Ocracoke Island for a short while on Saturday. Ferry ride was a BIG hit with the kiddos!

    I tore my tricep muscle the other day while working out with my trainer and I'm in great pain. The heating pad and I are becoming very close friends. So, I'm going to cease the typing for now. It's been a while since I last commented, so I just wanted to say "hello" and wish you the best of luck with the house!

    And, of course, I L-O-V-E the photo of you and Gwyneth!!!

    Va Beach

  41. Yea for you! Homeowners at last!

    Fun to see little bright-eyed girl--that photo really highlights how well she is seeing, focusing right where you are. Course she's lookin' at herself, so she ought to be enthralled!

  42. Now the real fun starts! wave goodbye to all your money, all you have, all you will ever have, welcome to home ownership! Congratulations!!

  43. Congrats! So exciting!

    And I love the picture!

  44. hands down: BEST. PICTURE. EVER.
    haha, I love it :)


  45. So happy for your family.

  46. Yeah! What an answer to prayer, Tricia, Nate, and Gwyneth! Keep us posted on how else we can be praying for you.

  47. cute!!! congrats- will be praying it will work out!!

  48. What a cute picture! you guys sure know how to have fun!

    We'll be praying for you as you work through the house stuff.

    Enjoy your father/daughter time. I hope Tricia has a great night out.

    ~Sara in MD

  49. Oh! Like Father Like Daughter!! Congratulations on your house housing! Good luck tomorrow...

  50. Yahooo!!!! Congratulations! What an exciting time for the three of you!
    Thanks as always for sharing your joys with us Nate!

  51. That is crazy how much the two of you look a like. I can't believe how much she is changing.

    Good luck with the house.

  52. Congratulations!! And cute pic - Gwyn is looking more and more like you!

  53. How sweet!! Love the pic! Identical twins comes to mind ;o))

    Oh and CONGRATS!! WOOHOO! What an exciting time! We went through it 5 years ago in October!!

    Take care n God Bless!

  54. You two look like you're posing for the cover of the next Home Alone movie. Fitting, I guess.

  55. Coolio! Lil Miss G looks a lot like Tricia in that photo :)

  56. Congrats on the house!

    What scary thing are you 2 looking at?

  57. saying prayers for an easy time with the house stuff, feeling good for Trica and praise for a wonderful, growing, beautiful baby.


  58. Whoo Hooo!!!!!

    Love the pic of you and Gwyneth...she's just adorable!

    Praying for things to continue going smoothly!

  59. Wow! Good Luck with everything. I am sure that you are all excited :-)

  60. I think she is pondering what could possibly be good about moving out of Grandma and Grandpa's home....she has a pretty cushy life there, with four adults at her beck and call! :)
    So happy for you guys! This is just so awesome! Somehow, I think you are even going to be thrilled to be in the position to be making mortgage payments. Your past year sort of puts it all in perspective!

  61. WOW!! She is getting SO BIG!! Congrats on the house!!

  62. that is the cutest picture EVER!!
    Congrats on the house!

  63. What a blessing! Praying for you!

  64. Congratulations on signing the house contract! I continue to chuckle over how much Gwyneth looks like her father! Wow!
    I rarely comment, but I must tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing!

  65. It's a shame that your sweet little girl doesn't look at all like her daddy.
    Good luck with the house - I hope that you are able to get it!!!

  66. yipeeee!
    God is great
    what an adorable picture!
    definite framer!

  67. Man you guys favor! That's awesome news about the house!

  68. Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you guys!

  69. Oh yay! I hope things work out with the contract-signing. That's very exciting news!
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  70. Great news! When you first brought up your specifications for a house I thought it might take longer than it has. (We had similar specifications, so I know it really weeds them out.) It will be very exciting to get settled into your own home as a family of three, altho I'm sure your parents will miss you!

    Happy signing day!

  71. Y'all are too sweet! :)

    Praying things go smoothly with the house!

  72. Yeah!! Signing papers...that is a great thing. You two look so cute together. Praise God for what He is doing for your family in this house purchase. YIPEEE!!

    Tricia :)

  73. Oh boy, does she look like you in this picture or what?

  74. Seriously cute picture! She is like your "mini me".

  75. That is the cutest picture ever!!!

  76. Love this picture of you two!!!!


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