
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Latest Pics



  1. Too cute! She is looking so big and alert. Praise God!!

  2. She is getting so big!!! I could just eat her up...She is a doll baby, What a beautiful site....

  3. gosh! she is so cute :) I love how she's copying you!! (and what gorgeous blue eyes!)

    Jaimie, Ohio lurker

  4. Wow! She hardly looks like the same little girl! How precious she is!

  5. Awe, she loves her Daddy so much, you can see it in the way she stares up at you.

  6. She's really starting to look like her mommy!

  7. In the second picture, I can really see the resemblance to Trisha.

    Great pics!

    Best wishes to all of you.

  8. Precious! Adorable! A breath of fresh air - both of you just enjoying one another - LOVE IT!

    Thanks for sharing Nate!

  9. oh, my she's changing so much! :) what a DOLL! :) i talked to a friend who has THREE CF children - one a day younger than my middle daughter and it was very interesting. her children are ALL doing very well - their son is the only one on medication, all 3 do compression vests and none have ever had to be hospitalized (yet) due to their CF - the oldest is 11 and the youngest is in kindergarten or 1st grade. thanks for sharing so much of tricia's journey with us - it has made me much more aware of my friend's "fight" for her kids! :)

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your family with us. I looked at these pictures tonight and was struck by what an amazing miracle your beautiful daughter is - praise God!

  11. She is so darn cute! :)

    It's hard to keep your hands off her I'm sure!

  12. Love them! Glad to see she is doing so well!

  13. I cant believe how much she has changed, and how great she is doing!

  14. i think she is looking more and more like you!

    blessings ~

  15. She is adorable!!! And I can't get over how alert she is.

  16. She looks soooooooooooo much like her Mom in a couple of the photos, and adorable in all of them. Terrific! And warm thoughts and prayers for Tricia's chemo.

  17. Just a perfect little doll! I haven't been able to be online lately and miss reading your posts so much, but know you are in my prayers and we'll be praying especially in the days ahead for Tric as she has another round of treatment.

  18. such cute pics! Its amazing to see how she has grown from the beginning to now! God is good!

  19. She looks so much like the both of you! Praying for Tricia...

  20. She is looking more like you dad every day. (Of course she is much more BEAUTIFUL in the sweet and cuddly way. ) :)

    Trisha, I will have you in my prayers tomorrow. Thank heavens for baby sleeping through the night.

    Take care and have a blessed day.

  21. Wow! Can you really believe it. She is just so cute. I love the photo with the towel and her hands across her mouth, she looks as if she is thinking....."What is this nut of a Dad gonna do next?"

    Praise be to God, she is truely a blessing to behold.

  22. I was thinking the same thing, Terry! That look is "Daddy, p-uh-LEASE! I'm in a TOWEL!"

  23. God is so great! I am just in awe of his hand here. She looks great!

  24. These are the cutest pictures!It is neat to see her hair growing in.

  25. Too cute!! She is getting so big and I think she is looking like Tricia. Beautiful!

    God Bless!

  26. She is really growing and changing. Prayers are with Tricia today and over the weekend.

  27. Love the pics!

    ~Sara in MD

  28. Awww her eyes are so BIG!
    She's adorable.

  29. She is so cute!!! And I must, add, my daughter has the same towel! I think it's so cute!

  30. What a great Daddy you are!!! If her little personality matches her photos, she is going to be quite the little charmer.

  31. That pic of you over the baby reminds me of the commercial where the guy simply says "Dude"

  32. Don't you just love how no matter what you do they give you the same wide mouthed stare?! babies are great!


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