
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Long Day, Good Day

I'll share details and pics tomorrow. I'm very tired.



  1. I hope you had an awesome day. Hopefully a few more people know a little bit more about CF and the great warriors fighting each day for a cure.

  2. Glad it was a great day, the weather was nice and Tricia was feeling well...can't wait to hear the details....hope you get good rest tonight!!!!!!

  3. Can't wait to hear about the walk. Just got done signing up on the bone marrow donor list...thanks for the link!! I've been meaning to do it for quite some time and having you talk about it and give the link pushed me to get it done. :)

    Have a fabulous Sunday!

  4. Can't wait to hear how you were blessed yesterday!

  5. Deanna from CFF gave us your fantastic news! Great job on your 2nd walk! Our walk generated over $31,000, and we still have more that will be turned in next week! Congratulations on a job well done!

  6. Glad your day went well. You DO look tired!

  7. Glad you hada good day, prayed all day for you guys. Cant wait to hear about it and see pics!!


  8. wish I had been there, but VERY happy that I could help to raise funds. I was thinking about you guys yesterday as I prepared to travel back home.

    one day, we will get together. Know that if you EVER get down this way (Unleased 09?!?!) you got a place to stay.

    thanks for your support. i love my blog friends and thank God for how He has changed my heart and life through ALL of you.

  9. Looking forward to hearing all the details about the walk! I can only imagine how tired you are! Take care and try and get some rest this Sunday


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