
Sunday, September 14, 2008

OBX Great Strides!

What a great day! A record high for September 13 on the OBX at 90f, a nice breeze, and no rain!

Tricia was feeling very good, and she and Gwyneth were able to hang out under the pavilion and stay out of the sun.

We ended up having almost 30 people on Team Pattysue, which is awesome! I am told that over 100 people pre-registered online for the walk, and my guess is that around 250 people showed up to hang out.

Unofficially, I ate two slices of pizza, about 6 sodas, 3 bottles of water, 1 cup of water ice, 2 snow cones, 2 bowls of frozen custard, several corn fritters, 2 donuts and 1 rice crispy treat.

Althought there is still money coming in, the latest total is well over $46,000! I'm guessing that, by the time everything is counted, we'll be over $50,000 (I'll share the official, final total with you when I receive the word), which is awesome! The Elizabeth City Walk brough in $31,000, which means, in the past two years, OBX and E. City have collectively raised well over $100,000 for CF research!!!

Here are a few pics I was able to take between helping with the event and sampling all of the great food...

Tricia's BIL, Al, modeling our Team Pattysue t-shirts! Thanks to Rich for the
winning design, and to everyone who sent in their great designs for our consideration!

One of the many teams who came out to walk!

Some of our great volunteers at the registration table.

My BIL, Ramon, grilling the dogs and burgers.

My mom, Gail and our good friend, Brenda, in charge of the site decoration.

Tricia's brother, Frank.

Tricia with Rita's Ice Man.

Jody from Beach104.

The evidence of a blueberry snow cone.

One of Tricia's awesome Duke nurses, Jamie (who's brother died from CF a few years ago), who drove out from Raleigh with her husband and mom just to hang out with us. Duke nurses are the best!!!

Our great friend, Sophia, from the CFF.

Of course, we had a lot of friends (including a few blog readers) come out to support CF with us, and although I don't have pics of everyone, we want those who were there to know how much we apprecaited seeing you!!! And, of course, thanks to all of our blog readers who supported the walk with your gifts, prayer and encouraging words! We're looking forward to setting a date for '09 very soon, so stay tuned!



  1. Looks like an amazing day! I love seeing people come out to support a worthy cause. How great that you raised so much money.
    My mom has MS so we do the walk every year and my husband has just started a hockey tournament that will hopefully do well enough to become an anual event. The first one is in less than 2 weeks, wish us luck.

  2. Thank you for sharing the GREAT pics and commentary! Praise God for such a large amount raised! I wished so badly I lived nearby!

  3. I'm so glad it was such a success and much answered prayer about Tricia's strength and the weather. Tricia, the wig looks great!

  4. What a great turn out for your walk! I participate in the March of Dimes walk every year and it's just so encouraging to see so many people supporting a great cause. The same for your CF Walk. By the by, you and the girls look FABULOUS! Great pictures!

  5. The pictures from the walk are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing. I think that it is incredible how much money you were able to raise!!!!!!! Congratulations! Tricia, you look amazing!

  6. What a great accomplishment! Awesome photos!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. WOW!! Congratulations on a wonderful day! I can't wait to see what the final tally is. I'm so glad Tricia was able to get out and enjoy the day!!!!! :)

  9. I am so glad the day was such a success in every way. It is so great to be able to see what an armful Gwyneth is becoming and how wonderfully healthy and big she is!!
    You guys are an amazing and beautiful family of 3. I love you guys.

    Laurie in Ca.

  10. wowwww!! im so happy for you all! and wish you much success!

  11. I'm glad the day was such a success! Is Rita's the place Tricia went when she could take food by mouth again?

    I'm also so glad Tricia felt well enough to attend the event.


  12. So - you would have had to have walked fast and furious to work off all those calories! Lots of great strides! Seriously, glad things went so well!

  13. So glad to hear of the wonderful success your walk was. I love your photos, particularly the last one of the the three of you, and the one with Frank. How tender.

  14. I'm so glad you had a great day and that the girls were able to attend! They look GREAT!!

    As a CF mom, I can't thank you enough for raising sooooo much money for finding a cure for CF. It really means the world to me all the effort you put into it.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  15. I'm glad you had a great day. Great Pictures!!

  16. Beautiful pictures! And tell Tricia she looks wonderful! Gwyneth gets more and more adorable each month. I can't wait to see how she grows and changes as time goes by.

  17. What an amazing day! Tricia looks wonderful! I am glad she was able to participate! Love the pics of Gwyneth cuddling with the other gentleman (sorry, can't remember his name).

  18. It was so much fun. :) I enjoyed 'bring up the rear.' at the walk. We started out somewhere near the middle and wound up being the last two coming in from the walk. :) *I had to stop and rest at the view of the Wright Memorial.* I didn't have to rest, but enjoyed the surroundings immensely. (especially all the people from the blog ... Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth, Gail, Pop Pop, Andy, and so many others that I recognized and got to talk to briefly .. Janet and Megan.).

    Thanks for such a great time. LOVED THE BUY A ROSE FOR MY MOM TABLE by Gwyneth Rose. :) I walked for Tricia and also each step I took at Hatteras I thought about Tricia. :)

  19. I used to work for the CFF in Wisconsin and know how much work putting on a Great Strides Walk is - you guys rock!!! And to make that much money is amazing. Smile and be proud!! Thanks for the pics and for sharing your lives with all of us blog readers - all three of you are such an inspiration!!

  20. Looks like an awesome event. I'm so glad Trisha and Gwyneth could be there too! We are praying for you guys.

  21. Love the pics. I am glad you had such a great day! Wish we could have been there!

  22. Well done everyone!!! I am so thrilled you raised so much money!


  23. This is awesome, thank you for sharing the news!

    PS. There's a Rita's in Charlottesville now, across from Jefferson's Rotunda on the UVA lawn. Come on by!

  24. Looks like you all had a great day and turnout. Love the pictures! So happy you had nice weather and Tricia felt well enough to get in on the fun.

    Thank you again for all your efforts in trying to beat CF.


  25. Hi Nate,
    Can I buy a t-shirt to help support the cause? I love the color and would love to have one.



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