
Monday, September 15, 2008

Looking for Fun

Today is supposed to be close to 90f, which means, with Fall just around the corner, it may be the last real day of summer for us. After we go to the local hospital so Tricia can have some blood drawn, we three will be looking for something fun to do.

Any suggestions?



  1. Geez...I'm a shade and breeze kinda girl myself. *wink* How 'bout a spa day for Tricia? Or a pedicure? Or a massage? *smile*

    Okay, okay, family stuff? How about a Hatteras or Ocracoke day trip?

  2. Beach!! You can NEVER have too many beach days. :)

  3. I'm with Apple. Hatteras or Ocracoke would be my choice. LOVE those places! My aunt has a bed and breakfast at Hatteras. Wish I could be there!

  4. I would spend the last summer day at the beach. I started taking my kids when they were about 3 months old.
    I had one of those things that looks like half of a pup tent and the babies would nap while I read magazines and snacked on fresh fruit and cool drinks.

    Whatever you do, have a great day with your beautiful girls!

  5. I'm a lighthouse kinda girl. You've probably seen all or most of them in your area, but for me, I can never get enough. I also love going to Kitty Hawk Kites even though it's all so overpriced. Whatever you guys do, I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!

  6. Oh, what about a walk through downtown Manteo on the water?? I love it there!

  7. Why not go to the aquarium. Gwyneth is about the right age to start focusing in on the wildlife - plus the touch tank will be fun (for the adults anyway)

  8. Dude. Go to the beach. That's my favorite place on earth, so I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to do that!!

  9. Sprinkler in the yard! (unless you're under water restrictions like we are here!) :)

  10. Ritas and the beach.
    Kinda nippy here in Michigan. 57f when we got up.Bundled up our Grand baby and took a walk and ate apple pie when we got home.
    Just the simple things make life grand at times.
    Have a great day.

  11. I am super jealous. I also live in Michigan - where I swear it is winter already!

  12. @apple - Nathan needs a pedicure!

    Mini golf at either Professor Hackers or Mutiny Bay followed by a gelati then on to a snack at Mama Kwans

  13. First lighthouse trip for Miss Gwyneth? Maybe a picnic/park, camping, or there's always the beach! Whatever it is, enjoy the beautiful weather!!

  14. you could take pictures of all your footprints in the sand

  15. I dont know much about the area you live in but from the comments I would go for the Icecream AND minigolf. Double whammy. Enjoy :) 90 degrees sounds nice...Ive been EXTREMELY happy with our couple of 20 degress celcius days . Have fun whatever you choose.

  16. I say ... walk on the beach with your two girls.

    Of course, Ritas has been said. :) I know that is Tricia's favorite. One can never have enough of that stuff apparently (I had my first at the walk .. and wow it was good)

  17. BEACH!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful family day!
    Praying,,,jen in al

  18. I'm a lighthouse girl also. The only time we went to Hatteras it was raining so hard they shut it down for tours. Enjoy!

  19. go carts...but not sure if gwen would like that too much :)

  20. I've never left a comment before. Don't know if this will make it to you or not. I am part of a group called the Garden Friends, about 20 ladies who joined together as friends and have become a prayer garden. I learned the meaning of a Garden Friend from an evangelist who came to our church years ago, Dave Busby, who had CF. He shared that God had brought into his life special friends who prayed with him, stayed with him through the good and the bad times in his life. I found your site through another preemie family whose 1 pound baby boys are now 18 months old and beautiful testimonies of God's answer to prayer. I am so thankful that God allowed our paths to cross and let our Garden be part of the prayer army He has gathered for you, for your family. You can't know how much your faith, your trust in God encourages so many. God's Word tells us if He is lifted up, He will draw men unto Him. You and Trisha have done that. Our prayers continue to be with you, for Trisha for a wonderful season of wellness to share the gift of life and this precious baby girl He has brought to you. God bless you. Your Garden Friends

  21. It's 6:06 PM as I read these... I would've definitely gone to the beach--or taken the ferry down to Ocracoke. What did you end up doing?

  22. Hmmm......when I was there I loved the waterfront at Manteo. What did you end up doing?

  23. You can come by my blog and read about our adventures in China.

    And see some pics of our newest little Gang member. As of about 10:30 a.m. - she's a beauty. And just about the best gift my Father ever gave me. Well, that and her four sibs, that is. :)

    Really, come by and see what the Lord has done. It's all HIM. All of it.


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