
Sunday, September 28, 2008

New TRUNKorTREAT Commercial!

We went with the Sonic spoof last year (Click Here to view our three commercials from '07)...this year, we decided on the Geico spoof...

...more to come soon!

Don't know what TRUNKorTREAT is? Check This Out!



  1. This is awesome! I LOVE Pedro. If I wasn't in Maine, I wouldn't totally come to Trunk or Treat :-(

    Seriously, the best Trunk or Treat commercial ever!

  2. I mean I WOULD come to Trunk or Treat.. eek.. need more coffee....

  3. I seriously laughed out loud at Free Hot Dogs. Hadn't seen that one! Awesome Trunk or Treat commercials :)

  4. Those are hilarious. My daughter looked at me like I had grew 2 heads when I laughed. I'd go to Trunk or Treat if I lives closer. Maybe you all could do a Trunk or Treat Tour! lol

  5. Cracking up right now!! That dude sounds just like Pedro.

  6. That was great, too funny! Wish I livd closer so I can join you guys at Trunk or Treat!!


  7. Pedro's funny, but I've gotta say, the hot dog is hard to beat! Laugh out loud funny!

    You pretty much can't get farther away from me unless you were in Maine, so unfortunately I won't be able to make it. I'll just have to go to a Trunk or Treat around my neck of the woods.

  8. That is hilarious! You are so creative with technology, Nate. If I didn't live all the way in Hawaii, I would totally come to your Trunk or Treat.

  9. Too cute!! Gwyneth makes a great little model. Can't wait to see the rest of the photos!

  10. Brownies??? Pedro should totally handout Chapstick and tots.
    Love the commercial!

  11. whatever Sonic is-we don't have one. Is Gwyneth gonna dress up too? My son does the spook house in his town in Iowa for Halloween (proceeds go to Little Brown Church-yup the song one and the historical museum next door.) He also does the Nativity stuff-froze everyone last year.

    Off for a veggie burger. All good sports over for the day.

  12. I love these 'Trunk or Treat' commercials. I'm Scottish to have to confess that the whole 'Trunk or Treat' thing is a lil lost on me, but it looks loads of fun!! I take it's something to do with Hallowe'en??

  13. Since Napoleon Dynamite is pretty much the best video ever made, that a great commercial for Trunk or Treat. Alas, like many of your other readers, the OBX is a little too far to drive for some candy.

    Looking forward to the next commercials and lots of pictures from the event, though!

  14. Um...shouldn't that be "build" you a cake / brownies? ;) Very well done.


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