
Sunday, September 28, 2008

On The Water

Here are a few more pics from last night. You can see a bunch more (and they're basically the best ever) at my Photo Blog!



  1. AWESOME pictures - thanks for sharing them here and on your photo blog! :)

  2. Love the pictures! What a beautiful family!

  3. Great Pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing the pics! Looks like you all had a great time. The jeans are precious!

  5. Thanks for sharing....Miss Gwyneth is so blessed to have such wonderful parents!!!!!

  6. LOVE the new pics - went and checked out the photo blog too - thanks for sharing and I totally love the blonde hair Tricia - super cute!!!! Also - I did go see the movie on Friday - and I posted about it on my blog too - you have to check it out!

  7. I'm a major lurker! I just had to say how beautiful Gwyneth is! She is so lucky to have such wonderful parents. You all have been so blessed!

  8. I've been a major lurker! I just had to comment on how beautiful your family is!

    Lynn, Mama to the Magnificent Seven

  9. the last pic on your blog here, with the three of you in the golden hour... beautiful! what an honor to have you share those with us!
    thanks so much.

  10. Nate - Thanks for sharing your beautiful family - I love the pictures!!

  11. Great pictures!! I love the last one.

  12. It is exciting seeing you guys "living" life! The pics are great the jeans are hip too! Still praying and trusting the chemo is working.

  13. Wow, I love your pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!

    ~Sara in MD

  14. What a cute girl- you can really see her waking up and interacting with the world. Im curious as to whether you have early intervention services for her? Physical therapy could help strengthen those trunk muscles. Micropreemies certainly qualify for this free service. Of course tiny jeans can serve as huge motivators for development too:)

  15. BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thank you for sharing. It's amazing watching your family evolve from months ago. You all look great!

    God Bless!

  16. LOVE Tricia's blonde hair - LOVE it!!!

  17. They sure are the best ever- I love the picture of the three of you- with Gwyneth's eyes on Mama. So sweet! You guys are a beautiful family.

  18. Sweet, precious miracle from God!
    So great!!!

  19. Nate,
    The pictures are some of the best I've seen of you and your family. My personal faves are the really dark one of G-Funk with her little ears picking up the sunset light and then the ones of you and G and then Tricia and G where you basically only see sillouettes of all of you. Absolutely breathtaking! You've got photo game my friend!
    It just makes my heart swell seeing all of these pictures of you guys smiling and enjoying each other!!God is so amazingly, deliciously, gracefully GOOD!!

    Hope all went well with Tricia's chemo today... love the blonde wig! She looks fab!!

    Much Love,
    The VandeCastles.

  20. Those pictures are great! Gwyneth looks so alert and adorable with her little grin. What beautiful memories you have captured with your photography.

  21. So much personality in the first picture!

  22. too precious. Gwyen definitely looks like Nathan, and one of the pics she looks like Grandad Rick.
    Love you guys.

  23. Wow! Great pictures. I can't get over how big Gwyneth is getting and how much she's changing! What a little dolly!

  24. So much fun to watch your own child grow and become their own person. I'm so glad God answered Tricia's prayers and blessed you both with this experience.

  25. She is adorable and looks a lot like you!


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