
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nightline Tonight

Bummer...doesn't look like it will air tonight...I'll try again tomorrow.

My friend, Greg Avery is leading a feeding team in Texas, delivering 80,000 meals per day to survivors of Hurricane Ike. Greg and his wife, Kathy, donate a lot of time, energy and their own resources to travel around the country with the North Carolina Baptist Men Disaster Relief, serving those who have lost much because of natural disaster.

Greg called us today to let us know that he was interviewed by Nightline today and may be on TV tonight, talking about the amazing work the volunteers are doing right now as well as the great need for more help.

If you're up with me tonight, take a look and see if they air the segment.



  1. I survied IKE. We just got power tonight! Lots of Laundry to do. Missed reading your posts. I have a lot to catch up on but I got to know my neighbors more this week. We've had cookouts almost every night. Thanks to all the nice people out there helping everyone!

  2. I too survived Ike! I have a house full of family because most of Houston still doesn't have electricity. Please tell your friend and his wife thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. We really appreciate the help that has been brought to our city as we recover from this horrible storm.

  3. Hey Nate!

    I'm usually up until midnight, so I'll check it out with you. I'll tune into Nightline at 11:30.

    P.S. - I promise NO MORE crying! :)

    Va Beach

  4. He's on! I love that they're showing these guys instead of red cross! My husband has one of those shirts and caps--he does dis. relief when he can with the unit from the MN/WI Baptist conv..

  5. I saw it :) Great job those guys are are doing. I remember four years ago when Hurricane Ivan hit us. Our power was out for ten days and it was such a blessing to get a hot meal.


  6. Bummer about the Nightline segment not airing. I hope it comes on tomorrow. FYI, Kenzie Stanfield's Blog has been restored (Maddox's mom). I know a lot of people were wondering about it. It is the same address as it was before.

  7. A few days before Ike hit, my husband called to ask me to Google the North Carolina Baptist Men. He had seen their name on a truck traveling through our native Atlanta. I'm not surprised that these folks are friends with y'all. Hopefully Nightline will get the word out as to what they're doing and what else is needed. Best to you three.

  8. I too am in Houston and we are so thankful for everyone around the United States who is helping to get our city back on its feet. Going back to work yesterday and having internet for the first time since Friday night, the first thing I did was check your blog! Glad Great Strides was a success!

  9. I saw the segment. It was nice to for a news program to highlight people who are happy to help those in need. Isn't that what the church should be about?

  10. Thanks to wonderful people like Greg and his wife. I'm in Houston and recently had power restored. We have damage to our house but are so thankful our family is ok. Please keep the people along the coast in your prayers!

  11. thats so great.... my parents have a condo at Galveston... they weren't there for the storm - and things at their condo are pretty good - minor damages... (new building, just finished this spring) but being from Houston and having lots of friends there - its so nice to hear of others helping out - it was a bad one..... thank God for friends like yours!

  12. I used to look at the world as this horrible place with a whole lot of people that don't care about anyone but themselves. That view no longer exists. Yeah, there is still a lot of bad stuff out there, but just look at all the great people who give completely of themselves to serve God by serving others. Thank you for sharing about your friends - will be praying for their mission to serve. Praise be to God!

  13. Saw your friend on Nightline. Too cool.

  14. There is a Baptist Men Team in Baytown Texas from North Carolina. If this is the same one you are talking about they are also staying at my church, FBC Baytown. They are doing a WONDERFUL job and we appreciate them! Thanks!


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