
Thursday, October 2, 2008

26 Points Answers

Several of you came very close to getting all five questions correct. I suppose the 5th question was tougher than I thought, especially considering that there were several good answers. I'll give the points to everyone who got the first four right AND thought the answer to number five was either:

a. I was 26 years old when Gwyneth was born.

b. Tricia is 26 years old.

c. It's been exactly 26 weeks since we got the transplant call.

...all good answer that I did not consider. But, here are the answers that I was looking for.

Why Do I Hate September So Much?

Because I love summer and hate winter...I find September to be incredibly depressing because the summer is coming to a close.

2. Why Do I Love October?

Two words: Baseball Playoffs

3. Why Is My Handle "MilePost13"?

It's the location of my church, and the name of my band, and, because I started blogging about church stuff before I started blogging about CFHusband stuff, I just kept my original blogger handle instead of changing to something like "CFHusband".

4. Why Did I Choose Thursday Morning at 10:45am?

Today, at 10:45am marks exactly 6 months to the minute that we were told of the set of lungs that would give Tricia her breath back.

5. Why Did I Choose 26 Points?

26 Points is the number of points the Redskins scored this past Sunday when they beat the cowgirls.


  1. How amazing to have your wife back. I just came upon your blog and have not read much but had to post about the transplant.

  2. That would be CowBOYS girlfriend, COW BOYS!! America's team baby!

    Love your blog. Beautiful wife and baby!

  3. that you called them cowgirls - but I'm a Bears fan :-) baseball playoffs...though I'm a diehard Cubs fan so last night was a bit off for me.

    I love that you're celebrating 6 months of new lungs!
    What great memories the last 6 months has brought! I can't believe i've been following your story for almost a year now! Many blessings to you today!

  4. haHA! If I had run those questions by my husband he TOTALLY would have gotten your intended answer to #5.

    Happy Lungiversary to you guys - do something brilliantly fun today!

  5. Laughing at your cowgirl comment and would have to agree with kikibibi's post!

    Too funny, you are blessed and I think the part that makes your journey so amazing to us is that you and Tricia celebrate life with each other the way U do.

    :) God ROCKS!
    M. Dovel

  6. This all was so very clever.

  7. I have loved almost every word of your blog for almost a year - until today.

    From DALLAS. The home of the COWBOYS. America's Team! ;)

  8. OK Nate, I liked you until that cowgirl comment ;)

    Seriously, your family is precious even if you aren't a COWBOY fan!

  9. teacher, if I got 3 out of 5, is that passing on the curve system?

  10. and...IMO, Steelers are America's football team! Come on, look at all the steel that town has produced for buildings all over the country!!! we build the country...Steelers, the American team :)

  11. Go Skins! My husband would have probably guessed the 26 points thing, but knowing all I do about you guys I would have gone for something more family oriented.

  12. I am a Cowboys fan so I won't agree with the comment you made but I can totally join in when you trash the Seagles. Now there is a team that I can't stand.

  13. HAHAHAHAHA to the last answer!

    Go Redskins!

  14. Amen on the 26 points! I root for 2 teams: the Redskins & whoever's playing Dallas!!

  15. I had to laugh out loud at the cowgirls. Your right I watched that game and Redskins did have 26 points.
    Being from Metro Detroit I will root for anyone but the Lions or Cowboys.
    I don't even know who is in the playoffs this year for baseball. Odd for me.
    Besides its football season now!!I m more in to college games verses NFL anyways.
    Glad I got few answers right hope you grade on a curve..
    Have a great day~

  16. GO SKINS!!!

    Psssssttt .... don't tell my husband. He is a DIE HARD NY Giants fan.

    GO SKINS!!!

    Va Beach, VA

  17. Ummmm....Okay...I have been following your blog since January and praying for your sweet girls and you too, Nate, and I am from Dallas, and since you are a generally good person, I will let the above comment slide....but only this one time!!!!!!

  18. I agree that would be cowboys that usually beat your skins....thankyou very much, don't be disin our boys k?

    Arlington Texas
    Home of our Boy's new stadium

  19. Cowgirls is right! We're actually Colts fans (or Peyton Manning fans I guess you could say because we are Tennessee Vol fans), but I'd root for anyone over the Cowboys any day.

    I agree with you on the end of summer and beginning of winter. It seems like we aren't getting any Fall weather here in TN, and this is my favorite season. It's kind of depressing!

  20. And a big HAIL to those Redskins, too! :)

  21. Ouch!

    Sniff, Sniff.

    I am a loyal COWBOYS fan.

    We play ya twice a year ya know....;)


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