
Thursday, October 2, 2008

6 Month Re-Birthday

6 months ago today, my wife was given a second chance at life.

Every day that goes by, I am more and more thankful for the donor and family as well as the medical staff at Duke who gave Tricia back to me.

I normally work on Thursdays, but today, I'm moving my schedule around to take the day off and spend time with my girls. We might even have a party.

Thank you. Thank God.



  1. Hey Nate

    Happy Re-birthday!!!!

    (it's one of my closest friends birthdays today so i can't forget it!)

    Big hugs to you all!


  2. You are the best to celebrate everything!
    Happy RE-Birthday!!!!! YOU (all) deserve a special day!

  3. Congrats Tricia!

    Happy re-birthday! Isn't it the best?!

  4. My baby girl was born 6 months ago tomorrow, and I remember well checking for your blog updates at 3:00 a.m. while I was trying to figure out if I was actually in labor!! I assure you that I'll not soon forget.

    What a fantastic day to celebrate! Enjoy it, all of you!!

  5. Amen...

    You all have worked your way right into my heart. There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank the Lord for your (collectively) testimony. Praying still for your family.

  6. Happy Re-Birthday! God is good, all the time.

  7. What a great day to celebrate!!

  8. Tricia is a miracle. Your family is a miracle. Thank you for sharing your faith and miracles with us all. Tricia, we wish you a healing and easier next six months. You are amazing! You inspire me daily to appreciate my children and my life more. I pray that you will be given continued strength and faith to get through the next part of your journey. Enjoy each other and that beautiful little girl today! We will celebrate with you in spirit!
    Much love and prayer,
    Tricia and Clan xoxox

  9. Praise God for His goodness and blessings! Hope you three have an amazing day.

  10. Happy Re-Birthday Tricia!!

    Cant believe it has been 6 months already and how far Tricia has come. I remember like it was yesterday waiting here by the computer for all the updates while the transplant was going on.

    Today is a great day to celebrate. I continue to pray for you all always!!! Enjoy your celebration and the day with your girls. Take pictures!! :)

    God Bless you All!

  11. Happy Re-Birthday, Tricia!!

    Hope you all have an amazing day...

  12. Wow! It hardly seems like it's been 6 months already! What an amazing blessing! I remember that day checking your blog & I was so excited for your family! Congratulations & happy 6 month re-birthday!

  13. Happy Re-birthday!! Still praying (and praising) for you and your family.

  14. Happy 6th re-birthday!

    Enjoy the day.

  15. So happy for all of you -- happy re-birthday Tricia!!

  16. HAPPY 6 MONTH TRICIA. What a PRAISE!Your family is so precious.
    We serve an AWESOME GOD.
    Have a great day in what ever you do.
    Praying in Missouri

  17. Happy Wonderful 6 month REBIRTHday!!! So very happy that you all were blessed with this second chance. My love and prayers

  18. Happy Re-Birthday! I hope the three of you have a magical day. Wow, the day after I had my daughter, Tricia was going through a lung transplant. Tricia is a miracle and a blessing, as are you and your sweet baby!

  19. Happy re-birthday!!! You guys are such an inspiration.

    God bless you all!!!

  20. A beautiful tribute Nate!

    A thankful Thursday it is for you and your precious girls!

    Praising God for all the blessings and miracles He has performed in your lives!

    Love and hugs to you all!
    PS I have an award for all like you who sow seeds of His love! Please, Come pick it up :-)

  21. Congratulations....I hope you guys have a wonderful day today!! :)

  22. Happy Re-Birthday! Have a great, special day!

  23. Yes, thank you God!
    Happy Re-birthday dear Tricia, we celebrate and rejoice for your life!

  24. Happy reBirthday, Tricia! Thank you for letting me travel this journey with you and your family. God bless!

  25. Happy Happy Re-Birthday - I love that you had that chance!!

  26. Happy re-birthday, Tricia!!!

    I hope to read about the party, because you should definitely be celebrating!

    God bless,

  27. I hope that you all enjoy the day. What a wonderful day to celebrate! I pray that there are a lifetime of other anniversaries, birthdays and holidays to celebrate and share. Happy 6 months Tricia & Happy 1/2 Birthday Nate!

  28. I am amazed that it has been six months already. Congrats Tricia!

  29. Happy, Blessed Re-Birthday Tricia, and Nate, and Gwyneth!! God bless you!

  30. May Tricia have MANY MANY more re-Birthday's to come!
    Blessings to all 3 of you today on this amazing day! We all celebrate with you!

  31. Happy Re-Birthday! I voted for March of Dimes as it is near and dear to our family!

  32. A very Happy Re-birthday to Tricia! And to the whole family. Thanks be to God for the opportunity to celebrate this special time.

  33. They just don't make a card for this occasion do they?!
    Happy Re Birthday Tricia!! And don't party too hard!
    We will be praying for the donor family today and thanking them and God for the gift they gave.

  34. I do thank God! Yea for all of you!!

  35. I can't believe it's already been 6 months. I remember it so well (like you don't) calling my friends, praying for you all.

    Yay God! He is so cool.

  36. Happy Re birthday.. Of course by all means go have a party..This so huge in my eyes. God is so great!!
    Nate you and Tricia celebrate each victory you get big and small. They are all given to us by God~

  37. Congrats on 6 months of breathing with new lungs-such an amazing you've all been given! My thoughts and prayers are still with you all and your donor family too. I hope someday you have the chance to thank them in person-I've been lucky enough to be present for some donor family/recipient meetings as part of my job (transplant coordinator) and it is by far the most AMAZING and moving thing I've ever witnessed. Enjoy your girls today Nate!

  38. '6 months ago today, my wife was given a second chance at life.'

    That is a beautiful sentence...and an even more beautiful gift from God. Have a great day celebrating with your family : )

  39. You all deserve a large RE-Birthday celebration! I have loved getting to know your family from your blog. It is a great day in the Kingdom!

  40. Isn't it wonderful how God works for good....I am so happy for you guys, genuinely happy....Gwyneth is beautiful and Tricia is too!! Nate--y'all are so blessed...I thank God every day that he gave y'all a chance to be a family...

    In Christian love,


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