
Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Nathan Update

Baby Nathan came home from the hospital this afternoon, although, his bilirubin count is still high. Thank you very much for thinking of and praying for him, and please, continue to pray that he'll return to safe and normal levels and not have to be readmitted to the hospital.




  1. Hi Nate! Glad to hear that the baby is doing well!

    I was wondering, a long time ago you had a link to I kept up with pepe for a long time but then they made her sight private. I am just wondering if you, or anyone else, know how she is doing? I know she was having serious health problems related to her transplant.


  2. That's really encouraging news. Glad to hear baby Nathan is doing better.

    Hope all goes well with tricia's biopsy too.

    As I was praying for you guys the other day, I came across Psalm 91, the first couple verses especially stuck out...

    He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

  3. Sheila, I'm sure Nathan doesn't want to comment on the question you asked. But it turned out that Pepe was a fraud and it wasn't a true story. That's why her site was taken down and made private.

  4. Glad that he's doing at least better! Hopefully he's 100% soon!

  5. Glad he was able to go home! Scary thing for any parents, but especially with a first baby!

  6. Oh I'm so happy for Nathan and his family!!! Thanks for the update.

  7. glad to hear that nathan is doing better. Will continue to pray for improved health for him.

  8. I am so glad to hear he is home, and for the most part doing OK! Hopefully his blood bilirubin levels will continue to normalize and he will be just fine!

  9. I am new to your blog and have been reading for the last hour or so... and all that keeps going through my mind is WOW!!! Tricia is amazing... your whole family is amazing... I have CF and been kickin it's butt for 32 years!!! Stories like yours are so inspiring... and so positive for our CF community... I am the president of a non profit that helps families that are living with CF and as I was going through your "peeps", I noticed we know alot of the same people... Go figure, small world and even smaller CF community...
    I just wanted to comment on your commitment and love for your wife and how wonderful it is... and to your commitment to God, with Him, anything IS possible... Your precious Angel is proof of that...
    In my heart and in my prayers

  10. This is good news about Nathan and I am praying he continues to improve. I am praying for your trip to Durham this morning and asking God to bring some answers to your hearts regarding Tricia. I know He continues to hold your family right next to His heart and He will bring you through Nate.
    Loving you guys from California!!

    Laurie in Ca.

  11. That's great! My little one had issues with his bilirubin count and that wasn't fun. Luke's was probably due to him having CF though and not being able to poop properly.

  12. Bilirubin high?

    As a father I would make the sacrifice and find a nice sunny beach to take Baby Nathan too!

  13. Glad to hear that he is home. I will continue to keep him in my prayers.

    Here is another child to keep in your prayers, if you wouldn't mind.

    Ashley has several health issues and had a bowel transplant 2 years ago...was doing well till about 2-3 weeks ago and then went into rejection. She is in Omaha at her transplant center right now.

    Please pray for her and her family. Thanks!

  14. So glad to hear that! I feel as if you and Tricia have become my family over this year and what you care about deeply affects me! I am still lifting him up to Jesus as well as the three of you!


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