
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Long Day

Awake at 6:30am, just checking in to the hotel now at 10pm. Consult with the surgeon this morning, pre-op stuff this afternoon, walk around the mall and a late dinner at The Cheesecake Factory.

Back to the hospital by 6:30am tomorrow, surgery at 8:30, home by late afternoon if everything goes well. They'll be making a small incision at Tricia's old tracheotomy scar, and sending a bronchioscope down into her chest, outside of her airway, to get a few samples from the area that appears to be cancer. This procedure has a much better chance of getting good samples.

We should know something by tomorrow afternoon, although nothing will be confirmed until the biopsy comes back, sometime next week.




  1. Oh, you did have a long day and I will pray that the Lord will give you His peace and a good nights rest tonight.
    We'll be praying for Tricia tomorrow and that the Lord will give the doctors wisdom and guide their hands as they work.
    The Lockwoods

  2. i will praying for good results. we love you guys!

  3. Continueing to pray for you and your sweet family.
    Krystal in TX

  4. I will be sending prayerful thoughts your way tomorrow.

  5. A long day, indeed - we will pray long for you all!

  6. Nate: Thanks for the update. Will continue to pray!!

  7. Thank you for taking the time to update, Nate! Praying for all to go well tomorrow, with good samples obtained for the biopsies. Now praying for a peaceful night for both of you!

  8. We'll pray everything goes well tomorrow. Please send our love and prayers to Tricia. I hope tomorrow speeds by quickly and that good news is on the horizon.

  9. Hoping and praying for you. Seriously.

    Love to all

  10. Asking that God would send his angels to guard you through the night and tomorrow during the surgery. We pray His peace for both of you.

  11. Tricia will be in my prayers! Thank you for updating us.

  12. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  13. May the Lord bless the doctors so they are skillful, and may the Lord bless your wife to recover quickly.

    We'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

  14. Thought of you guys today. Still praying. (((HUGS))) to all of you.


  15. We are praying for you! May God give you peace during this time of waiting and anticipation.

  16. Prayers for a peaceful and restful night, that everything goes well tomorrow and that God will continue to bless your family. Thank you for letting us know what is going on, so that we may pray for you during this difficult time.

  17. keeping you all in my thoughts. ~Heather

  18. Wow, you did have a long day. And sounds like it will be another long one tomorrow.

    As always, I'm praying for you guys.

  19. I'll be keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.

  20. Prayers going up here in Texas. Will keep you in my prayers all throughout the day.

  21. It was great seeing you guys today. Tricia looks awesome, and Gwyneth is so beautiful.

    Praying for good results.

  22. Well, at least you got to eat at The Cheesecake Factory during your long day. :)

  23. Prayers and thoughts with your family for T!

  24. We will be keeping Tricia and the rest of you in our prayers.

  25. Will be waking early to remember Tricia in prayer.

  26. Whew, I'm tired just thinking about what you guys are going through. I hope the procedure tomorrow goes smoothly and easily and that nothing bad is found!

  27. still praying for you guys - for quick answers that are good and for peace in the midst of it all!

  28. Father, I pray for a good report! I ask for Nathan and Trisa to continue to rest in your care. Thank you for their awesome faith journey so far. What a ride they have been on and took us all with them. Thanks for loving all of us Lord!

  29. Praying, praying, praying!

    ~Sara in MD

  30. Praying Nate and Tricia!

    Sending many hugs and much love your way!
    Jill and family

  31. Sorry to hear you have to go through all this. I will be praying.

  32. What a long day!!! Praying for Tricia as she undergoes the biopsy,the doctors as they work and for you and Gwyneth as you are along with her!

  33. That was a long day indeed. Glad to haer you made it there safely. Will continue to pray and hope that Tricia's surgery goes well and good results!!


  34. Mark 5:25-29, 34

    "And a woman who was there who had been ill for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better, she grew worse.

    When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak because she thought, 'If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.' Immediately, the illness in her blood was healed, and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

    Jesus said to her--
    'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering'."

    Prayers to you all...

  35. Thanks for the update, Nate, especially with how tired you must be. We're continuing to pray for you & Tricia.

  36. praying for some good news, and no more pain for Tricia


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