
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Back in the ICU

Tricia texted me at 3am to say that they moved her back to the ICU...

When she arrived at Duke yesterday, her heart-rate was over 150, which is probably faster than my heart would beat if I were running a long sprint. Although she was stable and feeling better last night, her heart-rate would not drop, so they moved her just to be safe.

Although the ICU is the last place we want to be, this is the same ICU that Tricia was in when Gwyneth was born, so we know several of the nurses and doctors, and more importantly, they know us. The next 24 hours will be very telling for Tricia...they know for sure that it is an infection, but they're not sure what exactly and may not know for a few days until the cultures grow something. She's receiving a lot of fluids through her port, an insulin drip (her blood sugar level was incredibly high) through one IV, and anti-biotics through another.

My guess is, all of Tricia's appointments for today will be postponed, and hopefully we'll be able to reschedule them before we go home.

Gwyneth will be chilling with Megan and cousin Leah this morning, and I'll be running some errands and then heading to Duke for a few hours before coming back to the hotel to take Gwyneth to her appointments.




  1. Just getting caught up on blogs...prayers going up here in Texas!

  2. You have been in my thoughts & prayers. I will continue to pray for Tricia's recovery and your strength throughout.


  3. My prayers this morning, are for that heart rate and blood sugar to drop to more acceptable levels, for the nurses and medical staff to be alert to subtle changes and to intervene swiftly and appropriately when indicated, for God to enhance the effect of the big-gun antibiotics so the infection is under control quickly, for Gwyneth's appointments to go well...and for the peace of God to rule in your hearts and minds! What a Mighty God we serve!

  4. One of the ways I can always tell my dd is getting sick is that her HR goes way up. I pray Tricia starts feeling better very soon. At least you guys are in the right place, and have help with Gwyneth during all of this.

  5. My prayers are with Tricia today! And you, Nate, for strength!

    Always in my thoughts,

  6. I'm sorry to hear this. Prayers for all of you.

  7. We will be praying for you from Ohio.

  8. Just woke up here in Chicago and wanted to check in. Just wanted to let you guys know that I am still thinking of Tricia and your family and will continue to do so!

  9. Your in my thoughts and prayers. We will keep praying for Tricia's recovery.

  10. Praying for Tricia, and all of you!

  11. Continuing to pray for Trisha, Gwyneth and you at this time. My prayers are for the staff to determine what the infection is and how to treat it in a timely matter. My the Lord give all of you His strength and perfect peace as you face this "bump" in the road. Trisha, praying that you will respond quickly to the med's and that you will soon be well.

  12. Ugh. I know I keep saying that, but it's the first thing that comes to mind.

    The second is "I'll keep praying." And I will.

    We love you all.

  13. Praying for Tricia. I pray they are able to figure out the issue and treat it with no problems. Hugs Tricia, you're in my thoughts and prayers.

    Amy in Pa

  14. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! I feel amazed that I feel so much love for people I've never met! It's the love of God, I guess!! I'll keep praying!

  15. Praying in Michigan!!!

  16. Nate,

    Please tell Tricia that we are praying for her in Florida. I don't know how you do it, juggling the health needs of both of your girls; you deserve the father and husband of the year award. You're simply amazing. More husband and fathers can learn a great deal from you.

    God's Blessings,

    Laurie Johansen

  17. I will be praying that the medicines take effect quickly and that this is a short stay for Tricia. Best wishes at Gwyneth's appointments.

  18. My family and I will be in prayer for Tricia, You, and Gwyneth today...stay strong!

    God Bless you this day,


  19. I am praying for you all Nate, really asking God to touch Tricia's body and heal the infection. Praying strength for you and good results at Gwyneths appointments. Asking the Great Physician for His Healing all over this.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  20. Always in out prayers... Thanks for the updates so that we know what to be praying for.

  21. Oh Nate, please know we are praying for your family and your ever-present strength! Hopefully this will be just a blip on the screen...

    Kerry in Guilford, CT

  22. Prayers coming from Montana for Tricia. Hope she starts to feel better soon. I agree with another comment posted here about Nate. He deserves the Father/Husband of the Year award.
    Elaine from MT

  23. I'll pray for a speedy recovery for Tricia and that it is nothing that those fabulous doctors of yours can't fix quickly with a few meds. Thank God that Megan is there and can help out with Gwyneth so that you can take care of Tricia. Thank you for keeping us updated. I hope that today is a better day.

  24. I just found your blog today! You are a very good Blogger! You have a very inspiring story! Is it okay if I link it on my blog? Many prayers for your wife!

  25. Prayers and good thoughts from NYC!!!

  26. Yea for Aunt Megan! Prayers for Tricia and you.

  27. Praying for the 3 of you from Philly. It must be so hard to continue to run this race Jesus has set for you.

    P.S. On a completely different note, please tell Meka that I forgive her for the Eagles stink comment. :-)

  28. So sorry to hear that Tricia is not doing well. Praying for wisdom for the doctors and for fast healing for Tricia and strength for you as you try to be dad and husband all at once.

  29. I'm glad you were already heading back to Duke when all this started. I've been praying- and will keep praying. For Tricia to heal quickly and Gwyneth to be okay and for you to stay strong (and be able to get enough sleep) through all of this again.

  30. Praying for you guys! Thank goodness Megan is there to help!

  31. Praying for each of you this morning!

  32. Sending prayers and thoughts from Ohio...

  33. Praying that today is a better day for Tricia and that Gwyneth's checks out perfectly at her appointments... thinking of you all often.

  34. I was so sorry to read this post and learn that Tricia has an infection. Continued prayers for you all from upstate NY.

  35. I woke up sick in the middle of the night and while I was praying till I fell back to sleep, God brought you all to mind. I guess it's just a little reminder that you have people praying around the clock for you three! :)

  36. I pray that Tricia gets better very quickly and so will others here. We love you guys.

  37. prayers going up in Tulsa, Oklahoma.Praying for your strength and for Tricias recovery!

  38. Praying that Tricia is better really soon!!

  39. Sending you my thoughts and prayers

  40. Please know that we are praying for you, and trusting GOD for Tricia's health and well-being.

  41. Praying for you all. Our family group (youth) and connection group are praying too.

  42. I've been praying since I read that you were on your way to Durham. I'll continue to keep Tricia and your family in my prayers.

  43. our prayers are with all 3 of you.
    love you. Aunt Donna

  44. Praying that she is soon feeling much better and that the meds do their job.

    Also praying for a good report on Miss Gwyneth today.

    In Christ

  45. Thanks for the updates Nate...continuing to pray.

  46. She will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  47. Oh no ! Im so saddened to read this , but i know you must be glad that you are there with the doctors and nurses that know Tricia ! Sending thoughts and prayers your way !

  48. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have been following for a few months now and I feel I know you. I will do a "shout out" for prayer requests.

  49. So glad you are at Duke where the doctors and nurses know you. Praying that they will have wisdom and that your sweet wife will be feeling better soon.

  50. My prayers are with you all! Tricia, get better soon sweetie :) Hugs from Arlington Heights, IL ~~~ Jennifer

  51. All of you are in our thoughts!!!! Tricia seems to be in the best care possible, which is wonderful. Keep us updated if you are able. Take care.

  52. Sorry to hear that Tricia is in the ICU now, but at the very least you know who's taking care of her, and you know that they will do what's best for her. I know the whole heart rate thing very well, my heart rate is always about 90 to 100, and sometimes it's higher. Sending some prayers to all of you.

  53. Many prayers are coming your way.

  54. Hi Nate
    Praying for you all today.

  55. I have confidence that our Heavenly Father is watching over you all, esp. Tricia.

    Never give up hope! Be strong!

    Praying in Nevada.


  56. Praying, Praying, Praying....We have Partners in Prayer this week at our church (what amazing time) so I will head over there from 12-1 to be in prayer for your beautiful family.

  57. You are all in my thoughts and prayers...
    Feel better Tricia.
    Stay stong Nate, Gwyneth & family.

    ...from Florida

  58. Praying for all of you today. Praying for healin for Tricia and great news at Gwyneth's appts!

  59. Love and hugs to you all, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Rachael (England, UK)

  60. Praying for:

    Tricia-- a quick diagnosis and even quicker healing

    Gwyneth-- good appointments

    You -- strength and clarity of mind!

  61. Praying for you and your family at this time.

  62. Praying for Tricia's health...hoping for a full recovery soon!

  63. praise God for such a great medical team that is on top of things and know your hearts and desires.

    always praying

  64. I have never commented on your blog but have been reading for a long time....

    It never ceases to amaze me the strength of you and your family have. I had a term baby around the time you did and it takes me every little last bit of energy to get things done. I am amazed at your ability to juggle all the challenges you do. You are an awesome Dad and Husband. My thoughts are with Tricia and I hope that this turns out to not be too complicated and if it does then for the strength to fight it off!

  65. we are praying hard for Tricia and for all of her doctors.

  66. I took a day off and see what I miss..Praying and send a ton of good thoughts and hugs, take care

  67. Lots of thoughts and prayers for strength and perseverance right now.

  68. Oh dear! Sending prayers from ND!

  69. Praying here in Michigan that this is just a tiny, miniscule little bump in the road!

  70. Tricia is very blessed to have a husband like you who will care for her and pray for her and take care of your daughter. You are doing a great job and I am very impressed. Just wanted to encourage you in all this and I pray the Lord blesses you for it. I pray the Lord would be merciful to Tricia during this time of illness and that He would heal her and her body.

  71. hope things make a big turn around soon and all the meds do their job. So glad you have Meagan to help you out. Blessings to you all!

  72. I'm so sorry Nate. Just know we are all praying. Keep us updated.
    Katie L

  73. I am praying for you and your girls this morning! I can not imagine how hard it must be to not be able to be with both of them!

  74. We are praying for your family, God will continue to provide for you all. All our love and prayers from CA!

  75. our prayers are with all 3 of you.
    love you. Aunt Donna


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