
Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday Night Update

Tricia was admitted this evening, and has been pricked and poked non-stop since (I've counted over a dozen needles so far, and the IV team is currently sliding a very long one under the skin of her left arm two feet from me as I type this...her arms are already turning black and blue).

They're pretty certain that Tricia has an infection, probably in her lungs, which is a very bad thing. They've even mentioned the dreaded "ICU" once... As always, Tricia is feeling much better (mostly mentally/emotionally) now that she's at the hospital, and she seems to be much more her normal self, catching up with several the nurses on her favorite floor. But, everything has been moving very quickly as the doctors have labeled her as "very sick" (not sure yet if that's due to her medical history, or the current possible infection).

We're waiting to hear back about the x-ray and blood labs and cultures they've been taking. We should know something more within the next little while. Tricia's port has been accessed, and they're placing a peripheral IV as well...they'll start pumping her full of liquids, and then antibiotics as soon they determine the problem.

Tricia has a fever, hasn't eaten much over the past few days, is coughing up yellow mucus, and has extremely high blood sugar, all of which point toward an infection.

I'll post again tonight if we hear more.

Thank you.



  1. Non-stop prayers for all three of you tonight. Praying that the doctors diagnose the problem quickly and that Tricia gets some relief soon.

  2. Saying a prayer for Tricia! I hope she is feeling better soon!

  3. Sorry to hear that Tricia was admitted---although I know it is for the best and pray that because she was admitted early that the team will get things under control asap. As always, I will be praying for you all during this time. Glad to hear she is feeling a little better.
    ~Emily V.

  4. been anxiously awaiting an update. it's a relief to know she is in great care. hoping for some rest for you all tonight. all my best to you and your girls.

  5. thanks for the update. I'll put the word out for prayer.

    praying for your family!

  6. Glad to hear you all arrived safely. I will be praying for Tricia and anxiously awaiting the next update!

  7. I'm glad Tricia is where she is being taken care of. I hope and pray that it is nothing serious and that she bounces back quickly.

  8. So glad you have her back at Duke, Nate, where they know her well, and she will get the best of care! Praying for God's intervention to, once again, Wow! the medical community with Tricia's quick recovery from this probable infection! God's peace to both of you, and all the family tonight!

  9. still praying for y'all!

    blessings to you tonight ~

  10. Knowing that Jesus is ever interceding for us... we pray you have a peaceful night and are on the road home to the OBX SOON!

  11. Nate, I've been checking the blog periodically all evening for an update. Sending prayers your way from Va Beach, brother! I'm glad to know that Tricia seems to be atleast a little bit more at ease now that she is on familiar territory so-to-speak with her wonderful nurses and doctors. And, I'm especially happy to know that Meg is there to help with baby girl Gwyneth! I know you will do your best to keep us all posted, but PLEASE know that we are thinking constantly of you and Tricia! God Bless!


  12. just read this and will go right to prayer..have been thinking of you so strongly the past two days since leaving on a trip. May God give you continued strength and courage.

  13. Tricia, you, and Gwyneth will be in our prayers. We hope that Tricia feels better and the doctors are able to work quickly.

  14. Thanks for the update, Nathan. You three have been on our hearts all day today.

  15. Keeping Tricia in prayer

  16. Prayers coming from Minnesota.
    Hugs and love,

  17. I'll be praying. May the Lord be watching over u guys. Hope tricia will be ok!

  18. Nate - Thanks for the update. Have been saying prayers and checking website all day.

  19. Prayinghard in Idaho. Much love to all of you guys.

  20. As someone who gets frequent lung infections, I know how incredibly scary it can be to have your lungs filled with gunk and not be able to cough it up, none the less breath. She's so strong with everything she's been through and I admire her so much.

    Tricia is in my prayers!

  21. We're praying for you here in Richmond, VA.
    Praying for God's Glory in this all.
    Praying for comfort, rest, and healing for Tricia
    Praying for strength and comfort for Nathan and Gwyneth.

  22. I just stumbled across your blog. What a touching story. We will keep your family in our prayers.

    God Bless,
    The Dubya's

  23. Definately definately praying for you!

  24. I don't ever post, but I always read.

    I'm praying!


  25. I'm praying hard. For all of you.

  26. Praying for your whole family tonight and waiting for an update and will then continue to pray more! Our God is an amazing God and he is the ultimate healer...may he lay his gentle hands on Trisha and give her much needed health and strength.

    Lord hear our prayers.

    Hugs for you too Nate :)

  27. praying for you all, tricia especially.

  28. Please know that we are thinking of you all. I hope that Tricia gets to feeling better very soon! Being sick is no fun especially when you have a little one :)

  29. I'm praying and have passed along the request.

  30. what a disappointment, i hope they can figure out what's up and she won't have to stay long.
    good thoughts going her way

  31. I am so sad to hear that Tricia is doing so poorly right now - I am praying for your family.

  32. You all are definitely in our prayers! May the Lord continue to give you strength through this. He is faithful.

  33. I have been checking for updates all day. Not the news I was hoping for. I am so sorry your family has to endure yet another hospital stay...praying the it is a quick one.

  34. Continued prayers for all of you.

  35. I'm relieved at least that you're at Duke, where Tricia's medical team can watch over her and get her back on the right track. Prayers for good news from blood work, x-rays, etc. and at all your other appointments this week.

  36. We're praying - for Tricia, for you, for Gwyneth, for the doctors, etc. The Lord hears and delights to answer prayers!

  37. I'm glad you were able to give us an update Nate. I have been checking in for the last few hours on my blog since I follow yours.

    Praising God you are there safe and they are working to figure out what is going on.

    Praying for wisdom and that this is not a major issue and can be dealt with quickly!

    Love and blessings,

  38. Praying fervently for this to get under control pronto!!

  39. I'm so thankful you find the time to update. Praying in Texas!

  40. Praying for you all and for a quick diagnosis and treatment for Tricia!!

  41. I am so sorry to hear that Tricia is not feeling well. I am praying for you all!

  42. I'm not sure if I've left a comment on your blog before, but I wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about and praying for your precious family for awhile. I am so sorry to hear that Tricia has been admitted, but hopeful that her doctors will be able to help her overcome her probable infection. Praying for ALL of you!

  43. You are in my prayers like always! I'm glad you went to the hospital today!

  44. Continuing to pray for you guys...

  45. Continueing prayers here. I pray the doctors can stop this in its tracks. Tricia hang in there.

    Nate, keep us posted and our prayers are with you. Hugs to little Gwynth.

    God Bless


  46. Thanks for the update. Keep us posted and you are all being prayed for.

    Father we come before you humbled by all you have already done. We ask once again for a miracle. We believe that you can heal Tricia because we have already witnessed you working in her life. We ask that you bring just the right treatments, medicines and procedures forward and that they are all administered carefully and quickly. Keep Tricia comfortable and give her a good nights rest. We know that Nate is good at doing the "hospital thing" Father and we just pray that this stint is short and that he feels he can advocate for Tricia. Give him a good nights sleep as well. And, just keep blessing baby Gwyneth.

  47. Praying for you all! And for the docs and nurses too.

  48. tricia i love you and I'm praying for you girl!

    much love from mexico!

  49. I've prayed for you guys all day and will continue to do so throughout the night. I'm praying that she's heals quickly and that you all get to go home very soon.

    Sleep well.

  50. Praying that the doctors and nurses and therapists will quickly get accurate answers and that God will guide their steps. Praying for healing of this infection, for protection, for strength, for peace of mind for all of you. Praying for His close presence as He carries you through this night, and for good news.

  51. My heart is heavy, but rests in knowing that God is in control. Praying for you...

  52. I am praying to our Great Physician for Tricia.

  53. Nate - praying and praying for you guys.

  54. Still praying for your beautiful wife tonight...

  55. Thank you so much for updating your blog continually so we can know how to pray for Tricia.. Please know that we are lifting you up as well...
    May God hold you tight during these days...

  56. I'll be thinking of your family until I read an update. *hugs* to all.

  57. Praying hard for you all tonight ... and hoping for a quick resolution. :)

  58. Praying for the hand of the Master Physician!

  59. I keep checking your blog praying that you posted some good news. If you have a blog counter you can count a ton of those visits mine. Sorry :)
    Know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight. I hope that you both get some rest. Praying in Idaho...

  60. "Lord please send your angels to watch over Tricia this night. Thank you for the wonderful medical team that is there for her. Comfort her and bring healing from this infection. Be with Nate and Gwyneth and provide for their every need. You are in charge dear God. We are trusting in You. In Jesus strong name, Amen."

    Checking for updates regularly and praying often in Surrey, BC, CANADA

  61. Sorry to hear Tricia is sick. I will be praying for all of you. I hope you hear good news soon. Prayers coming from Canada:)

  62. Praying for a fast recovery!

  63. Lots of Prayers from SLC, UT!!! Feel better sweet Tricia. I hope Gwyneth's visit's go well tomorrow.
    God Bless

  64. Praying, praying, praying! Got the phone call from my mom earlier this evening and am just now getting to the computer. Just wanted to send our love. God's love and peace...

  65. Thanks for the update Nate! Praying for you from Dallas...Tricia you are strong and I know you feel a sense of comfort being in the hospital knowing you are in wonderful hands...may God bless these nurses and doctors and clearly show them where the infection is and I pray for complete healing...Praying for Sweet Gwyneth as well while ya'll are seperated....I pray Tricia is able to get some rest this evening...

  66. will keep praying - as always - looking for some good news tomorrow... and some good quality rest for Tricia.... she continues to amaze me!

  67. Thanks for the update. We'll continue to cover your family with prayers esp Tricia.

  68. I have been checking in all evening. I wanted to check one more time before I headed to bed. I will say prayers for her tonight. Hope everything will be ok. Big Big Big (((HUGS)))

  69. Sorry to hear Tricia isn't feeling well. I pray the doctors can figure out what to do, and she will be feeling better & out of the hospital. I remember well all the ups & downs when my son was sick. God is good. He will continue to hold you up. I will be praying for all of you.

  70. I'm praying for Tricia right now! Hope you get better news as the night goes on!!!

  71. Thank you for the update. Prayers of course.

  72. Coming over from Mckmama to send some well wishes and prayers for Tricia.

    Good luck!

  73. I read your blog almost everyday. I have to say that I am embarassed that this is my first time commenting.
    Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your joy and your unending optimism with me.
    I hope that Tricia is feeling much better very soon. My prayers are with you and your sweet little family!

  74. Sending my thoughts and prayers out your way !

  75. praying...
    ....where two or more are gathered in His name.

    -t (frequent lurker to the north)

  76. I am so sorry. Please keep us posted.

  77. Thank you Nate for taking the time to update us.

    Dear Lord - I pray to you that you give the doctors and nurses the guidance that they need to help Tricia through this latest health issue. Please Lord keep Tricia, Nate and Gweneth in your safe and loving hands. Give Tricia peace tonight so that she may sleep and heal her body.

    In the name of your son Jesus we lift this prayer to you tonight.


  78. Me and mine are thinking about your family and Tricia. Only good things. Your blog is incredibly inspiring to me.

  79. Praying for Tricia and sending my love to all.

  80. Glad she's in good spirits, but I'm so sorry she's not feeling well. Hang in there. I know this is hard on you, too. Hugs, Heather

  81. I have been reading your blog for a long while now...My SIL is currently doing the transplant dance due to CF...You all are close to my heart & always in my prayers.
    Stay strong,

  82. Nate and Tricia,

    I woke a few moments ago and the first thought was to check on Tricia. I said a prayer again for you Tricia. God is in control of all things as you know already. I don't have to tell you that. What I do feel a need to tell you is that God has laid it on many people's hearts to keep you in prayer. Your blog has done many things for many people. I believe one thing it has done for many, especially myself, is to remind us that GOD is GOD!!!!! He can do anything. He is the Almighty. All we have to do is come to him. He will supply all our needs. Nate, I know that you have said you hope this blog can be used to help others. I believe that there may be someone out there who is needing help right now. This post is to let all who may be reading this, know that God is in control. Look to Him and He will guide you through ANYTHING> I hope you do not mind my using this post area for this message, I just felt God lay it on my heart to share with you all. Tricia, rest well, Nate you too. Draw your strength from God and He can do miracles as you've seen before. :) God Bless you all.

  83. I hope they have caught it early and they can treat it with some strong antibiotics so she'll be home soon.

    Thinking of you, crossing my fingers and sending positive thoughts across the ocean!

  84. praying for the 3 of you.
    Nathalie, from France.

  85. We are praying for you guys! We'll be praying that this is just a short stay and that Tricia will get well very soon.

  86. Praying that Tricia will be feeling better soon!

  87. praying for you all and hoping that the visit from big sis meg will bring cheer and delight!

  88. Glad you are in the good hands of the Duke staff. You are in my prayers as you face yet another hurdle. God be with you.

  89. Oh Tricia, I hope you are better soon. I'm so glad you have each other.

    You all are in my prayers!

    Holly in PA

  90. Still praying for you all! God can and DOES still perform miracles.

  91. She is in my prayers. Feel better soon, Tricia!

  92. A Texas prayer is coming your way. Stay calm and know that God is holding all 3 of you, safely in His arms.

  93. Praying for all of you, but expecially, Tricia right now!!

  94. Praying for Tricia. And, of course, for you.

    Please keep us updated as best you can.

  95. Praying for the infection to clear up and Tricia to feel better and hopefully get some rest. You are in our hearts today,
    Tricia and Family

  96. So sorry to hear this--will pray for Tricia and your family.

  97. Sending prayers your way...for all three of you...

  98. Praying for complete healing from the God who has been so faithful to you all.

  99. I'm glad she's in the hospital where they can stabilize her. Rely on your faith in Jesus, He will sustain you as no one else can!

  100. Nate, we are lifting you guys up in prayer everyday and will continue to do so with this pressing need.

  101. I will continue to pray. Good luck Tricia.

  102. While we wait for an update - know we're praying!
    Father God - take this infection out of Tricia's body...give her sweet rest and energy for each day. Give the doctors knowledge and give Nate the peace he needs. Keep Gwyneth a happy and healthy baby. Thank you that they will be on their way home soon! In Jesus' name - Amen!

  103. still praying for you all here Nate.

  104. it is always my honor and pleasure to pray for my pen pal friends! My heart is aching and crying out to our Father on your behalf.
    Love, hugs and prayers to all!

  105. So sorry, guys. i know not exactly what you were originally planning for your trip to have on the agenda. :) praying...jen in al

  106. Praying for Tricia. I hope she is feeling better soon.

  107. Prayers from Wilmington... May God watch over all three of you.

  108. Still praying for all of you in northern va:)

  109. Praying for the three of you. Tricia is a strong woman and will get through this little setback.

  110. You don't know me but I pray for her healing and your continued stamina/strength/faith.

  111. Thanks so much for the update Nate.
    Praying that this infection (or whatever it happens to be) is easily treatable and Tricia can remain relatively comfortable and at ease in familiar surroundings.
    Hopefully this will be but a mere speed bump on this courageous, amazing and blessed road your family is traveling. I have a t-shirt that mentions squirrels as life's speed bumps...but I digress.
    Prayers will continue for you and your precious, precious girls.

    Much Love!
    The VandeCastles.

  112. I pray everyone there takes care of your family and has you all feeling better as soon as possible.

  113. My heart is breaking. I was so hoping that she was doing better. I am praying for her non stop!

  114. We are praying for you in Virginia. I hope things are improving today.

  115. Thanks for the update Nate, so sorry to hear Tricia had to be admitted. As someone with Cf I know how that goes... it's test after test and wait after wait. I just hope they get some results soon so they can get this under control before Tricia feels any worse.

    I will be praying non stop for you guys. Hope it's not a long stay and Tricia feels some relief soon.

    God Bless!!

  116. I will be thinking of her all day today :)

  117. Thinking of and praying for you all!!!

  118. Saying a prayer for all 3 of you! Praying that the cause of the infection is found quickly. Tricia knows that the Nurses & Doctors at DUKE will take care of her quickly. I hope Tricia is felling better very soon!

  119. Tricia, your daughter and you will be in my prayers. Everything is going to be allright. God is watching over the three of you.

  120. I am praying Tricia! You and your sweet family are in my prayers.

  121. Oh praying big time for all of you.
    I always feel better once i"m in the hospital, too. I don't know why--maybe it's because I know I'm around smart people who will Solve the Problem.


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