
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back On The Floor

Tricia was just moved back to her normal floor. Thanks to all of the great nurses in our favorite ICU for taking great care of Tricia and getting her out ASAP!

Agnes and Gwyneth are on their way over...when they get here, we'll have a little party to celebrate Gwyneth's 9 month birthday!



  1. So glad to hear it! I hope she gets out of the hospital entirely very soon and you get great news when her other appointments come through. Hang in there and happy 9 months to Gwyneth!

  2. Take lots of pictures and save us some birthday cake! Tell Agnes I said hello!

  3. What wonderful news! I'll continue to say prayers! Happy 9 months Gwyneth! This fellow preemie-parent is elated to know that she is doing so well!

  4. YEAH!!!!! So glad Tricia is well enough to leave ICU and she is able to spend part of the day with her sweet baby on her 9 month birthday!!!!!! Praying for rest and healing and that the results of the chemo show it is fighting the cancer....hope ya'll have a wonderful afternoon and thanks for the update!

  5. congrats tricia! Praise God! Enjoy your family time!

  6. Good news. Answered prayers. God is FAITHFUL!

    The Murray Crew

  7. Praising God with you! Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!! praying, jen in al

  8. Good news! Hopefully you have a fabulous partay!

  9. Glad to hear that Tricia is out of ICU and back to her normal floor. While we all know that she doesn't want to be in the hospital, I am sure that being where she feels most comfortable is definitely helping the healing. We'll continue to pray for good results and a speedy recovery.

    Happy 9th month Birthday Gwyneth!!!

  10. Whoo-Hoo!! Praising God for that news!

    Happy 9-month birthdy, Gwyneth! It doesn't seem like it could possibly even be that long ago!

    What a blessing it's been to watch her grow and change over the last 9 months. Thanks again for sharing.

  11. Happy to hear she is in a regular room and outta ICU! That's always a huge relief! Still praying here.
    Happy 9 months to Gwyneth. Milestones with preemies are so wonderful!!

  12. So glad Tricia is feeling and doing better. I got worried about you all when I read one or your earlier posts when she had to be admitted to ICU. Can't believe how big the baby is getting!


  13. God is good! I'm so glad Tricia is better and all of you can celebrate Gwyneth's bday together. Must have been the video from yesterday that made Tricia turn the corner!

  14. So HAPPY to hear Tricia is out of ICU, that's a great sign! Will continue to pray she feels better each day.

    Enjoy the birthday celebration and take LOTS of pictures. Cant wait to see!!! :)


  15. Good news! And this is random, but I just happened to notice your ClusterMap. I've seriously never seen one that is almost completely covered in red. How awesome! :)

  16. That's great to hear. Happy 9 months Gwyneth!

  17. Praise the Lord, what wonderful news, happy 9 month birthday Gwenyth!

  18. What great news. I will pray for Tricia to continue to get better so she can move out the front door and back home. Enjoy the birthday party.
    Elaine from MT

  19. Yippee! Lots of wonderful reasons to celebrate!
    Thank you Lord, you are so good!
    Enjoy the day!

  20. Such great news!! So glad to hear she's out of ICU!

  21. Thank you Lord! Praying she is released soon.

  22. Woo Hoo..out of ICU!!
    And happy 9 months to Miss Gwyneth!! Before you know it she will be face first in some "I'm one years old" birthday cake!!!

  23. Happy birthday Gwyneth -- and please let Tricia know she doesn't need to go to such extreme measures to visit her favorite nurses! :)

  24. Great News Nate. Prayers continuing here and Happy Birthday to your 9 mo. old cutie. Over 10 lbs. what a blessing. Praying you all home again real soon. God is with you always.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  25. Hurray! I'm so glad to hear that Tricia is doing better. It's hard to believe that I've been following your story and praying for you for nine months already! Happy celebrating!

  26. That is such great news. Hope they can beat down that infection quickly. Have a lovely party.

  27. What great news! Prayers for continued healing!

  28. Wonderful! Happy 9 months, Gwyneth!

  29. Great news on Tricia and happy 9 month birthday to Gwyneth! :)

  30. GREAT news! Thanks for the update. As always, we are praying for youse guys! Tricia, we hope you get well very soon.
    Happy 9th month, Gwyneth!
    Nathan, we're praying for extra strength and endurance for you.

    Hope Gwyneth enjoys her time with her grandmom, aunt, and niece : )

  31. great news, you have been in my prayers for many months ( just never posted)

  32. I'm so glad she's out of ICU. :) Happy nine month birthday to Gwyneth.

  33. Happy to hear. Hope Tricia is feeling better - happy 9 months to Gwyneth. She is so adorable. Thanks for sharing everything.

  34. HAPPY 9 MONTH BIRTHDAY TO YOU GWYNETH! Prayers from Louisiana

  35. Happy milestone to Gwyneth!
    Prayers for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth. I am glad she is out of ICU and pray that they find what the infection is and treat it fast. God is still the great phycisian and I pray for His will.
    In His love,

  36. Such WONDERFUL news! Praise God. Have a wonderful sweet birthday together. Continued prayers...

  37. Thank and praise God! Remembering your family in prayers. Take care!

  38. Fantastic News!! We've been praying for you earlier today. Happy birthday Gwyneth!!

  39. AWESOME news...
    And happy birthday to the little princess.

  40. Praise God!

    thought about you guys a bunch today....esp when we were watching a noon showing of Nights of Radanthee (sp?)

    happy 9 month birthday Gwyneth... you are getting soooo big! another praise GOD!!!

  41. I'm so glad she's well enough to be moved to a regular floor! I'll continue my prayers!!!!

    Happy 9 month birthday, sweet Gwyneth!!!!

  42. Gald to hear that Trisha is out of ICU. Still praying hard that she comes home this week and that everything else is fine

    Happy 9 months to Gwyneth.

  43. Hooray for being out of the ICU! You guys are in my prayers.

  44. Hooooooray! Happy 9 month b'day to the girl!!

  45. That is wonderful news!! Happy 9 months to Gwyneth too!

  46. Best news I have heard all day Nate!

    Praising God for the worst to be over, for now!

    Happy 9 month birthday pretty girl!

    Love and blessings,

  47. Hey, you can't keep a good girl down for long! Way to go, Tricia!

  48. I'm happy to hear of Tricia's progress!

    Happy birthday, Gwyneth!

  49. Glad to hear Tricia is doing better.

  50. So glad to hear she's well enough to come out of the ICU.

    You know, I was thinking a little while ago how good God is that if Tricia had to go and catch an infection, it should happen just when you were going to Duke anyway, so she could be cared for by the best possible people!


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