
Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Actually, just cake, but it was still fun! I snuck out this morning and bought a chocolate cake and decorated it with pink icing (my mom will be proud). Once Tricia was settled into her new room, Grandma and Gwyneth arrived and we ate some cake (and it was good)!

Gwyneth was very interested...

Happy 9 month birthday baby GRL!



  1. Look at that tongue! It looks like she could just lick the icing right off the cake. What a cutie-pie!

  2. That cake looks yummy! What a beautiful birthday girl.

  3. Baby GRL--I get it! MMM...VERY cute cake! Great job Daddy!

  4. Look at her sitting (almost) by herself!!!

  5. She looks like she's itching to get those sweet little hands covered in frosting!! I hope ya'll had a great time & I hope Tricia is feeling better!!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  6. I see you have trained her properly... she already licks her lips at the sight of chocolate. :)

  7. Awesome looking cake-- yummy!

    Happy 9 month birthday, Gwyn! :-)

  8. What a monumental celebration. Mircale, miracle, miracle. I'm so glad Tricia is doing better too. I'm praying for good news from all her tests. The Michigan Jennifer:)

  9. great job with the cake. she looks ready to dig in!

  10. I think it's so sweet that you would go to all the trouble to celebrate your daughter's 9 months with you. Not many men would do that, especially for a 9 month milestone. It just goes to show just how much you appreciate life with your girls. The question is...did Gwyneth get even a lick of the icing?

  11. Awesome job! I love the look on Gwyneth's face. She looks excited about her cake :)

  12. What a doll!!! Happy 9month birthday miracle girl!

  13. yay! Happy 9 months Gwyneth. Her outfit matches her cake. What a stylin' girl.
    Praying for all of you.

  14. Cute pictures. Good job on the cake! Was that your first decorating job?

  15. YO!!! How'd I miss out on that?

    Ps: Gwyneth didn't eat any because she was all filled up with the Chick~Fil~A I was sneaking her earlier in the day! ;)

  16. Cute cake for a cute girl. I hope the day was happy.

  17. Her outfit matches the cake. hehe!!

    Happy bday Gwyneth!! You deserve a big handful of that icing. I hope daddy let you have some.

  18. Absorb each and every moment!! Breathe it all in and know that we are all still praying ...

  19. Good job! And I love that her outfit matches the frosting. ;o)

  20. Nate, MAD PROPS on the cake, DUDE! Seriously, good job!

    And, I especially LOVE the way that Gwyneth's dressed in PINK & BROWN to match her cake!

    Did Daddy plan that, too?

    Looks like you guys had FUN!

  21. Awww, she dressed to match her cake! And stuck her tongue out wanting to taste the chocolate, I'm sure. Still as adorable as ever.

  22. Great job on the cake. And Gwyneth's outfit even matches her cake? Too cute!

    Happy 9th Month Birthday Gwyneth!!!

  23. Happy birthday darling girl! There are more people who love you, than you'll ever know. xoxo Elise (Addie's Mama)

  24. How thoughtful! I'm sure Tricia LOVED it.

    Hope Tricia heals quickly.

    And...that Gwyneth is growing so quickly!

  25. Happy 9 month Birthday, Gwyneth Rose! What a precious little miracle you are!

  26. Nate,

    I have been following your blog since January. I have checked in *almost* every day, following the amazing journey that you, Tricia, and Gwyneth have forged. You all are so inspirational. I have two first cousins with CF, who have gone through many struggles, but I did not fully understand the severity of CF until I started following your blog. I know it is sort of late in coming, but thank you so much for sharing so much of your lives with all of us. You, as a family, are so inspirational, and I think about, and pray for the three of you constantly. Prayers for Tricia's quick recovery, and Gwyneth's continued amazing growth :)


  27. i can't believe she is going to be 1 year old in 3 months!!! She is stinkin adorable. Get well soon, Tricia!

  28. i'm very impressed with your cake decorating...and i love the pics of gwyneth looking at her cake. she knows what's good (even if she can't have any yet...or did she?)

  29. praying for you guys! gwyneth is so dang big!! hugs.

  30. I love the cake Nate. Great job decorating.

  31. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!! As always, my thoughts and heart are with you all ~
    Kia kaha, Tricia ~ that is Maori for "Stand Strong!"

  32. I can't see to what her first birthday will be like ... I vote Nathan to take care of the cake!

  33. Happy 9 month birthday, Gwyneth! She's such a cutie. Hope Tricia is getting better. I'll continue to pray for all three of you!

  34. Sounds like good news all around. Happy B-day Gwyneth and great news about Trish. Hopefully, all will be well and you will be back home soon.

  35. happy 9 MONTHS! wowzerz!praying for tricia and you guys as well

  36. Happy 9 month birthday Gwynth!

    So glad to hear Tricia is on the ward and out of ICU. God Bless her once again. Keep getting better little momma.

  37. What a wonderful day!!!! You can't tell me it doesn't mean something when Tricia gets out of ICU just in time for Gwyneth's birthday!! Says everything to me:)

    So happy you guys had a good time last night and Nate...I have to say you did a good job on the cake!

  38. The last picture is priceless! So happy you were able to enjoy such a special day.

  39. Nice job, Nate! You're a natural talent :-) Happy 9 months to Gwyneth... you've come such a long way, Baby!

  40. Has anyone else noticed that her outfit perfectly matches her cake?

  41. You did a great job decorating the cake Nate, looks yummy.

    Hope you all had a nice time celebrating the little princess' birthday! Thank you for sharing. I'm sure Tricia was very happy.. Hope she is feeling better each day, will continue to pray!


  42. i can't wait to see what this little girl's one year birthday will be like if she has such a great cake at 9 months :)

  43. Happy 9 month birthday to an awesome little miracle. It is a blessing to be able to see you grow. May God be with you, keep you from all illness and protect you.

  44. I love the picture with her tongue! That is just too cute. She's ready for some cake.

  45. okay..that last pic...just AWESOME!! Love that tongue sticking out!!
    And kudos to you for decorating the cake!! Job well done!

  46. I hardly noticed the cake because that little girl is so ridiculously CUTE! She has the most adorable expression. Awwwwwwwwwww. I got my cuteness for the day

  47. The last picture with the tongue out? I look the same way when Im around cake! Beautiful pictures!

  48. I am amazed Nate. With all that has gone on this year, you can do such a good job of cake decorating. I think I have figured out Gods calling on your life, 360 degrees of PURE LOVE.
    And you are doing it so good!! Praying for all 3 of you to be headed back home ASAP. Praying His healing touch on Tricia from head to toe.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  49. Happy Birthday, cutie pie!!!! praying, jen in al

  50. You can just tell by that last photo that Gwyneth is going to be a chocoholic as she gets older.

    And who can blame her...that chocolate cake looks tasty!!!

  51. oh my goodness....I never realized her it! Those cake pictures are GOLD!

  52. Awwwww.... I love these pictures!

  53. I can't believe its been 9 months! Thanks as always for letting us share in your special family story. I'm so glad Tricia is out of ICU, sending her lots of special love from across the ocean xxx

  54. P.S: Sorry I also meant to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE GWYNETH!!! xxx


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