
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Caption Winner

"Cover Girl's new Pink Icing Lip Paste. Easy, breezy, Cover Girl."

Submitted by Becky

Tricia picked the winner this favorites were:

"Rose Steele"


"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is."

(nice pop culture references!)



  1. I like the "ridiculously good looking" quote!

  2. WOW! I WON! Thanks for choosing my caption! My husband says I watch "America's Next Top Model" WAY too much. I guess he's right. I'm so flattered! Thanks for making my day!

  3. I'm just wondering if there has ever been a more adored baby~it's so sweet to see how much you guys enjoy her!

  4. agreed! but Gywneth does indeed have that easy breezy cover girl look for sure! :)
    congrats to Becky on the great caption.

  5. Don't forget the beautiful part of "easy, breezy, BEAUTIFUL Cover Girl" because Gwyneth sure is beautiful!

  6. Love the easy breezy beautiful cover girl title, it is adorable just as Gwyneth is, it is a perfect fit =) =)
    Praying today goes as you guys hope.
    Always in our prayers
    with love & well wishes
    Patricia Nelson & family
    I almost forgot to say....
    ***Congrat's to Becky ***

  7. Ooh, thanks for mentioning mine! I like the one Tricia chose too! ;)


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