
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tomorrow (Monday)

I'll be waiting to hear from Tricia tomorrow morning about what the doctors will say about her discharge. Either way, I'm heading to Durham, but, if she will be discharged tomorrow, I'll leave Gwyneth at home and go and be back with Tricia by the end of the day...if she is not going to be discharged tomorrow, I'll take Gwyneth with me to stay overnight (hopefully Tricia will be discharged by Wednesday).

Fortunately, Tricia's PET Scan is scheduled for tomorrow, and we should know something about her lymphoma shortly after. We REALLY appreciate your thoughts and prayers over the past few months about this, as it's something we've been anticipating since the original lymphoma diagnosis.




  1. THanks for the update before bed Nate.

    Know that our family continues to lift you up in prayer!

    Love and blessings,

  2. I know how terrifying these tests are. I pray that the chemo is working. I wish I could tell you it gets less stressful after remission (which I'm hopeful Tricia is close to). I know exactly how much depends on test results. I'm here to talk or listen. I've been there.


  3. Praying for good results from scan tomorrow and a quick discharge!

  4. Praying for good news on the scan tomorrow...and safe travel!

  5. Praying all goes well Monday!

    Trica ~ You ROCK girlfriend!!!

  6. Devoutly praying for good results.

  7. Praying for good results from the PET SCAN and safe travels.

  8. You have prayers coming from Monument, CO today!

  9. Thanks for the updates! Praying for great news from the scan and that you are all home together soon.

  10. Nate, have a safe trip. Will be praying Tricia gets discharged and her scan goes well!!!

    Safe Travels!

  11. I am continuing to pray for all of you. Your family is an such an encouragement to me. Such a testimony for the Lord.
    I am also so curious of how you are notified when someone mentions you guys on their blog. I have a couple of times as a prayer request and you always respond with a Thank You. Amazing you would take the time to do that!

  12. you guys are incredibly inspirational especially in a world that gets too caught up in politics, money, and greed. It is refreshing to see people that are truly spiritual and REAL! our thoughts and prayers continue...

  13. Praying for good news and a speedy recovery and that you will get home soon. Love, prayer and hope,
    Tricia and Clan xox :)

  14. Praying hard for everyone and looking forward to great news!!!

  15. I know how hard these scans are Nate. I am praying for Tricia and You today. I know its stressful for the Patient and the Caregivers. Lifting you all in Prayer.

  16. I certainly hope all goes well and that Tricia is released soon.
    Nate, I just read a new blog about a little girl who just had a triple organ tansplant and she isn't doing well. Could you please say a pray for little Emerson.
    Elaine from MT

  17. I can't wait to hear good news about about Tricia!

    Though you don't know me, i thought of you today. I'm in Egypt right now and when visiting a tourist spot, I had to turn over my driver's license to enter an area. When I returned the guard pulled me aside and asked me what the heart in the corner of my (Virginia) license meant. I showed him it said "Organ Donor" and had to put on a mini-drama to explain it to him. He was amazed and asked if everyone has this on their license. I took a minute and explained the process of going to the DMV and checking the box. After that he was extremely kind to me and even shook my hand (a rarity for men to touch women in any way here). Anyway, it just seemed like a moment y'all would have enjoyed being there for...and you were in spirit!

  18. Praying that the Lord gives you His peace and strength as you have the PET test tomorrow!
    I just got put on complete bedrest today as we are having some complications with the pregnancy, so this gives me more time to pray.
    How wonderful to rest in the hands of our loving Lord!
    love and prayers,

  19. Nate,

    I have popped in quite often to see how you are all doing. I would have to say almost everyday now. Nate, you are an amazing person. The love that you have for your wife and daughter are just unbelievable. I pray for your wife and for you and your daughter and for the doctors and nurses to give them the knowledge. Thank you for being you. You and your wife have made this world a better place. I am sure we all have learned alot from you two, I know I have. Thank you :o)

  20. Praying for you all, and glad you're all together again.

  21. I may not of commented before...can't remember. I've been praying for a long time though and am so sad to read the discouraging note about the lymphoma. There simply are no adequate words. The only words I could utter were, "Oh God help!"


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