
Sunday, October 5, 2008


The pic below was posted a little over a year ago, while Meka and I sat in our Durham hotel room, watching a great football game...I thought today was a Good Day to repost it...



  1. Okay, not a big football fan here, but your dog is so darn cute!! Pugs rock! :o)

  2. Oh yeah!! Hail to the Redskins!!! Dallas AND the Eagles went down in flames...doesn't get better than that!

  3. might be true today, but there's no denying eagles fans are the best!! =P
    is tricia an eagles fan being from eagles country??

  4. Hey now. Easy there, you've got a big group of fans of CFH from Philly - show us some love.

  5. lol well I do agree that the Eagles Stink !!

    Funny thing I saw this week.

    My sons football team is the Eagles ( he coach is a great guy, even tho he is an Eagles fan)

    One of their Star players is a Cowboys fan. ( smart family)

    This kid comes to practice wearing a Tony Romo Jersey coupled with his Eagles Helmet. I told him it would have been funnier if he had worn a T.O Jersey.

  6. It sure is an amazing year! Go Skins!

  7. REDSKINS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!

    From a transplanted Northern Virginian (via Miami) to Chicago Bears land.....

  8. hey u married a "philly"girl, embrace the birds:)

  9. HA! I will have to show my husband this for he grew up with Pugs and he loves them, and he is a Eagles fan (Im a cowboy fan - sorry!) and he is yelling Eagles Stink too!!!

    Keep mommy in our prayers.

    God Bless.


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