
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Big Week

Tomorrow kicks off a big week for us. We'll be heading up to Durham sometime in the second half of Monday. Tuesday is filled with appointments...we'll find out how well Gwyneth is doing, and know how well this chemo is taking care of Tricia's lymphoma. Tricia has a few appointments with the transplant team on Wednesday morning, and then we're hoping to head home.

We've been praying for several weeks that the next few days will bring great news.

Tricia was in bed since last night until just about an hour ago...her chemo side effects are kicking in strong, and I'm guessing she's still feeling sick from this sinus thing. She's coughing up junk.

We're hoping that Tricia won't have to be admitted into the hospital, but we're taking extra clothes and baby gear in case (because you never know).

Also, Tricia's sister, Megan is flying down to hang with us and help me balance time between my girls schedules.

We also need to get a bit of "big city" shopping in, for things that we can't find here on the OBX.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers this week. I'll update when I can...



  1. Nate,

    Our family will be covering you in prayer this week.

    Praying that there is no need for a hospital stay.

    Praying that God uses this time back at the hospital to reach more lives through your powerful testimony of faith and love for our Savior!

    Love and blessings,

  2. We'll be praying for you all as you drive this way tomorrow. If the schedule permits, I know of some folks who would LOVE to see you guys :)

  3. I pray for one of the best weeks ever for you guys and for a safe trip for Megan.

  4. Safe travels
    Good results

    My prayers are with you. Be safe.

  5. Wish I was comin' too. I'll be praying that all goes well.

  6. I can imagine...
    but really don't know.

    I suffer from asthma & chronic sinus problems... recently just finished course #2 of antibiotics and a course of steroids. That is bad enough. It kicked my butt.

    Add chemo... to all of Tricia's transplant meds. NO immune system.
    I can only imagine how she feels.

    I will continue to pray.

    ToOdLeS.ShEiLA (Nevada)

  7. Shopping? No one mentioned shopping!


    See you guys tomorrow!

  8. Praying everything turns out great tomorrow :)

  9. Will be praying for a safe trip, Tricia's health, and a great report for Tricia and Gwyneth! God bless you three!

  10. Good luck!

    I love how you said big city! Haha because we know its SOOOO HUGE! =)

  11. Praying double time for you this week.

    Praying that Gwyneth gets great news and excellent growth

    Praying that Tricia's chemo has been doing the trick and no more cancer..especially no hospital stay!

    Praying for healing and complete wellness.

    You all deserve that for a while!

  12. Still lifting y'all in prayer in Illinois!

  13. I will be praying for you guys and hoping you get a chance to come see me up on the unit on Tuesday!!

  14. Praying for the best news ever this week for the two girls. Praying that Tricia will not have to be admitted & that she'll feel much better soon. For traveling mercies for you three & Megan.
    Praying in Missouri

  15. Sending lots of prayers your way! Have a safe trip!

  16. Praying for good news this week and that everything goes smoothly.

  17. I can relate to the effects of chemo on top of a cold, so as I head to bed, I'm praying for Tricia and that your week is full of good news!

  18. The first sinus infection/cold/flu after tx is very scary. It's definitly complicated by the chemo. I am praying that it will resolve, and the appointments will go well!! Hang in there!

  19. Nate, my prayers are with you!!! Here's hoping that the chemo has worked and that the virus hasn't developed into a bad lung infection.

  20. Praying that your girls get good reports this week.

  21. Covering you all in prayer this week.

  22. Nate, I have been reading your blog for several months now and I realized I've never left a comment. I just want you and Trish to know that I too will be lifting you up in prayer.

  23. Praying for a safe trip and good health for your girls.

  24. Praying for lots of good news in the coming days!

  25. Praying for good news.
    Cute pic below! My brother loved the Skins when he was little, lol.

  26. Praying for a safe and successful trip.

  27. I'm going to be Durham just minutes away from Duke on Tuesday (I love in Graham; 30 minutes west of Durham), so you will definitely be in my thoughts and my prayers!!

  28. Praying for a safe trip and wonderful health reports for both girls!

  29. I too live close to Durham, work in Chapel Hill and will be praying for you guys all day today. Here's to a great report and no hospital stay!

  30. I'm praying that you get nothing but GREAT news this week!!! Can't wait to hear!


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