
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Latest

Tricia's PET Scan (Monday morning) shows that the chemo has done very little to affect her PTLD, and, in fact, some of the spots in her lungs have grown, and the lymphoma has possibly spread to a lymph node in her chest (outside of her lungs). They are stopping the current R-CHOP treatment, since it is obviously not doing her any good, and performed another biopsy on Tuesday morning.

That is literally all we know at this point. We arrived home late last night. We should hear back from Duke later this week about what the biopsy shows and what they recommend next.

We are very discouraged as we very distinctly recall the cancer doc telling us a few months ago, "If this treatment doesn't work, Tricia is in serious trouble..."



  1. Oh I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Tricia. God Bless.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that the current news on the cancer isn't the best. I will be praying for Tricia and for all of you and her doctors.

  3. I am so sorry to hear this news :( But, we have a big God who has seen you all through so much already! We will continue lifting Tricia to the Father and trusting Him to intervene on her behalf. Praying that He makes His presence so real to you today and that He restores hope and strength to you and your amazing wife.

  4. Oh No! How discouraging for you guys! I'm definitely keeping Tricia and all of you in my prayers. I hope that in the meantime, she's feeling better from the pneumonia. I'm praying that they figure something out for her that will work. I'll be thinking of all of you...


  5. On our knees praying to our Lord on Tricia's behalf...

  6. Wow Nate and Tricia,I'm so sorry to hear of this latest discouraging news. I will be praying for you all.

  7. We will continue to pray and hope for the best. {{Hugs}}

  8. I'm so sorry, how discouraging. Just remember Tricia has beat the odds so many times before! Though I do hope there is something that can be done for her..praying..

  9. Oh, dear. So sorry to hear this news. I will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

  10. Praying for your beautiful family - staci

  11. Praying for you all. I'm so glad that we serve a God of the miraculous :-)

  12. Saying lots of prayers for you guys- and passing on the prayer request to all we know.

  13. Sending prayers for all of you up to the Big Guy -- the Great PHysician. He heals, as you well know, when others cannot.

  14. Not the news anyone wanted to hear. Know that so many are praying for you all. Give Tricia a big hug!

  15. For some reason you guys have been on my mind all day today. I kept checking for an update. I am so sorry to hear this. Our God is a God of miracles and I am praying for one for Tricia. We will keep praying!!

  16. Praying and Beleiving that our GOD is bigger than this and will take care of everything in His time. Amen!

    Blessings to you,
    Brandi N.

  17. Praying peace for you both and your you know, this has been a year of miracles and I continue to pray for more....

  18. I posted this for a friend yesterday who is going through very similar trials as you...

    Hold Me Jesus - Rich Mullins

    Well, sometimes my life
    Just don't make sense at all
    When the mountains look so big
    And my faith just seems so small

    So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
    You have been King of my glory
    Won't You be my Prince of Peace

    And I wake up in the night and feel the dark
    It's so hot inside my soul
    I swear there must be blisters on my heart

    So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
    You have been King of my glory
    Won't You be my Prince of Peace

    Surrender don't come natural to me
    I'd rather fight You for something
    I don't really want
    Than to take what You give that I need
    And I've beat my head against so many walls
    Now I'm falling down, I'm falling on my knees

    And this Salvation Army band
    Is playing this hymn
    And Your grace rings out so deep
    It makes my resistance seem so thin

    So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
    You have been King of my glory
    Won't You be my Prince of Peace

    You have been King of my glory
    Won't You be my Prince of Peace

  19. I have been following your site since about the time you found out Tricia was expecting. Yet, what do you say when you have never left a comment before? My heart is breaking for you, breaking into little tiny pieces. Yet, my faith is strong and my prayers will remain constant.

  20. Nate, I'm praying very hard for Tricia, as she has been fighting so much for so long. Please remember there is always hope. I know right now is a blur for you all.

  21. I am sure you have heard better news before, but just stay strong and know that we are all praying for Trica, Gweneth, and you.

  22. I am praying for Tricia and her Drs. Our God is big enough to handle all things! May your family find comfort in HIS loving arms as you face this new developement!

  23. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. We will be praying for Tricia.

  24. My prayers will keep coming as long as it takes. God is in control.

  25. So sorry the news was not better. Praying Praying Praying.

  26. So sorry to hear all this - you have my fervent prayers.

  27. Our prayers are with you all - God is good, all the time.

  28. The news saddens me. Praying for you. I pray that you and Tricia feel God holding you in His righteous right hand.

  29. Thoughts and prayers going out to you, Tricia, Gwyneth and the medical team.

  30. Sending good thoughts and positive vibes your way. Saying lots of prayers for you and your family.

  31. Add me to the very rare commentors. I'm so sorry that you two have suffered this are in my prayers, too. God has a plan for your's just hard not knowing what the plan is sometimes, isn't it? ((Hugs))

  32. Praying for healing and strength as you face this giant. Blessings,

  33. I have been praying for Tricia & I will continue...Our God is an AWESOME God & He can do ANYTHING! Remember that there are tons of people praying for ya'll!!

  34. I have been checking frequently hoping for a different update. We will keep hoping and praying for better news from the doctors than what you're expecting.

  35. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I'm praying every day for your family.

  36. Praying for you guys as this shocking news sets in. Keep the faith, God has saved her from much darker places!!

  37. Praying for you guys as this shocking news sets in. Keep the faith, God has saved her from much darker places!!

  38. Praying for you guys as this shocking news sets in. Keep the faith, God has saved her from much darker places!!

  39. I am sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for Tricia and that the news from Duke this week could be as good as possible.

  40. God hear our prayers!!! Watch over Tricia and give them all strength.

  41. I am praying for you guys. I have no words other than I am praying and I am so sorry the treatment did not work.

  42. I will be faithfully praying for you...

  43. I am so sorry to hear that news. I will continue to pray!!

  44. My husband was told this summer that he had 13% chance of survival after finding a matastized tumor on his lung. After major lung surjery at MD Anderson, the pathology report showed spots were not cancerous. We know that God did a miracle. We had many people praying just as you and Tricia also have. Our God still performs miracles today. KEEP FAITH!

  45. I am so sorry! we are PRAYING. Trica is so strong and she Will fight this and BEAT this.

  46. Praying for you, Tricia and the doctors. God is bigger than all of this.

  47. I am so sorry to hear that. I really hope they can give you some good news in the next few days. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  48. This is discouraging! We are praying for answers and a peace that passes all understanding!

  49. So sorry to hear your news. Here's praying that things start moving in a better direction very soon.

  50. The doc may say she's in serious trouble...but he forgets we serve an incredible, all-powerful, healing God.

    My prayers are with you.

  51. I am so sorry to hear this news. Your family continues to be in my prayers.

  52. So sorry Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth- I can't even imagine your feelings right now. I hope it brings you some peace to know so many people are praying for you....

    Guilford, CT

  53. aching for you guys...but I agree with several commenters here, God has the final say, and no matter how much doctors try, they don't know all the answers. What HE chooses is what will happen, not statistics or prognoses or scans. God can and does work miracles, and Tricia is a miracle already. So is your precious daughter. We are all lifting you up - you are always in my thoughts.

  54. Keeping my trust with The Great Physician that he guides you to where you need to be.
    I understand being discouraged Nate. I really do. Hoping with the biopsy they will figure out a plan.
    Covering your Family in Prayer.

  55. Don't lose hope. God can heal her. He doesn't need doctors, nurses, hospitals, medicines, or treatments of any kind. We're still going to pray because we know Who we serve.

    God bless you all!

    Heidi Reed & Family

  56. Praying for each of you. I am so sorry to hear this latest report. Please know that you are still right there in His mighty hands.

  57. So sorry to hear. You are in our prayers!

  58. thank you for your honesty nate. i will continue to pray for your family.

  59. Praying...I understand about waiting on biopsy results. We are currently waiting on biopsy results for my husband to diagnose a mass that was found on 9/16. They just got the biopsy on Friday.

    Just remember...God is STILL on the throne. He already knows what Tricia's biopsy says and He already knows what is going to happen.

  60. On my knees ~ Praying in Michigan!

  61. At times like this where does a person find just the right words or are there any? Will be praying extra hard for Tricia and the family as the almight above works his miracles. She is such a strong willed person and has come so far and over many obstacles that I have faith. We are all pulling for Tricia and praying 24/7.
    Elaine from MT

  62. I remembered your telling us about the potential "serious trouble," too. :(

    I'll keep praying. I trust Tricia is doing better with her other infection?

  63. so sad... will keep praying..... God brought you to it - he will get you through it!!!

  64. I'm praying as well, your family is the only specific people prayers I give for someone I don't know.


  65. Our family is praying. We will never meet each other this side of heaven but know we all care.

  66. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you and the doctors and nurses.

  67. Prayers, and lots of them coming your way.

    Auds at Barking Mad

  68. So very sorry to hear the latest news. Please realize that there are many people praying and wishing Tricia the best!

  69. I have been worried after not hearing from you for a few days. I have been praying a lot more lately. I just wanted you to know that I am still praying that God would have his will in your lives. Just remember that we do not always undertand his reasonings but there is a reason. He is the All Powerful God who still heals. He is the same yesterday, TODAY and FOREVER. Our prayers continue Nate & Tricia.

  70. pleading with our Heavenly Father on your behalf. My heart is breaking for you guys...all of your families.

  71. So sorry to hear this... Thoughts and prayers from Minneapolis.

  72. '' The righteous cry, and the Lord hears
    and delivers them out of all their troubles.
    The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed spirit.
    Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
    But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
    He keeps all his bones,
    Not one of them is broken.''

    Psalm 34/18-19

    For you my dear friends,

    Much love from all of us

  73. Sending so many prayers to you and Tricia...

  74. Dear Nate and Tricia,

    I can barely see through my tears as I type.

    BUT GOD! He is still the same yesterday as He is today! He is holding onto you both with both hands. He is not letting go of any part of this trial and knows how much your hearts are hurting.

    You may feel like giving up and who can blame you. I know you are NOT giving up on Him! Lay down all that hurts inside and scream it all out at His feet. Know that 1,000's are literally sitting at the feet of Jesus with you. I won't stop either and know many are right here with you. We are all walking by faith and no matter what tomorrow brings GOD IS GOOD ALL OF THE TIME!

    Your ministry has reached the ends of the earth and who would have ever thought a year ago you would know this many people??? ONLY GOD!

    Your life and pain is for His gain. I know the plans I have for you says the LORD and they are to prosper...walk in My ways, all the days of your life and I will make your paths straight and when you take on My yoke, your burden will be light and easy...for I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE and you are My gifts from My Father who sent Me to come for you!

    Oh hold on and let us carry this burden with you!

    Love and blessings,

  75. I was crushed to hear this news. I cannot imagine how you're feeling right now. I'm praying for God to be your Comforter and Guide...and HE is the GREAT PHYSICIAN.

    He who created you...He who formed you says,"Fear no, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."

  76. That sucks.

    I'm praying for you lots everyday....
    and the docs and nurses too.....
    our God is an awesome God and yet sometimes I don't understand.....

  77. Nate and Trisha, I have visited your site again and again waiting for an update on the report on Trisha. It is amazing how the Holy Spirit connects us to those we have never met but become so important to each of us, as your family has. There is a group of ladies across the United States called the Garden Friends who have been lifting you up in prayer since Gwyneth Rose was born and we learned about her through another family of preemie twins born at 26 weeks. We have been praying for a season of wellness for Trisha. We believe in our Great Physician who seems to do His very best work when doctors are at the end of theirs...or need divine help. We praise our Father that Trisha is in His own hands. Know that 20 ladies count it an honor to have been drawn to your family by God's own direction as a faithful prayer army who have and will continue to lift you up. I know that your heart is heavy right now. Remember the army that God has surrounded you with. As you continue to lift up His name, so many will be drawn to Him. Trusting God with you. Your Garden Friends

  78. Tricia is in my prayers. Praying that this turns around.

  79. Praying for Tricia, Gwyenth and you!

  80. I am sorry to hear this news. I will keep praying!!

  81. I am so, so sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for Tricia and the rest of your family.

  82. Praying for you guys praying for Gods will to be in each of your lives. Jer. 29:11.

  83. many many prayers for you. you can never have to much prayer. God Bless you all.

  84. nate & Tricia:

    I read your blog almost every day. i am praying that the doctors will be given the wisdom/knowledge from God to know how to help Tricia the best way they know how. Prayer is a powerful thing and i am praying in agreement with you that Tricia will be healed! Your little girl is such a gift and blessing. Such a wonderful gift from God. I have a 5 month old little girl and thank God every day for her. Thanks for sharing her and your story with us.

  85. I'm praying very diligently that there is another chemotherapy regimen to use to keep this monster at bay. Thank goodness the two of you have Gwyneth to make your days happier!

  86. Oh're all in my prayers.

  87. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. I am definitely continue to pray.

  88. So sorry to hear the news. I am praying hard and continuously for you all!

    God Bless!!

  89. I am so sorry to hear. Your in my prayers. all of you.

  90. Nate & Tricia

    Praying so very diligently for your healing. I will keep you both in my thoughts and continued prayer.

    Please do not be discouraged. God is in control and has a plan.

  91. Praying for you all right now!!

  92. Oh no! Jordan & I will keep on praying for Tricia's complete healing.

  93. Holding on to hope and praying for healing.

  94. Still praying for you in Wake Forest,NC.

  95. God is fighting for you! We are praying!!

  96. I am so sorry to hear this. I was hoping and praying for the exact opposite news of this!! My thoughts continue to be with you and Tricia.

    ~Theresa from MN

  97. Oh Nate and Tric, I'm so very sorry and my heart aches for you both. When it gets so tough, just try to remember the promises and hope in God's precious Word as well as remember the great things He has done...through all history as well as in your own lives. I have prayed for you much the past few days and will do all the more.

  98. "If this treatment doesn't work, Tricia is in serious trouble..."

    It's important to remember that this is what a human doctor said. The thing to remember is that our GOD knows way more than any doctor does. He is bigger than a doctor, a diagnosis, a prognosis, or cancer. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that is too big for our Heavenly Father.

    I will continue to pray on behalf of Tricia, you, little Gwyneth...

  99. I have been following your site for some time -- I'm sitting outside a NICU in upstate New York waiting for my daughter who has a premie (1 lb 9 oz) here. My heart is aching for you and this dissapointing news you have received. Your site has been such an encouragement to me as I wait and my thoughts and prayers are with you as you wait to see what the next step will be. We serve a big God and I trust you feel his loving arms around you at this time. God bless you.

  100. I am praying for you and your family.

  101. My heart hurts for you today. Praying for you both and that God will continue to see you through everything.

  102. Praying for healing and strength to shower over you...
    Ann in CT

  103. Praying for you. Will post a link to my blog to encourage others to pray as well.

  104. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers Nate. Hugs to you and Trica.

  105. Hi Nate, I was hoping to read better news after the scan, but Tricia has defied the odds oh so many times - this one will be no different! Our Heavenly Father has been with you every step of this journey and will continue to be so faithful. I believe He performs miracles everyday, and I pray with all my heart that The Great Physician is at work healing Tricia right now. With Love, Alli

  106. I don't know you, but this news ruined my day, and I can't imagine how you two are feeling. Obviously, you are in my prayers, as you are in countless others...

  107. Oh, Nate, I am so sorry. Your family is constantly in my thoughts.

  108. Nathan, I will pray hard for good news. I know of a dad...
    who is doing awesome things (alternative) for his son with leukemia (I know this is not your situation), but I thought I would share that for hopes that something herbal or alternative might be the answer. Praying in Alabama.


  109. You guys have been through so, so much! But God is awesome... and I am praying hard!

  110. I'm so sorry.

    I'm still praying God will turn this around and heal Tricia. Thank you for keeping us updated.

  111. I'm so sorry to hear this discouraging news from the PET scan. Will continue to keep your family in our prayers. Glad you got to all go home last night.

    Julie Miles

  112. Tears filled my eyes as I read this. I am so sorry about the news! I am praying for you guys!

  113. Praying like crazy!!! Love to you all!

  114. I wish I could say something that would help you... I can. a prayer.
    ToOdLeS. ShEiLA (Nevada)

  115. I have been thinking of all of you. Sending up many prayers.

  116. Praying for you in Woodstock, GA . . .
    Kathy Marchetti

  117. I'm so sorry to hear this news! I'm praying that the doctors can come up with a treatment that will zap this monster out of Tricia so you & your family can move on to a normal life (what ever that is).

    Many thoughts and prayers for you all!!

  118. Please God cover this sweet family! Praying, praying!

  119. I am so sorry to hear this news. Praying! Sheryl

  120. My thoughts and prayers are with your family Nate.

  121. I have nothing but respect for doctors. . .but. . . we serve a mighty God (we ALL know this from reading your story) and I cant' wait to see what miracles, blessings and changed lives come from guys are incredible and we are all here praying for you!

  122. I so hope they are wrong.. My prayers are with all of you . A stranger who reads your blog everyday in NYC - Lori Korn

  123. Nate- I have never left a comment before and I dont even know how I stumbled upon your blog but I know it was about 6 months ago. I just wanted you to know that I mentioned you on facebook asking my friends to pray for you. Just thought you would like to know. Praying through this difficult time.

  124. I'm so sorry to hear that - I will keep you all in my prayers.

  125. Oh no! My prayers for Tricia continue. Please be kind to one another.

  126. My heart aches to hear this news. I will be on my knees before the Lord on your behalf.

  127. i'm sorry to hear the not-so-good news. thank goodness God's peace can surpass our understanding! keep Him close.

  128. pulling for you guys, holding out hope for good news later and/or a new & exciting treatment!

  129. I just started reading your blog yesterday morning. I literally spent hours reading thru your entire site. I started praying for you guys and for Tricia especially as soon as I started reading your blog. I was eagerly awaiting your update since getting to the room and her not being there yesterday. I have tears in my eyes as I'm reading your newest post. I'm so sorry you're going thru all of this. But I will continue praying and trusting that God, our HEALER, will take care of your beautiful family.

    Your sister in Christ

  130. Nate,

    I am so very sorry to hear the news. I've been reading y'all's story for a few months now. Many good thoughts coming your, Tricia's, and Gwyneth's way.

    Sincerely, Rachel

  131. Praying for Tricia and your family. Natalie

  132. The Hintz family is putting you all back up on our family prayer board. We will be lifting you all up before our Great God the Great Physician. Praying for healing, and peace amidst the storm.

  133. Any attempt at words seems so trite! Grasp onto the knot in Andy's rope, and know that others are praying you through when you can't find the words yourselves...and know that the Holy Spirit is interpreting your groanings, even now, to the Father!
    Much love from Michigan!

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. I'm sorry to hear this disappointing news. Hoping the doctors will have a great Plan B - I am very sure that God has big plans for you.
    Praying for you daily...

  136. As always, your family is in our prayers and thoughts.

  137. My thoughts and prayers are with your family!!

  138. We're praying for you guys so much! We love you!

  139. So sorry to hear this news, I'm so worried for Tricia. Praying hard for her to HEAL HEAL HEAL!!

  140. as always sending lots and lots of prayers.

  141. Oh, that is not good news. Praying to see more of God's handiwork in your lives, and that whatever happens our Lord will be glorified.

  142. Praying for strength and healing.

  143. I'm so sorry to hear this Nate. Praying for you all.

  144. Not the news you all wanted. I am thankful for a great I know you are also. Prayers going up for all of you!!

  145. This is discouraging news. I am sorry and I am praying. But God wrote this whole story a long time ago, and He knows what this next chapter will bring. Let's continue to keep praying and trusting Him, shall we?

  146. Oh my heart goes out to you... I'm praying hard to the God of Miracles.

  147. Well personally I think that news sucks, but God is not surprised. He knew before the doctors what was coming. Praying His peace in the midst of challenging words delivered. Praying His Spirit rises up through His Word and that He enables you all to stand! I can't even imagine what all of you are feeling but my God knows.

    You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.
    Isaiah 26: 3

  148. ugh... so sad... and yet our God is so big. PRAYING!

  149. Praying that God's timing is perfect, and that His plan is revealed to you in magnificent ways. Holding your family close to my heart while you wait for more information.

  150. Don't loose faith, stay strong, enjoy Gwyneth and each other! Most importantly God only takes us down a path that he himself would never lead us astray. Praying for all!

  151. I'm so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for all of you and also for the doctors to have the wisdom on the right treatment course.

  152. I too am sorry to hear this..Praying for another course of treatment to be found and for the cancer beast to be killed. God bless your family

  153. I am so sad about Tricia's results, but hopeful, as we serve and AMAZING and AWESOME God who can do more than we can even imagine! Praying and hoping for the very best for you all!!

  154. I'm a lurker but wanted to say that I've been following your story since January. Our babies were born one week apart, though their stories are diffrent. I am praying for you all, especially right now.

  155. I have been following your blog since the beginning of January & have never commented. I have just been a quiet observer in your journey, but after all you 3 have been through I felt compelled to comment. I will continue to pray for you all & just have to say with what a tough cookie Tricia is that cancer doesn't know what it's up against ~ Fight on Tricia!! She really is an inspiration to me.

  156. Tricia has been in serious trouble before and God has not let her down. Keep beleiving.

    Love to All

  157. Oh Nate, Our family will be praying for you tonight and in the days to come. Praying that the Dr.s have great wisdom in knowing how to treat Tricia.

    With Love From Michigan,

    The Hagers


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