
Friday, October 17, 2008


We haven't heard anything from Duke yet about the biopsy, so we probably won't know anything until Monday.

Thanks to our awesome readers, we won all four Blogger Choice Awards for which we were nominated. I don't know if we actually win anything other than recognition, which is cool with me, because I know that many people have found the blog because of those nominations.

Our TRUNKorTREAT is (unexpectedly) receiving some National Publicity!

Our local friends and supporters at the Southern Shores Rita's are going to be hanging out at the Kitty Hawk Elementary Fall Festival tomorrow from 10-4, raising money for Cystic Fibrosis! We'll be swinging by at some point, as long as everyone is feeling good, enjoying some delicious water ice.

And, tonight, Gwyneth will be experiencing rice cereal for the first know that cameras will be ready!



  1. Oh I am sure you will have the cameras ready big time!

    Have fun feeding her.

  2. More waiting...praying for another miracle. And then no one will doubt where the healing came from!

    You guys are doing such an amazing job of living in the moment. YEA for you! Love that rice cereal--fun times!

  3. We are praying for good news. You al are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. Precious one I hope you love that good food and sleep well tonight.

  4. Thanks for the update. I hope Tricia is feeling better. Gwyneth is getting to be a big girl if she is ready for cereal. She'll grow like a weed now. I wish we lived closer and could join you for the Rita's fundraiser. I hope it does well. Have a nice weekend. Still praying in NJ.

  5. Thanks for the have been in my prayers constantly this week.

    Can't wait to see pictures of Gwyneth's first food! Don't get discouraged if not much of it actually goes in her mouth. She'll eventually catch on.

  6. I am glad you are finally going to take a few pictures of this little girl!!:) Hope she likes her rice cereal. Praying for you guys Nate and I won't stop. Asking our God to continue doing His best work here as He has faithfully done so far. May your weekend be blessed.

    Love you guys, Laurie in Ca.

  7. Have fun with the rice cereal! It's always entertaining to introduce solids to a baby :) My hubby captured our first experience on video.

  8. God bless you all with a fun time together. I look forward to seeing Miss G eating/wearing the newspaper paste, i.e rice cereal! (Ask me how I know that! I have been through this three times, and it is fun!) Keep some baby wipes ready!


  9. I can't wait for those pictures!
    What is water ice?
    Continied prayers :)

  10. Praying Nate and can't wait to see some serious rice eating pictures!

    Love and blessings this weekend!

  11. Youve probably heard of this, and it may not apply, but I read it and immediately thought of Tricia.

    Youre in my prayers!!

  12. Praying for your entire family, I really hope you get some good news soon.

  13. Thanks for the update!!! Praying everyone is feeling well this weekend and able to get out enjoy family time...can't wait to see pics/video of Gwyneth with her rice cereal!!!!!!! The fun is beginning!!!! She is such a sweetie.

  14. Oh, she's such a big girl. That is a major milestone. She'll love it. Praying for a healthy, relaxing weekend as you enjoy your girls.

    Praying for good news on Monday.

  15. You are making a powerful statement of trusting in the Lord by your example. Praying for you, that He would give you a quiet strength, even in those solitary moments alone.

  16. whew! good to hear your "voice"
    Hope you are feeling all the blog Love and prayers.
    Looking forward to those first food pics of Gwyneth.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. I'll continue to pray throughout the weekend.

  18. It's wonderful to hear to that you seem to be able to focus onother things other than waiting for more news, a child can be a great way to keep your mind occupied. Can't wait to see the cereal pics. Congrats on your winnings.

  19. Can't wait to see the pics of Gwyneth's first cereal. And good luck with those first post-cereal diapers! It's all down hill from here, my friend....

  20. dude! Wallpaper paste! It's gonna rock the diaper-changing part of your world. And just wait 'til you start green vegetables -- spinach was my favorite. Black. It's fabulous! Really! Now, put that toothpaste back into the tube ....

  21. Oh, what a milestone! Our son and elder daughter are about your age, Nate (and boy, I don't know how much longer I can get away with saying I feel 29), and our younger daughter is seriously trailing the pack at 24. Know that we were serious camera people way back when people used film! We have pictures of them experiencing rice cereal, and they are among our dearest treasures. Each attempted bite and scoop is lovingly captured. Right along them in importance are the pictures of our Grandgirlies' experience with the same! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Oh, I have to add this. The diapers are gonna change biiiiiiiiig time. Be prepared.

  22. Keeping you in thought & many prayers. Can't wait to see the food fight pictures!

  23. Praying for Tricia for a great doctor report on Monday. Hope you three have a great weekend and that Gwyneth loves her rice cereal! God bless you guys!

  24. I can still picture Froggy's face the first time we gave her rice cereal, a mixture of intrigue, confusion and then acceptance. Good luck!

    Saying lots of prayers and thinking of you all weekend. xoxo The Froggy Family

  25. Yum!!! We are getting ready to try that with Allie too. Have a great weekend!

  26. I can't WAIT to see that video! What a monumental milestone. Continued prayers for Tricia.

  27. Congratulations!! Can't wait to see the rice cereal event!

  28. Praying for all of you. May God continue to sustain you

    That precious Gwyneth - at 10lb 2oz, she's not yet as big as I was at BIRTH! ;-) (The doctor called me a baby hippo!) Can't wait to see the photos of her eating cereal! And the pink icing is definitely her shade.

  29. I'm probably too late for this suggestion, but when introducing foods is best in the morning so if there are any reactions you are alert and options for severe ones are best. Hope she liked it!

  30. Since hearing the news of Tricia's chemo results, I've heard from so many people in our church...many who wept at the news, some who are fasting on your behalf, and many more who have shared how your journey has changed their life. C3 continues to faithfully lift you all up in prayer & to love your family from afar.

  31. Awww!!!! She is such a darling! I just want to kiss those sweet cheeks! Just a thought, if she doesn't take to the rice cereal, ask your pediatrician about the Gerber Oatmeal. Both my daughters didn't like the rice cereal at all! But both LOVED the oatmeal :) All my prayers to Tricia for a good outcome on Monday! You all are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! ~~~Jennifer in Arlington Heights, IL

  32. Continuing to pray for you all!

    Congratulations on your four 2008 Blogger Choice Awards and in case you haven't noticed yet, you have already been nominated for 2009 in the same categories.

  33. 1st post, but I have been following you guys for a while. Nate, I have two year old twin boys, Tony and Nate. Nate is a great name!
    Both of your girls are beautiful.

  34. I voted for you in all 4 categories.. and So glad you won them all. You deserved it!!!!!

    AND.. I'm so glad you won best health blog over all of those weight loss blogs. I can't stand weight loss blogs!!

  35. that's awesome that you're getting national publicity for nag's head church via trunk or treat. :)

  36. Hi! I saw this report this morning and thought of Tricia. Check it out, if you'd like. I thought maybe I saw it for a reason.

    It talks about wonderful new advances with lung cancer and stage 4 people who have survived
    6+ years. I would have emailed it but I couldn't find your email address and didn't want to wait.


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