
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Prayer for Baby Nathan

Two of our best friends, Zach and Brandie, welcomed the first child, baby Nathan, to the world on Wednesday. After only one day at home, they've found themselves back at the hospital yesterday afternoon. Nathan has extremely bad jaundice and extremely low blood sugar.

Tricia and I, as well as Zach and Brandie's families would appreciate it if you would consider thinking of and praying for baby Nathan.

Thank you.



  1. Praying for baby Nathan and his family.

  2. Of course we'll add baby Nathan to our prayers.

  3. praying that God intervenes on Nathan's behalf, that He supernaturally restores him to healthy, whole and normal, no complications in Jesus name!

  4. He will be in my thoughts and prayers. My son had the same thing when he was born. He was hospitalized for several days, and everything turned out fine!

  5. I will remember to pray for baby Nathan and his family as I continue to pray for the three of you. Have a blessed weekend.

    Laurie in Ca.

  6. Baby Nathan, Zach & Brandie are on my prayer list... May Heavenly Father bless them all and heal 'little Nate' & comfort Mommy & Daddy.
    Praying in Nevada

  7. Of course. The parents must be so stressed at this. Hope things take a turn for the better soon!

  8. More prayers for Nathan here in Alabama!

  9. Praying for Nathan and his family.

  10. Nate,

    We are praying in Florida for Baby Nathan, his mom and dad. My daughter, Ashley, was born with very bad jaundice too, her level was 15.5 normal is from 0 to 2.0. I pray that is nothing serious for Nathan as my daughter ended up with a life threatening liver disease. I also pray that if the doctors find something that requires medical intervention that doctors are given the knowledge to heal Nathan quickly so he can grow up to be all that he can be.

    God's Blessings,


  11. we went through the same thing with our first born daughter Madi. It can be really scary but God is still in control.. we will be praying...

  12. Praying for this family and praying in JESUS name that this baby gets better and is home soon.

    Gina Marie

  13. Praying for baby Nathan, his parents, and his medical team.

  14. I am praying. This was our exact situation with our oldest daughter when she was born (minus the blood sugar). Jaundice can be a much bigger problem than most people realize.

  15. Has been done & will continue to pray.
    Praying in Missouri

  16. Zach and Brandie are lucky to have friends like you and Tricia.

  17. Praying for him. I hope he is better soon

  18. Absolutely - thanks for passing that on.

  19. Keeping baby Nathan and the rest of the family in prayer!

  20. We are also praying for baby Nathan (and Zach and Brandie).

    Have a great Lord's Day!


    The Edwards

  21. I of course will pray for baby Nathan. I wanted to also say something else. I am in a worship band at my church in Abilene, TX. Wednesday at rehearsal, we were running through the song "Healer" from Hillsong Australia album "This is our God". I'm sure you are probably familiar with it. Anyway, I was in a very sweet worship time, with nothing else on my mind but the Lord. At the exact moment that the chorus declares "I believe, Your my Healer" Tricia's sweet face popped in my mind. Of course, I don't know you personally, but I've been praying along with you guys for awhile through blog land. Anyway, I believe this was from the Lord and that is my new declaration to the Lord on your behalf.
    well, that's all I know! God Bless you guys.

  22. We certainly will keep him in our prayers

  23. Praying for baby Nathan. Deacon was also very jaundice- in the 29-30 range which is really scary for first time parents. Praying for their peace and for the jaundice and low blood sugar to be treated and resolved very quickly!


  24. Prayers said for baby Nathan and his entire family.

  25. That's so yucky!

    My son had jaundice so bad! I breast fed him and the doctors said it was because he wasn't getting enough to flush the jaundice out of his system.

    We were freaked out...worried for him. Tried the sunlight thing, ended up going back to the was not fun!

    Will say a quick prayer for him!

  26. Said a prayer just now for this family.


  27. Just saw this...will be praying for baby Nathan.


  28. Nate
    Is everything OK?
    It's not like to to not post.
    Your family is in my daily prayers.


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