
Thursday, October 23, 2008

TRUNKorTREAT Poster Winner

Actually, nobody got them all exactly right (including first names), but BrunetteKoala was the closest, so he/she wins the 75 points!

From left to right:

My dad, Rick, with the apron and chef's hat.
Me, with just my head sticking out, wearing the glasses (just left of the cow-people).
Tricia's dad, Don, up top wearing the pirate patch.
My mom, Gail, at the bottom middle dressed as a snow queen.
My sisters, Rachel and Sarah, dressed as a bee and butterfly, respectively, just right of The Incredibles.
My uncle, Andy, wearing the blond wig, upside down on the bottom.
My brother-in-law, Ramon, dressed as Super Mario.



  1. FYI, I was not a spider, I was a beautiful beautiful butterfly!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really thought Sarah was a spider! I got them all right but I didn't read all the directions before I answered and Greg pointed out to me that I couldn't play...

  4. I tried using your labels to find this answer and I wasn't successful! I wondering if I could have the website of the lady that makes necklaces and such that you have talked about. I used to have a link on our blog but I lost it. My aunt is ordering her daughter one for Christmas!!!! thanks Nate!

  5. yay!! I've never won a blog contest before (I am a 'she') btw...!!

    Props to people who dressed up as the Incredibles as well. LOVE that movie. The kids I used to babysit for used to insist on calling me "elastigirl" or "mrs Incredible"...

    Hope you guys are able to have fun at Trunk Or Treat.

  6. Congratulations!Great contest Nate!
    always enjoy your creative genius :))

  7. I know this is off topic.. But, if you haven't seen this blog: please.. please.. check it and send up your prayers.. they need it ever so bad right now!

  8. That was super hard.

    The only two i recognized was Tricia's dad and you.

    Thanks for telling us...cause i would have never guessed them all!


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