
Monday, November 17, 2008


Yes, there are easier ways to remove tile, but not when it's been adhered to cement which has been tacked onto pre-existing, a hammer is a lot more fun.

This is the partition that Tricia and I were arguing about in the video...and yes, there are better ways to remove it, but again, this is a lot more fun.



  1. I LOVE demolition. Our church took an old gym and turned it into a youth center. I couldn't even lift the sledge hammer so I kicked walls in---probably not safe BUT FUN! So excited for you guys. I remember our first home (that we owned)---GLORY those were grand days. Have fun!

  2. Looks fun! I thought I heard Tricia saying she wanted to keep that one half wall? It looks like it is being torn down!
    Have a good week.
    Praying for all of you.

  3. That looks like a ton of fun. lol! Great article thanks so much for sharing. I'm not sure how i found you but i always like making new blog friends. I believe i was looking for stuff on our sons condition esophageal atresia, i wish you the best.

  4. How fun! I've always loved demolition. It's the rebuilding part that I have a hard time with!

    I'm sure the house will look great with all the "improvements" you'll be making.

  5. oh i agree about the rebuilding part. i'll be praying for the reconstruction and finishing! how i would LOVE to demo both of our bathrooms, a perfect timecapsule to the 1960s. no joke.

  6. Nate,

    I have to admit...... I loved the demo part of remodeling. Especially when I was able to use the hammer and just take out any kind of frustrations I had..... :)

    You guys have fun doing whatever you want to with YOUR house!


    Jennifer, Ohio

  7. hope you guys have lots of fun and stress free days renovating!

  8. I guess Ramon decided it had to go. Hope your enjoying preparing the house for Gwyn & Tricia! What an exciting time!!

  9. Maybe you guys could take on a side job with Extreme Makeover Home Edition when this is done! They, also, seem to have great fun with the demo part of their projects!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. WOW, What progress you are making already!
    And what better way to get out the frustations then demolition!!!
    Take care and be safe

  12. hi i have been following your story for along time now you and your family are so sweet and so bless your family is in my prayers daily your baby has been such a blessing to watch grow and now see her sitting in a walker playing it would be a blessing to meet your family one day i have a favor to ask you i found you threw preciousgem site can you add me to where i can get you threw my site thanks so much God Bless you all

  13. Looks like fun :) we had a very similar looking situation going on in our kitchen all weekend only I had to chase my 3 kids away from the mess the entire time...renos are so much more fun when your not living in the house! And I cant believe the discussion of the half wall is considered an arguement! lol. Tricia- you should of fought harder! I liked the half wall too!
    Enjoy and I cant wait to see the end product...Im a reno- nut.

  14. You can always put a new partition in, a much nicer one, if Tricia wants. That one looks pretty easy to wreck, and fun besides. It *should* be fun. I imagine your friends are thrilled both to help with your home and to get to use hammers and crowbars. WHEEEE!!!! Wish I lived nearby, I'd happily bust out some stuff.

  15. Our old bathroom looked almost exactly like yours....tile and everything. It was so gratifying to hammer and chisel it out of there. It's very theraputic. It was so worth it and now we have beautiful ceramic tile in there. Good luck with your projects!

  16. More fun and a little theraputic too. ;)


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