
Sunday, November 16, 2008

First Toy Assembly

On Wednesday, I embarked on my first large toy assembly. Not nearly as complicated, frustrating or time consuming as I expected.

Good practice for laminate flooring, me thinks...



  1. looks like she loves the new toy as much as her skins cheerleader outfit!

  2. Not hard huh? Looks like she is going to enjoy this new toy, Just wait until you put her first swingset together(for outside) You might be saying something different then LOL

  3. How cute!! My kids loved their saucers!! It's also very pink!! Pretty, pretty for a pretty little girl!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  4. Lovely! :) I have a question directed toward Tricia. I am a young girl 17, and I have been sick for all of high school and I was wondering if she ever felt or wondered if she would be seen differently because she was sick or didn't feel like she would get married some day... Because right now that's a place I have hit.

  5. my little girl loved her exersaucer. It will provide some much needed relaxation and time as you work on the house.

  6. First of many, I am sure. Glad it was not to difficult.

    She looks adorable in there and I'm sure she'll enjoy the freedom of being upright.

    Hope all is going well with the new digs!

  7. The second to last one is my favorite; it looks like she's saying, "Your offering pleases me."

  8. The joys of an exersaucer! That thing was a gift from heaven for us. It was the only way we could put our daughter down and not have her cry. She LOVED that thing. I hope Gwyneth enjoys hers as much. I really think Gwyneth just gets cuter and more adorably minute by minute.

  9. Oh yay! I am so excited to see that! I just knew she would love it ;)

  10. Looks like she loves it!!!! Allie is just now getting into these things too...they are a blast!

  11. Good job! Just wait until Christmas!! ;o)

  12. I cannot imagine parenting before exersaucers--Yea for Gwyneth!!

  13. Hi Nate,
    I see your wedding band in picture #2. Is there anything on it? My husband does some pretty neat designs that I think you might really enjoy.

  14. Hi Nate,
    Just me (Jill) again - my husband has done many pieces for other CaringBridge families just in case you were leary :)

  15. Looks like she love her new toy!!
    Good job puttining together :-)

  16. if you can assemble that, you can handle the toys are a bugger to assemble. and it's only just begun for you, daddy.

  17. I LOVE IT! Well done dad. Oh so many more things to come. WOO HOO---isn't it exciting.

  18. It's a bouncer! Great for building leg strength in preparation for walking.

  19. Gwyneth will love her exersaucer! Good job putting it together Dad!

  20. That is the pink-est exersaucer I've ever seen...and I have 5 kids so toys are nothing new.

    Wow. That's a lot of pink.

  21. Congratulations! You have just completed your new dad hazing!

  22. Gwyneth is clearly impressed. FINALLY!

  23. aww, she is getting so big! how much does she weigh now?

  24. Woot! that would be the extrasaucer I would get for a girl. I am tempted to pick one up just cause its so cute!

  25. oh my... my daughter will be getting one of those for christmas... santa better assemble it!! lol.
    Gwyneth looks like she enjoys it!! Go dad!

  26. WOW!~ I cannot believe it! What a big girl. I think these are my favorite pictures thus far. Gwyneth has come so far!
    Hint ~ if you put a pillow under her feet until her legs are longer she will be able to really bounce.

  27. "whoah! that's a different angle...I can practically COUNT all of daddy's nose hairs now..."


  28. Good Job Daddy!
    By the way, will you grow out your hair to keep your head warm for the winter?

  29. Have you asked Gwyneth yet if it was worth all the hard work?

  30. Gwyneth and my little guy seem to be on the same schedule for developmental milestones. I'm having fun watching your journey as we experience similar things on the opposite coast!

  31. Great pics! Brought back memories putting those things together! The Redskin pics were pretty cool too! Sorry about them losing to D!

  32. Awesome job dad! You truly are being tested for ALL aspects of fatherhood. :)

    Gwyneth is growing up so fast. She is moving right along with those motor skills, good job mom and dad.

    Have fun Gwyneth

  33. Just'll be eating your words. Wait until you start getting the barbie dolls (and other dolls) whose hair is SEWN to the package, or the toys with more screws and pieces than I think is holding my entire house together. My DH and I have spent many hours putting toys together on Christmas Eve (so as not to frustrate the kids' excitement on Christmas morning) putting together endless amounts of toys that are supposed to be "easy assembly"!

    And I have to say, that is one adorable exersaucer for one adorable little girl!

  34. The fun has just begun for putting toys together!

  35. Ah the super saucer. My daughter LOVED hers when she was that size. We had to put a pillow beneath her feet so so could touch. WHat cute pictures of Gwyneth in hers.

  36. I am impressed that you have shown the world concrete proof that YOU READ THE DIRECTIONS!!!! Go, Nate! Exersaucers are a gentle, soft segue into the world of impossible assembly instructions... they lure you in with an easy one :-)

  37. She is soooo cute!!!! Like some other posters mentioned before, good idea to put something under her feet so she can bounce by pushing off with a flat foot and not on her toes. (I'm a pediatric physical therapist)
    Congratulations on the house, welcome to the world of mortgages!!!!!!

  38. How cute! I bet she loves this new freedom to see things in a different way.

  39. Look at your 24 weeker now!!! YEAH!!!! Good job setting it up Dad.

  40. Great work, Dad! That will come in super handy when you need a place to put little G. when you're unpacking in your new house :)

  41. HAHA! Congrats Nate! That was one of Siena's favorites. Hope Gwen has tons of fun in it!

  42. I'm sure she loves that! Glad that putting it together didn't finish you off. :-) My son says to tell you that boys couldn't play in that thing!

  43. I too have that model of "exersaucers" they claim to be "easy" to fold for travel. Let me just give you a tip, don't do it.... I spent 40 min. trying to "easily" fold this bad boy down only to give up. Good job on the assembly, I am pretty sure I still have a mental scar from putting ours together...

  44. It's hard to believe she is already big enough to be playing in an exercauser.. She seems to enjoy it.. Just wait until you start taking all of the little small toys out of their packaging.. Be prepared for some sore fingertips!! Best of luck on the floors!!

  45. Nate,

    It looks like you were created for these projects. Good job Dad. I loved the home tour and look forward to following your new home makeover. I am praying for Tricia.

    Laurie in Ca.

  46. Those little feet! Oh how they make my day.
    If you and your readers could please visit
    and pray for her family. Little Kyah is barely three and is in the last stages of Neuroblastoma.
    She will leave behind her parents and her two older brothers.
    Her mothers blog is very hard to read but it is a true accounting of this little girl's bravery

  47. I was going to get this one for my almost 6 month old! But then I found a different one on Craigslist but this one is oh so girly. Good job on the assembly!

  48. ahhh... could she look any cuter in her lil bouncy chair:)

  49. She is going to have hours and hours of fun in that! Good job, Dad!

  50. Great job Nat. I think she likes it a lot :) Good luck with the new house and the bigger jobs to come :)

  51. Ahhh, the command center! My kids loved theirs.

  52. riiighhhhhtttt... easier.... just wait for the Habitrail - I'm pretty sure my daddy "lost his religion" that night - christmas eve - when we were about 8 and 10, respectively, apparently it was an all nighter trying to get that bad boy together in silence... and then woken up by 2 squealing and way past excited kids with brand new "rats" (my dad's pet name for the hamsters thereafter)

  53. Great assembly job :o) But like others have said.... the big ones aren't the problem! It's the Barbies and Little People that give you grief! Just remember when the day comes that Craigslist and garagesales rock... it means that someone else has removed all the nasty packaging!

  54. Man Nate..I can not believe how much she looks like her Daddy.

    Good Job on the toy assembly and congrats on the new house.

  55. Oh my word-that toy will be a lifesaver!!!!!!! My kids LOVED to hang out in that thing!!!!!!!! Good job!!!!

  56. oh the exersaucer! i couldn't have gotten anything done without it. hope she has fun!

  57. Welcome to your first of hundreds of projects in your future! LOL Good job daddy!

  58. i love exersaucers. They are a blessing to all parents, and not too hard to put together, i think.

    Now laminate flooring, is not so easy. We did about 800 sq. ft. of our home two years ago, and it was rough.
    My hubby, being the perfectionist that he is, spent alot of time preparing the cement before laying the boards down.
    Ours looks great now, but it was indeed of lot of work for both of us!

  59. Wow, what a good husband you are! My hubby "disappears" everytime I bring home something new.

  60. Hey Nate, I'm not sure what kind of camera you're shooting with but I have a little pointer for you in relation to lighting. If you have a digital SLR get a detachable flash that has bounce and swivel capabilities. When you're in the house you can aim the flash at the ceiling and use the ceiling to bounce the light, it will come back as a nice and soft light. That way you won't get so many harsh shadows or those photos where the back ground is really dark and your subject is almost too white. The flash is really fun to play with as you can bounce it off walls and floors and even people if you'd like!


  61. usually people give those away and they are already put together... bless your heart! you are a lot more patient than most guys!!! Go Nate!

  62. Looking at these pics...makes me just say...PRAISE GOD...that sweet tiny baby is growing so well and so much.

  63. Yeah! You got the tea party saucer!! I saw this at wal mart and almost bought it even though I have no babies that need it nor do I plan on having anymore nor do i know anyone who needs it. BUT it is so darn cute. I hope G loves it.

  64. we have the same exersaucer! I hope Gwyneth likes hers as much as Kennedy does!

  65. Oh I miss those days! Just remember to not get too many of those toys for Christmas and try to be the overzealous parents and put them together all before Christmas morning....lesson learned BIG time on that one! Have a blast with Gwyneth, enjoy every minute.

  66. Adorable post!! I am usually just a lurker (and pray, too!!), but chuckled when I read this and had to comment. My husband always says that the hardest part of being a father is assembling toys! HAHAHA!!

    Mrs. U

  67. Aww reminds me when I put together Morgans. she loves hers. I put it next to the patio doors and she loves to watch all the movement outside when in hers.

    Good job!


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