
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Finally...Good News!

OK, this is about to get even more confusing...

It APPEARS (key word here) that the lymphoma is gone from Tricia's body! The last few biopsies have shown no lymphoma, and the x-rays from yesterday show the spots in her lungs and the spot in her chest to be shrinking. The last biopsy of her chest DOES SHOW an infection, which Tricia has been receiving antibiotics for since last week.

The doctors believe that the spot in Tricia's chest (outside of the lungs) that showed up for the first time a month ago never was lymphoma. They also believe that the spots in Tricia's lungs (where the lymphoma had been) are now infection spots as well. It is ASSUMED that the chemo did indeed do it's job, and that the infection is presenting itself in some of the same spots as the lymphoma.

Trust me, after having been told over a month ago that the cancer was still present in her lungs, we were also confused...we have spent the last month assuming that was true, when, in fact, that was only what was assumed to be true by the doctors (see This Post).

To better help us understand, we asked the oncologist to draw out the time-line of events...

June 16 - Tricia is diagnosed with PTLD (Lymphoma) when a biopsy comes back positive.

June 18 - Tricia receives the first of four rounds of Rituximab.

July 22 - Via a CT Scan, it is determined that the Rituximab did not do anything to the lymphoma.

July 23 - Tricia receives the first of six planned rounds of R + CHOP, a more aggressive form of chemotherapy.

October 15 - After four rounds of R + CHOP, a scan shows that some of the spots in Tricia's lungs are gone, while others have grown. A new spot around a lymph node in Tricia's chest outside of the lungs has developed. It is assumed that the spots in her lungs are still the lymphoma, and that the spot in her chest is either lymphoma or an infection. The remaining two rounds of chemo are terminated. A successful biopsy of the area in the chest is performed.

November 10 - We finally learn that the results of the chest biopsy shows that this spot is an infection and not lymphoma. We are still told that the spots in her lungs are assumed to be lymphoma.

November 19 - We are told by the oncologist that, in fact, they now believe the lymphoma was gone by October 15. It is now assumed, due to the biopsies showing no cancer and the x-rays showing a reduction in size of the spots that an infection has taken over some of the spots where the cancer was.

The oncologist explained to us that they can't be positive about knowing if Tricia's body is cancer free until either a more invasive, successful biopsy is performed or until the scans and x-rays show no more spots...he explained, at this point, there are three immediate options:

1) Start an even more aggressive regimen of chemo leading up to a bone marrow transplant.

2) Perform an invasive, surgical biopsy (which includes deflating a lung and inserting a chest tube) to get some samples from the remaining spots of the lungs to determine if the lymphoma is still present.

3) Wait until the end of Tricia's current 30 day anti-biotic treatment (for the infection) and rescan to determine if the spots continue to shrink.

Because the first option would be incredibly risky, especially due to the fact that the doctors now assume the cancer is gone, and the second option might also prove worthless, the obvious choice (of the docs and Tricia) is to wait. It's been too long since her last chemo treatment to restart the remaining two treatments (not completing all six of the chemo rounds could prove to be detrimental in the future), so we'll return to Duke in about a month, hoping for some more good news.

Anyway, I hope all of this info helps to make the turn of events more clear for you. The bottom line is that the doctors are very optimistic that Tricia is now cancer free. It was surprising news to us, and I think it might take longer for this good to set in, especially considering that we will continue to be cautiously optimistic until we know for certain that the lymphoma is gone.

Thank you for your encouragement and prayer, and Thank God for providing some good news! We look forward to enjoying Tricia's health as we prepare to move into the new house and spend lots of time with family over the upcoming holidays!


BTW, I now have a cold and fever (and have been quarantined), which is why I haven't had a good chance to collect my thoughts and post until now. Thanks for your patience.


  1. SO happy to hear the good news! Could Tricia have a PET scan? That is one sure way to find out if there are any cancer cells lingering around.

  2. "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

    So happy for you guys!!

  3. PRAISE THE LORD! This is just the most wonderful news! I have lots of little Lockwoods to tell now as you have been in our thoughts and prayers so much especially the last couple days!
    God is so wonderful! Give your wife and sweet baby girl a hug from us...that would be 13 1/2 hugs! :)
    love and prayers,

  4. omg i'm the first to comment! YAY! prayers are being answered...isn't God amazing? I am so happy for you and Tricia...and Gwyneth too of course! We continue to pray for you all...

  5. Amazing... praying for continued lack of the cancer!

  6. Yay God!!!! Yay Triciia!!!

    That is the best news ever!!!

  7. Thanks for the thorough update. God is good.

  8. So happy for you guys! Thank you, God!

  9. What a wonderful post to read! Incredible news! Get well soon and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

  10. WOO HOO---kind of reinforces my theory that the spoken word of man should not control our lives. Will continue to pray as He leads. hmmmm,it is a confusing world, but we KNOW the One who has nothing to do with confusion. Talk about learning to trust Him. WOW

  11. What a great report!! Praise God, from who all blessings flow!! Praying and believing!!!

  12. WOW! I am so pleased to hear that! You deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congrats on the new house and the news!

  13. wow I've been anxiously waiting the news on this, and braced myself, how amazing to have such great news! I can only imagine the reluctance afer so much bad news to full realise the good news. I hope these next few months you can continue to dream and plan out your beautiful new home with your beautiful baby girl!

  14. This is such wonderful news! I am thanking and praising the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. You two deserved to hear this after all you've been through. Now we will continue to trust...and pray. So happy for you re the new house.
    - Bev in BC, CANADA

  15. This is the most fantastic news I've heard all day! Praise be to God. Sleep well tonight, Tricia. :)

  16. good news is always welcomed! praise GOD!!!

  17. I am SO happy to hear the Good news! I will continue to pray for the three of you. And pray that your cold goes away quickly.

    :-D God is SO Good!

  18. Rejoicing with you over this amazing news! God is so wonderful! We pray that your cold and fever will be short lived and that you and your precious girls will be enjoying your new home soon!


  19. I amazed at God's AMAZING GRACE! God is sooo sooo sooo good! Yay for Trish! Yay for ALL of you! I have goose bumps from head to toe! This is just so cool. I am happy for all of you and indeed praising GOD for this incredible news.
    p.s. feel better soon!

  20. Wow, that IS a change! Praying it is true and that the infected spots continue to shrik. Enjoy the holidays and think good thoughts!

  21. That is awesome news. I'm so glad that it looks like Tricia is in fact cancer free!!!

  22. That is fantastic news! Praising God right alongside you guys!

  23. All I can say is "Praise the Lord"!! Why else would her cancer be gone?!

  24. Praise God! That is terrific news!

  25. Good for you! So awesome to hear this news!!

  26. What a roller coaster you all have had lately. I'm praying the news remains positive.

    Now you can really enjoy the holidays!

  27. Hope you are feeling better soon. It's not nice to be (or have) a sick daddy!

  28. Oh my, this is INCREDIBLE news!! Praise the Lord!! Thank you for sharing! Hope you are feeling better soon!!

  29. WOW!!!!! I'm so happy for the great news!!! Our God truly is AWESOME!!!! I have always known He could do anything but it is amazing to see it happening!!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  30. is so amazing. Thanks for sharing the good news and we will be praying that you get well soon. I am sure there is lots of house stuff to keep you busy. Good news!! gotta love it!

  31. Great news! That is very encouraging. Praise God! May Tricia continue to be cancer free and may her infections resolve.

  32. Great news and thanks for the update! Get some rest and feel better so you can get back to your girls!

  33. Nate: What wonderful news!! I am so happy for your family. I've been checking all day and was concerned when you had not updated that the news was not good. Sorry you have a cold - hoping for a speedy recovery for you so you can all be together.

  34. What GREAT news!!! So happy for your family....have a WONDERFUL holiday season.

  35. WOOT! Much Praise!
    Thank you for the update! Hope you get well soon so you can send it with your girls.

  36. Wonderful news! Can't wait to hear more about what happens at Duke in a month.

  37. That has got to be the most amazing news ever...

  38. Wonderful news! I'm so happy for you and will continue to pray.

  39. What a great answer to prayer! Believe me, we will continue sending them up! I'm so happy to hear Tricia's good news! We will be praying you start feeling better soon!

    ~Sara in MD

  40. I love hearing those words ... "you are cancer free!" I know it is not absolutely certain right now, but it is very encouraging and uplifting. God is good! God is an awesome God and He is working in your lives!


  42. Well God is great!!
    I was going to ask about a Pet Scan as well. Simply because it shows cancer activity if its present.
    Verses masses as a cat scan.
    I think waiting is a good deal if there is an infection not a good time for anything major.
    Glad it was good news. Ahh the power of awesome.
    Feel better Nate

  43. Continuing to pray in MIchigan and so happy that you received some good news!

  44. WOW!! Awesome news! I will be keeping you in my thoughts, and telling that infection to scram!

  45. Thanking God for the good news!

    I will be praying that all future tests confirm that Tricia is cancer free... and that you start to feel better.

  46. Tricia and Nate this is just the most amazing news!!! God is so good and faithful....Praying the cancer is indeed gone and the tests in a month confrim this...I know ya'll will have a wonderful Thanksgiving...What an incredible year with so many blessings and miracles!!!! Hope ya'll have a great weekend, and Nate, I pray you are healed quickly as well and able to be around your girls again!!! Thanks for the update!!!

  47. Good news indeed. Praise God! Continuing prayers for all of you.

  48. Good news, even if it is guarded. I really hope the anitbiotics is all she'll need and you'll all be on your way to less stressful days! Thank you for letting us know. Hope you feel better and quick-for Tricia's sake of course :-)

  49. Praise God for Tricia's news!!

    Sorry that you're under the weather. Will keep your whole family in prayer.

  50. Awesome!!!!!! That's great wonderful to hear about Tricia. Hope Gwyneth is feeling better and you begin feeling more like normal soon!

  51. I AM TRULY CRYING!!!!!!!!! I have absolute chills and I am, at the very least, beyond thrilled that you can have your first Christmas as a family - without chemo, without hospitals (at least not daily) and just enjoying your new home and each other! Our Lord will take care of the rest - He is clearly a God of miracles. Oh praise Him!!!!!!

  52. I'm speechless..have been praying for you guys daily since before the transplant- I was just talking to Patience about you a few weeks ago. (we got to c3). I am in awe of what God is doing for you guys...but why should I be? He is bigger than cancer!

  53. Glory be to God that the lymphoma is gone! Sorry that you are sick, Nate--I hope that Gwyneth is feeling better. I'm sure Tricia is on Cloud nin!

  54. Praise the Lord for some positive news. May it just keep getting better and better!!

  55. Praise the Lord! What wonderful news on Tricia! Exactly what I've been praying for!

    I'm so sorry that you are sick, but glad you are quarantined! Feel better! Gwyneth, too!

  56. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!

  57. HOLY COW! I'm so excited and thank the Lord for this exciting news. I'll be praying that it is on the road for being cancer free!

  58. Thank God. I'll pray that there is only more good news in the future for Tricia. Enjoy your quarantine- at least you get to rest!

  59. I just began reading your blog a couple months ago, and this is my first comment. Praise the Lord! May you and your family have continued good health.

  60. oh God is so good! i'm so happy for your good news!

  61. This is good news.

    I am SO happy that Tricia will feel good enough to truly enjoy your new home. You guys deserve it.

    Get well vibes to you and the wee one.

  62. Praise God for his miracles! I will definitely be giving Thanks for this good news during this time of year!

  63. That is just wonderful answer to prayer!

    Thanks for keeping us in the know. Enjoy your holidays with your family!

  64. I have been secretly reading your blog :) and praying for Tricia(and your family) for some time now and I am SO EXCITED for ya'll to finally get some good news. My husband and I will continue to pray for Tricia's health. Your family is beautiful and may your holidays be filled with nothing but joy.
    God Bless,

  65. Oh wow.

    Congratulations (in a cautiously optimistic way).


  66. Praise God! The Great Physician is at it again!

  67. WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

    Prayers continuing. Take time to digest the news and of course I know there's the wait involved, but .... WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    Hope all the colds go away pronto!

  68. God is good... all the time!
    All the time... God is good!

  69. Incredible...and confusing...but not for the Great Physician. I'm praying for healing for you both. You seem to have a way to keep the suspense going. :-)

  70. Amen & Amen!!! We're praising God with you for this breath of fresh air :) Love you guys!

  71. WOW - so, so happy to read that the news appears to be all GOOD! So much to be thankful for this year!

  72. WOW - so, so happy to read that the news appears to be all GOOD! So much to be thankful for this year!

  73. Oh, Wow! I am sure guilty of putting God in a box!! When I was praying for some positive word this week, my mind was thinking something that showed the lymphoma receding! This is beyond words wonderful news! Kicking myself that I am amazed by this turn of events.....oh me of little faith!!! praying that your return in a month will not only show no lymphoma, but also infection completely eradicated as well! Go God! :)
    Did you thank Gwyneth for sharing her cold with you Nate? I trust she is getting over hers just fine, now that she has passed it on to you!

  74. I am so happy to hear the good news. I am so glad the lymphoma responded to the treatment and the dr's agreed that the wait and see approach was the best too.

    I will continue to pray for your family. Feel better soon.

  75. Wow! So great to hear the good news! Praise the Lord!

  76. WOOHOO! Praise God for the awesome news. I hope you and Gwyneth feel better soon - I just rejoice with your family in the news your received! Happy Thanksgiving - what a way to begin the week of Thanksgiving! Sunshine

  77. God is awesome! I'll still be praying!

  78. YAY!!! Sending get well thoughts to you and Gwyneth, and hugs to Tricia!!!

  79. Hallelujah!!!, we serve a Great and
    Mighty God. He is the Great Physician. We will keep praying that God will continue to work in a miraculous way.

    zaz family in california

  80. I'm blown away after reading this. What amazing news!

    Continued prayers,

  81. The Great Physician has been busy with Tricia. Thank you, Lord.

  82. What incredibly amazing and miraculous news!!! Nate get better soon!!!!

    What an incredible Thanksgiving gift that news must be for y'all.

  83. Oh, what wonderful news!

    I am sorry you are sick. Silly man, don't you know that the daddy doesn't do sick? Our son is sick, too. Our sweet DIL and our Grandgirlies are taking great care of him from a distance!

    God's Peace, and I hope you feel better very soon!

  84. I feel that I have to comment. I have been following your story closely and actually have a good friend who is a Dr. that deals mainly with CF and research of CF. I have told him about you and asked many questions. Even though I don't know you and may never meet you I have been drawn in by your story, your strength, your courage, and your faith in God (this applies to the both of you). I know you may never feel you possess all those characteristics, but you do.

    I have often mused to my husband what it would be like to walk in your shoes and I have prayed for you many many times.

    While we don't know the full outcome, I was so shocked to read your words I was covered in goose bumps and tears sprang to my eyes. I am praising God that amidst all the crazy and new things constantly going on in your lives that HE has remained faithful to you. Our God is a great and amazing God who can do more than we could ever hope for or imagine.

    I am praying for you all!


  85. Don't be afraid to celebrate, it is in Him that we take our joy. In Him that it is given and because of Him that we receive....
    CELEBRATE!! (Well, as soon as you feel like it!)
    Praise Him! Praise Him!
    Nurse Candice in Nebraska

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Praise God! This is awesome news. We'll keep praying for you.

  88. I have been praying that the "cancer" was just the infection! Awesome news, will continue to pray that the cancer is in fact gone!!

  89. WOW!!! Praise the Lord!!! I believe it's another prayer that has been answered!! You have no idea what ya'll have done for me. By following your blog this year you have made my faith stronger. I pray every day now. This is largely because of your miracles. Thank you for bringing me closer to our Lord. And please pray for me. I need some too. Thanks.

  90. God is Great! What amazing news.

  91. Wow! Good good good good news! Sorry you're feeling sick, I'm sure you'll be better as fast as you can! Man, such good news! Woo hoo!

  92. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. I'll continure to pray for all of you. Continue to look to our Lord.

  94. Praying for Tricia's continued health and speedy recovery to you!

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Simply AMAZING!! Miracles just continue to happen all around us. (ie baby Stellan over at mckmama's blog)
    So happy for you guys. Now work on getting settled into your new home.

  97. Such amazing news, love to you all. Hope you feeling better soon Nate, and not quarantined for too long xx

  98. Very happy for you all.
    Praise be to our Good!!!
    Praying for continued good health.

  99. So glad to hear the "assumed" good news. God is so good and you and Trisha have been faithful in trusting Him. He will not let you down! ;-)

  100. Praise the LORD!! We will pray that the antibiotics shrink the spots and there would be none left after the meds are done!!

  101. Awesome news!!! Now, it's time for you to get to feeling better. Prayer shift more towards YOUR health for a change. Get some rest and get well soon Nate.

  102. This is fabulous newsm, you all deserve the best! Praying for you all always

  103. That is amazing! I will be praying that the doctors are right, and no matter what that all have wisdom in the best treatment plan from here out!

    I will be praying for your speedy recovery and that Tricia does not catch this bug!

  104. I am rejoicing in the good news!!!

  105. ...crying in my cereals again! :-)
    Thank you God for answering prayers and giving us so much joy today!
    Big hugs to you 3,

  106. So happy to hear good news! God is amazing!

  107. so thankful for the good news to finally arrive! what a wonderful thanksgiving you will have next week - allow yourselves to celebrate.
    praying for Nate's cold to be gone!

  108. That is awesome!!! God rocks big time!!!

  109. This has been the most fantastic news to wake up to. But understand it will take some time to sink in. A few years ago when we were told my Dad got really sick, and only to be later told 'oh, actually, we think he's ok'. Although we were thrilled, it was really confusing and we found it difficult to take in.

  110. Hip Hip Hooray!! I am doing the happy dance for you!! Enjoy your new house and the holidays!! Sherri in cold NC

  111. So happy for you to be optomistic, even if 'cautiously'!! It will make for wonderful holidays for you all. Still praying for continued positive information.

  112. Well, this IS confusing, but EXCELLENT! I'll pray the cancer is, indeed, gone and that you don't have to redo chemotherapy, etc.

    I'm sorry you're sick. Hope you get better SOON!

  113. At church this past week the visiting pastor talked about God not leaving us when our prayers and outlook don't look good,I feel encouraged to see that God heard the prayer about giving you GOOD NEWS!

    I see you joined the group having a cold!Hope you feel better soon.

  114. "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6

    Praise God for His continued good work through your family - we are so happy for you all! Enjoy the coming Thanksgiving celebration!

  115. Praise God! I believe God is using you and Tricia to glorify himself. You guys are such an awesome testimony as whatever comes your way he gives you both grace to handle it. May God continue to bless you, Tricia and Gwyneth!

  116. Praise God, what wonderful news.
    Prayers for you to be well soon. Thanks for the update.

  117. It's actually very simple to explain, God healed Tricia.

    I can't imagine how many prayers have been said.

    What a great Thanksgiving you all will be having.

  118. This is the best news ever!!!

    So, so happy for you guys!!!

    Now, you get better!

  119. You just made my weekend (and Ohio State hasn't even thumped Michigan yet)!! That's great news and is yet another example of the power of prayer and faith in Him. God is good...

  120. What great news! "And now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we ever ask or imagine. To Him be all glory and Praise!"

  121. PRAISE GOD!!

    My prayers will continue, but am thrilled to be rejoicing with you!

    Julie D. (FL)

  122. Yay!!! Praise God!! Just in time for Thanksgiving! That's wonderful news! We continue to pray for health and stregnth - for all of you!!

  123. Your faith brings you miracles yet again! I'm so happy for you.

    Thank you for the update. and will continue to pray for Tricia, Gwyn's cold, and now your health.

    refreshing in ohio

  124. Great news on Tricia. Prayers still coming your way that you will get the same positive news in a month. Nate, we hope you feel better and can spend some time with your girls soon. Have a great weekend!

  125. Great news on Tricia. Prayers still coming your way that you will get the same positive news in a month. Nate, we hope you feel better and can spend some time with your girls soon. Have a great weekend!

  126. Blessing upon Blessing! The Lord is so good. What better news could have taken place during this week before Thanksgiving. I have reused to believe the discouraging news of the past and kept asking the Lord for a miracle. My heart is filled with joy over flowing for your family.

  127. Thank you Lord! What a wonderful answer to prayers. We will keep praying for all of you.

  128. We have, and will continue to keep praying for a miracle. After all you've been through - we hope that this news remains so positive and hopeful. Now, I hope that you can get on with enjoying your new home and little family over the holiday season. What a blessed Christmas this year will be.
    In our hearts and prayers,
    Tricia and Clan xoxo

  129. Praising god and praying that she is indeed cancer FREE! Praying that she will feel better so she can continue to enjoy life with her wonderful husband and beautiful daughter without worrying about additional illness. May you all have a wonderful thanksgiving as you have so much to be thankful for this year. Thanks again for letting us all partake in your miracle this year.
    Hugs and Prayer
    Rachel in PA

  130. I am overjoyed to hear your wonderful news. It never ceases to amaze me how a family I have never met can reduce me to tears any time of the day or night.

    I am trusting God and agreeing with others in prayer that there will be no signs of the cancer again. I pray that Tricia will regain more strength as each day passes.

    I am eagerly awaiting the photos and videos of your first Christmas as a family of three in your new house. I have a feeling it will be your best Christmas ever.

    In Christ

  131. Wonderful news Nate!! Waiting can be so hard but He says to Be Still and know that He is God, always working and always faithful. I have been praying so hard for this to happen. I am praising Him today for your good news and will keep praying. I love you guys.

    Laurie in Ca.

  132. So many emotions passed through me while reading your post Nate. I hate that you guys had so much worry that the cancer was not gone for an entire month. I often thought how difficult every second of every day must have been just waiting and waiting to know more.
    In the end...Thank you LORD for such amazing news!!!!! Many more prayers coming your way...

  133. That is just great news... Now you all can relax and enjoy your first Christmas with Gwyneth.....

  134. So excited about the good news. I can totally relate to being cautiously optimistic...we are right there with my dad, watching 3 suspicious spots in his lungs that may be kidney cancer.

    I'll be praying for y'all as you wait a month and do rescans.

    What an AWESOME God we serve!!!

  135. Hopeful news! I will keep praying!!!

  136. We're so excited to hear the good news! What a wonderful way to start off the Holidays.

  137. God is soooo GOOOOD!!!! So happy for all of you! What a truly MARVELOUS Thanksgiving gift! Thank you for sharing this great news.

    Now you get better sir!

    Much Love,
    The VandeCastles.

  138. BEST news I've heard in weeks!! I am so happy for you, Tricia and your family. It is encouraging to hear something positive. I am elated...I just can't quite put it into words.

  139. Wonderful news! Praise God!

    Now you get well so you can all enjoy an amazing Thanksgiving.

  140. What wonderful news! I can understand your caution to be too excited, but how wonderful that you received this news and can enjoy the holidays and your new home right now!

    (Btw, I am lcourtneymom who has commented before. I have a new blog, thus the new id.)

  141. Wow, what awesome news!! I am soooo happy for you guys! This is no fluke -- this is GOD's work, through and through! t

  142. Amazing, amazing, amazing! Praise God!

  143. Good news? That's GREAT news! Congratulations to all three of you. Praise God!

    Feel better Nate!

  144. Amazing news!!!!! Praise God. "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the universe. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding NO ONE CAN FATHOM!" Isaiah 40:28

  145. I am sitting here crying in amazement of the power of prayer. I always knew if anyone could prove the Doctors wrong that it would be Tricia. Thank you for sharing such wonderful news :-) I hope you have a great celebratory weekend.

  146. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I am so ecstatic to hear this news. I must admit, when you did not post for a couple days, I had feared the news from Durham was not good. I am so glad that it was just the opposite!

    Now, I hope YOU are feeling better soon.

  147. Nate, on October 16th after receiving an update on Trisha, our Garden Friends, 20 ladies from across the United States, many located in Texas, began to pray this Word over Trisha.
    The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness. — Psalm 41:3
    It is an amazing thing this prayer army that God has gathered around your family, and we have considered it an honor to be included in that. Our garden was established on the definition that was shared with us from an evangelist, Dave Busby, who had CF and has since gone home to be with the Lord breathing Heaven's air. Garden Friends are those God brings to your life, they stay with you in the good and the bad times, and you can always know they are there. We praise our Father God for this answer and we trust that His divine purpose in Trisha's life will be fulfilled. We have prayed for a season of wellness for Trisha and we are believing God for that. Thank you for sharing your life with us all when I know at times it has been hard to do that. I believe in the overriding power of God, you know when the diagnosis is given, along with the prognosis, and God overrides and shows His power. Your family is truly testimony of His power. Your garden friends.

  148. PRAISING GOD for some awesome news!!

    Hope you are all well soon.

  149. If the CF husband needs to get sick and quarrantined in order for there to be great news posted...well, sorry, Nate. Bring on the sick husband!

    Tho a bit confusing, I get the jist of the post, things are looking up!
    This is the month of Thanks for sure.

  150. THIS IS WONDERFUL, AWESOME NEWS!!!!!! This brings tears of joy and thanksgiving to my eyes. Big hugs to Tricia and you, Nate! I am amazed at God's blessings - off to praise Him now.

  151. PS - I hope you and Gwyneth are feeling better soon.

  152. Praying for a 'Cancer Free' Tricia!!
    Hope all feel better soon!! God Bless!

  153. we shall gather in His name with thanksgving in our heart, we shall in His name with praise! This is wonderful news. praying this is the end of the "C" word!

  154. That is the most wonderful news!!
    Elaine from MT

  155. Thanks for sharing the good news! Enjoy working on the new home and enjoying the holidays with your family...and get well!


  156. What else can you say but PRAISE GOD! Amazing.

  157. Praise God for His healing! Will continue to pray for more healing.

  158. Yay! What awesome news! Thank the Lord!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  159. Crying right now - so so happy for your family and praising God. The prayers of many have been heard and we will continue to pray for Tricia's complete healing and look forward to hearing about your adventures as a family!

  160. Amazing news, how wonderful. I hope the good news sets in fast for you. Your family sure deserves it. Praise the Lord.

  161. Been praying here in Virginia Beach--at NSF.

    Praising God for the latest GOOD news.

  162. Absolutely, incredibly, most wonderfully awesome news!!!!

  163. God answers prayers;)
    What wonderful news:)
    Still praying and hope you start to feeling better nathan!

  164. Incredible & confusing. Thank goodness Isaiah 55:8 is true! Praise the Lord. Still praying for you all in Texas!

  165. Praise God!!
    That is amazing news. You guys have got to be so releieved.

  166. Have been thinking about you guys and am so glad to hear the good news. I keep my husband updated on your family on a regular basis... even though he's never read your blog. I have to share the the good news with someone!

  167. Praise the Lord! This is the first time I've commented on your blog, but I've been following your posts and praying for your family for almost a year now! I'm so excited to hear this news!

  168. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, speechless.

  169. God is so good....All the time!

    What great news! Praying God will continue to heal and strengthen Tricia in the days ahead. Hope you will be feeling better too.



  170. Praise the Lord! I am sure this has been such a tough new trial to deal with, but you guys remained positive through it all. God is so good to give you the strength to get through whatever comes along.


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