
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yes, We're Parents

Q: How do you know you've arrived as full-time parents?

A: When the majority of your conversation over dinner at Outback revolves around the topic of Gwyneth poop...and it doesn't alter your appetite.



  1. Hey, two thumbs up for getting out to eat in the first place!

  2. Nothing is more interesting to a new parent than the contents of their babies diaper. I have had many conversations with many toher mommmies (ones I hardly knew) about baby poop!!! Its great!!

  3. Yah... definitely been there, done that. Its a mark of true parenthood, I guess. :)

  4. That is too husband and I always say that since we have become parents (we have four) that our new occupation is "waste management." Funny how life changes....but definitely for the better.

  5. Sounds like its really "official" now.
    Praying for Tricia and hoping the infection goes away quickly...and for the cancer to be gone.

  6. So true, so true!
    But there is nothing better...
    except being out to dinner with the you love... without the kids.

  7. Amen to that, man. Is that a poopie-making face she's doing for the camera?

  8. And when you blog about poop:

  9. Awesome!! And - great picture!

  10. Love the poop face picture to go with it! All's well in a parent's life when the plumbing is intact! :)

  11. Parenthood is fun, isn't it? That picture is so funny! I do agree with another commenter - looks like Gwyneth is working on a poopy diaper in that picture!

  12. I second Megan. Getting out to eat in the first year of having a baby is such a great feat. Kudos!

    Of course, once you are physically and mentally used to packing up, dragging out, and bringing the baby around....something happens and they turn into 3 year old monsters at the restaurant. People stop telling you how beautiful and charming they are! hahaha

    The baby poop conversations is not for the faint of heart. Poor innocent folks sitting at tables around you! haha.

  13. Very true!! My SIL, as a very squeamish, nervous new mother said she knew she was a Mom when Anna was about to puke and she just stuck her hand out to catch it.

    P.S. First time posting. As a NICU nurse I've followed your story with Gwyneth with much interest. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Haha, so true. Who knew poop could be so interesting?

  15. Welcome to the club. We have very real and very normal conversations about poop every day in our house. It's very exciting :)

  16. Yep. You're parents alright. Isn't it wonderful?

  17. Poop is a fascinating topic, and it really can tell you a lot about your child! I think a lot of people underestimate the power of poop. my husband used to tease me about how much info I required about our kids poop......welcome to parenthood and the unspoken topics that lurk in the shadows

  18. It's such a wide-ranging topic. Colors, quantity, consistency, scent, the shape...there's no end to the possible subtopics of poop.

  19. ha ha this is hysterical and SO TRUE! We've all done it without flinching! Isn't it amazing? Gwyneth is looking gorgeous by the way. hope Tricia is holding her own. Love and prayers,
    Tricia and Family

  20. Ah yes. The poop topic. I must say that having a CF child puts even more poop talk in your conversations. Is it green? Was it mucousy? Did you notice 'oil'? It's a grand thing. I have even read things about poop while eating my lunch before. I feel that poop deserves it's own World Book because there is so much to talk about!

    Btw- you know it's gotten bad when you closely inspect your childs poop every time they poop to make sure that it's healthy. Many a people have gawked at me as I hold my sons poopie diaper 2 inches from my face to check for anything abnormal.

    I am praying for you guys!


  21. You have officially arrived! And you got in dinner - that's even better.

  22. The other day I asked a friend (without kids) to lean down and sniff David's butt to see if he was poopy. It seemed like a perfectly reasonable request to me...

  23. Ha, don't I know that! Many a meal has been centered on Parker's poop, or throw up or passing gas!

  24. Poop talk at dinner is the first of many conversations you will have as parents that you never thought you would have at the dinner table. Hope you all enjoyed your night out.
    Elaine from MT

  25. LOL! I know the feeling...It's a whole different world when you're parenting!! BTW, cute, cute, cute picture!!

  26. Is this a poopface picture? I don't say that snidely, I just always could tell by looking at my kids' faces! And, knowing you guys, you may well have taken a picture!

  27. Ha ha ha, so true! This totally made me giggle. :-)

    ~Sara in MD

  28. I hear daughter is 3 and we still talk about her poop. It will never end I fear. Have fun!! I am so glad you were able to be together for a night out! Got to love that!

    Tricia :)

  29. "Dad!! I can't believe you just discussed my poop for the whole world to read... geez!" :)

    Not that you were looking for a caption, but I couldn't resist!

    Julie D. (FL)

  30. Hahaha!! That is so funny and yet so very true. My husband and I have had our own similar conversations like that while having a date night. Still praying for all of you.

  31. Just wonderin' if she is having a "movement" in the picture posted?! Nevermind, I'm not sure I wanna know.

  32. Too true!!!! glad you all are enjoying the blessings of parenthood! praying, jen in al

  33. I remember those days! just be glad that you didn't have to "help"
    it out with a plastic spoon in the parking lot after dinner! :o)

  34. i'd like to add this reflection as well: nothing says "parent" like catching your child's vomit in your hand(s) and it not causing you to do the same!

  35. she looks like she is saying..."you talkin' about me."

  36. Ah, yes, I think recent publications in the parenting and child development arena are docummenting 'poop talk' as a normal rite of passage. Reference the great researcher B. Cosby. lol.

  37. haha, I know that kinda face well

    she won't thank you for that one ;)

  38. Too funny! We had a family portrait taken when our youngest daughter was 6 weeks old and she is forever captured, how shall I say it, getting the job done! Love the picture!

  39. I do that to my husband all the time. As soon as he's about to shovel a mouthful of delicious food into his mouth I am dying to tell him about one of our children's poop that day.


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