
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

The house is painted! A few touch-ups, and some trim and a few doors, and all of the paint will be done! I'll shoot some video tomorrow.

We move onto flooring this weekend!



  1. Congratulations!!!I know what a great feeling this must be.

  2. Congratulations! I can;'t wait to see the pictures.

    Any chance you'll be in before Christmas?

  3. I cannot believe how FAST you are getting all of this work done! WOW!!

  4. Yeah!!!! I know ya'll are SOOOO excited!!! I am excited for you!! Can't wait for more videos!!!
    I can't get over how quickly evrything is getting done! You have such a wonderful support system and I know you know how blessed you are! have a great week!

  5. You all are amazing! That was fast! Have fun with the flooring!

  6. Way to go! You must be working hard. I'm impressed.

  7. That is wonderful! We ended up moving into ours without completing all of the painting touch ups, and I hope that it gets done soon.

  8. Good deal! Can't wait to see new pictures. You guys are moving right along.

  9. Yay! What's the time frame on being able to move in? It would be wonderful to be in for Christmas!

  10. woo hoo! that must be soooo exciting for you guys and I cant wait until you can move in :) So if your re-doing all the floors does that mean you have to replace all the baseboards? Flooring should go fairly quick and before you know it Tricia , Gwyneth and you will be waking up for your first Christmas in your new home :)

  11. You guys are super fast! You are going to be in by Christmas, whoo hoo!

  12. I can't believe how fast you guys are moving along. Congrats on getting the painting completed and I can't wait to see the finished product.

  13. Hello Nate, Tricia, Baby G,

    This is Candice, Dave and Beth Nelsons daughter. I know that this comment is not pertaining to your new house (Congratulations, BTW, HOW MUCH DOES THAT ROCK? :P ) However, I really need your prayers....Well, not exactly me, but you know what I mean! :)
    There is a little guy whom I love very much, his name is Kaden (3). He loves Thomas the Train, 'Cars', and 'Diego'. He's been treated for a rare brain tumor, at St Judes. He spent a short while in remission....they even removed his port and talked of trach removal (once that darn vocal cord "woke up")....Recently, the family relocated to Minn from NE and 3 weeks later his brain tumor returned with a vengence and there is nothing that can be done medically. My heart is broken. I can only imagine what his family is going through (also 1 brother, 2 sisters). I wanted to post here for prayer, maybe soak up support from you and your many faithful prayer warriors. You can find the family at:, there will be a caring bridge link to more current information for Kaden Pauli. Again, thanks for all the updates, we are all cheering you guys on in your journey! HOW FUN TO SEE YOUR NEW PAD! :P
    Take care!!
    PS: I did receive my cf tshirt (from the walk) and I wanted to thank you for sending it to me-(I love the tire print on the design-what a great idea!)

  14. Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  15. This is so exciting to follow. Better than the home improvement shows on tv. And you don't bore us with commercials. Looking forward to seeing the floors go down. It should be a wonderful Christmas at home for you guys this season. Oh so much to be thankful for. Praying for Tricia's healing, as always.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  16. That's what Pres. Bush said a few years ago...

  17. You are so smart to do all of this work BEFORE you move it. It is so hard to do repairs/updates/remodels etc. when you have all your stuff in there :)



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