
Monday, December 1, 2008

House Update

I thought I'd address a few concerns that many readers have expressed about our house renovations.

> The popcorn ceiling did not contain asbestos. When you've got a professional drywaller removing the popcorn ceilings, you can bet that it's being done safely.

> Three coats of red seems to have done the trick. The number of coats of paint (especially when working with red) really depends on several factors, including the condition of pre-existing walls, the type of primer used, the brand of paint used, and the finish used (flat, semi-gloss, etc.). When you've got a few professional painters advising, you can rest assured that they know what they're talking about (their guess was three coats).

> The kitchen paint looks great and the remaining wallpaper underneath is not causing any problems. Again, knowing what you're working with and having a professional wallpaper hanger (the same guy who hung that same paper in that same room 20 years ago) advising you goes a long way.

Needless to say, my advice is, if you don't know how to do something right, find somebody who does...and, you'll learn a lot of new, handy-man things along the way.

> If you'll watch This Video again (especially around 3:19), you should notice that the toilet drain is plugged.

> Tricia can't spend more than a few minutes at a time in the house right now...lots of dust and fumes. It doesn't bother her any more than anyone else, but long-term exposure could cause issues. Once everything is dry and clean, she'll be able to spend more time at the house as we finish up.

Every room in the house now has paint, except for the two baths and a few closets. Also, about half of the trim around the windows and doors has been painted.

The cabinets in the master bath and the kitchen have been cleaned from top to bottom.

A friend and professional lighting expert met with me this morning to help figure out how to best light the dark living room and kitchen.

And, within the next few weeks, the air handler and heat pump will be replaced and an air filtration system installed to help keep the air as clean as possible.

I'll film another video tour sometime this week and post a few more pics.




  1. Sounds like you guys are really making progress. It's alot of work but the satisfaction of knowing that it is safe for your entire family and having it your way will be so worth it all. Thank goodness that you are blessed to have lots of people that are so willing to share their expertise. I hope that things continue to flow smoothly.

  2. You are making amazing progress and in such a short amount of time. You are very lucky to have so many people around to pitch in and help get your family into that house as soon as possible. I'm so very happy for all of you!

    You are making absolute sure that the house will be the safest possible place for your two girls and I certainly hope that no one was trying to make you feel otherwise. No one takes better care of them than you do! You should feel proud.

  3. Can't wait to see when you are all done, and a happy family in your new home.

  4. exciting to have the experts helping! =)

  5. I wish the experts would have told you about paint such as ecos (organic paint - no fumes and is really good paint-we used it and I was surprised it was better quality than regular paint).

    BUT they didn't so one way to eliminate a lot of the fumes is to burn LOTS of candles - not perfumed ones - all over the house. It will help Tricia a lot.

    Good luck with it all!

  6. You guys are moving along so fast I think you'd better post a few pictures of the front of the house from outside. That way, when all us bloggers storm the house we will know where to go. You are having an open house for bloggers aren't you?:)
    I think your Christmas in your new home will be the best one ever, so far. Continued prayers for Tricia to be feeling better and better each day.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  7. I loved the update pics - the house is coming along wonderfully and looks GREAT! I painted my 1/2 bath with a dark, dark red color which turned out NOTHING like I wanted. Everyone else loves it but it wasnt' what I had in mind. I dont think I'll do drastic colors anymore :-)

  8. You are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that have the knowledge and time to help you with this project. good luck with the rest of your projects.

    Praying for ya'll

  9. Wow, you handle people making comments about things you've obviously thought through already very well. Nice job. I'm not sure I'd be so gracious. Just so you know...I think I can write for most of us and say we do assume you have a brain, that you use it and it works very well. Congrats on the new place!

  10. That's great that you have so many professionals giving you sound advice.

  11. You can rub some vanilla extract under your nose to cover the smell of the paint.

    While you have the vanilla out you might as well boil some milk, add some sugar and eggs, pour into the ice cream maker up and let her crank!

  12. you can also put some vanilla extract in the paint. works wonders for neutralizing the paint smell and doesn't change the color! (just mix in a few tsp's well) or you can just set bowls of it out in the room and shut the door.

  13. Looking forward to the new video.
    Thanks for the update.

  14. Hey Nate, in my new life I do energy ratings and teach builders how to build Energy Star Qualified homes. With the need for clean air have you guys done anything to "tighten" the house from air leaks? Most homes have enough leaks it is like a window open all the time! Those small leaks allow all kinds of pollen, dust etc to infiltrate. Just a thought while you are knee deep into it.

  15. the reason for burning the candles isn't really just for the smell, though, Nate. It burns off some of the toxins rather than waiting for them to 'gas off'.

    ECOS is paint without the toxins. It is amazingly sturdy. We had to use it in our house. It was expensive and not sure if that same brand is in the US but it is loonger wearing than ordinary paint and knowing it isn't harming anyone makes it worth the money.

    You could let your baby sleep in the room even if it was still wet! Its that safe!

  16. your are so patient! you have so much going on in everyday life, now the house, and yet you still feel the need to address obvious questions. I guess I've been following so long that I 'know' you well enough to know you know what your doing! (that was alot of 'knows'!)

    I'm so excited for the three of you and wish I lived closer to come help. I love to clean freshly laid laminate! Your home is going to be awesome once finished and so warm once you're comfortably tucked inside.

    Okay, now back to work!!!

    refreshing in ohio

  17. If you want to really lighten a dark room you can install a small round skylight, such as "Solo tube". We had an inside bathroom (no window) and installed one of those round tube skylight. The romm is really bright now. We also put one in a dark hallway. We bought ours at HOme Depot, but they have them at Lowes also. It took us about 2 hours to install the first one. The other went faster. We haven't had a leaky roof and it has been several years. I enjoy reading your blog.

  18. I'm happy that you are making good progress on your home renovations! I'll bet it is going to be gorgeous when all is done. I do have to admit, though, ...I am a bit envious that you have so many professionals in your circle to help you out!!! :-)

  19. I'm so excited for you all. Can't wait to see some more pictures!

  20. You guys are doing a FANTASTIC job! I'm so happy for you that you will soon be living in your beautiful new home!! Still praying for you in NJ!

  21. Can Tricia be around cleaning products? I mean, is she going to be able to clean at all?

  22. The house sounds as if it's coming along great!!

    I've tagged you for the blog award of 'Superior Scribbler'!


    Becky :o)

  23. I was just wondering what type of air filtration system that you use. I have been researching them for our house.

  24. a little late and I did not already read all your coments, but for what it's worth there is a red primer. We just painted red in two of our rooms.


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