
Monday, December 22, 2008

One Week

Just a quick update to let you know that we're alive and have had a great week...

Safe travels and lots of fun with friends and Tricia's family in NJ and PA.

Fun trip to ToysRUs to spend the $250 for Toys for Tots (video to come).

Gwyneth has taken the next step with her social skills, responding almost constantly with smiles and laughs to everyone and everything (it started the day we visited Santa a few weeks ago...hmm....).

My family is having a big Christmas here on the beach, with lots of uncles and cousins and grandparents coming in at different times this week...we're looking forward to spending lots of time with them and maybe even putting them to work a little bit at the house!

The house is almost done. The wood floors are done, the tile is 95% done, the new HVAC system will be finished tomorrow. Lots of little things to do, and of course, a big cleaning day. We hope to be spending our first night in our new home by the end of the week.

Lots of pics and some video to share with you...but, this is going to be a fun and busy week, so I'll post again when I have the the meantime, I have done some mass blogging today and have scheduled several blogs to publish over the next few days.




  1. Thanks for the update.
    Can't wait to see the pics and video.
    Have a wonderful week.

  2. Looks like you had a great break. The best and merriest of Christmas' to all of you. Next to Jesus, I think you have the best gifts of all... your wife and daughter to celebrate with.

  3. You'll be in the new house by the end of the week??? That is AWESOME! I'm so happy for you guys.

    Can't wait to see the pics and videos.

    Merry Christmas

  4. Merry Christmas to you and your family Nate.

  5. What a blessing! Family to help! Thats another blessing from Above.
    I cant wait for the pictures!

  6. I am so happy for you to be putting the finishing touches on the house and moving in by the end of the week. Yahoo for you guys. Looking forward to all the updates and pictures. Have a most wonderful Christmas with your family. God Bless you all!!!

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  7. Merry Christmas! May you and your family (ALL of your family) have a blessed holiday.

  8. Sounds like your week off was both productive and filled with lots of fun and family! Awesome! I wish you and Tricia and Gwyneth a very blessed Christmas. Thank you for sharing your family with us and for always pointing us to the Father of all.

  9. merry christmas to you all!

    as this year comes to a close, i have to tell you how much your story has enriched my life in 2008. thank you!

    blessings to you all.

    kelley in nc

    mom of 3 boys
    wife of a usmc harrier pilot
    child of God

  10. WOW, thanks for the update. Sounds like you have been having a wonderful time. Busy Busy Busy!!!
    Take care and be safe.

  11. Christmas on the beach...sounds wonderful!
    We had Thanksgiving on the beach this year. Man, I wish we loved near one.
    We missed you and your family. Hope you enjoyed your blogging break! :)

  12. Merry Christmas to you all - we PRAISE our GOD for the miracle of your family - especially your 2 girls! Enjoy the holidays - sounds like it will be a blast!

  13. Well, I missed your blogging over the last several days but am so, so glad you all had a wonderful time with family & friends!!!! Hope you have the best Christmas EVER & can't wait to see pics of Gwyneth's 1st Christmas!!!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  14. Thank you for the update Nathan.

    It's really good to hear that you guys are having a lovely time with your family over Christmas.

    Wishing you all the merriest of Christmases and a fantastic 2009.

    Laura Anne

  15. Glad you had a great trip--Enjoy the holiday. What a wonderful gift to get into your own home!!

    Merry Christmas to all of you!!
    Shari NC

  16. Grateful to hear from you guys and that you are doing well!! Anxious to see pics of your family visits!

  17. I missed your blog! It really is a part of my daily routine. This will be such an exciting week for you with Gywneth's 1st Christmas and moving into your house. Isn't God good?!!

    Merry Christmas from Surrey, BC, Canada (3 hrs north of Seattle) where we have an unusual, beautiful, mild white Christmas with about 7 inches of snow! ~ Bev

  18. wow are you organized or what with the mass blogging! Hope Tricia , Gwyneth and you have a Very Merry Christmas

  19. Everything with the house looks great Nate. Patricia and Gweneth must be so happy, and what a Christmas present. Hopefully we will be in our house by summertime, things are moving sooo slow. I hope it is ok, I want to let everyone know that I am gonna be publishing a cook book with lots of old fashioned recipes to sale to help pay for IVF. The idea came from Two Blessings From Above...thanks for the idea. So anyone who is interested please visit my site, I am gonna post pics of some of the recipes that will be in the book. The site is

  20. Glad to hear you guys had a great week! Can't wait to see what you all pick out for Toys for Tots.

  21. thank you for the update!
    nice to "hear" your voice :)
    Merry Christmas to you and your girls! Really,really,really happy for you this Christmas, nothing like having a little one to celebrate with!


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