
Thursday, December 31, 2009

(Bump) A Sober Reminder

There's no delicate way to say this...

Every year, the late hours of New Years Eve and the early morning hours of New Years Day yield a high number of transplant calls.

Please, don't drink and drive. And, if you must go out on the roads without alcohol, be extra careful.

Organ donation/transplantation is a wonderful thing, but not so much at the expense of somebody's stupidity.




  1. Thanks for the important message. Here in Minnesota, we have enough issues with the ice on the roads without adding alcohol into the mix.

  2. Thank you for that important message. Thats exactly why my friends and I are having a party, and turning it into a slumber party. None of us really drink, but none of us want to risk being on the roads tonight after midnight.

    Thank you.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. As an EMT who will spend the night on an ambulance - I'd much rather people stay safe and not need me to rush them to an ER.

  4. Thanks for the reminded...but hey if you are going to be stupid...make sure you are a donor :-) Thats my thought on that.

  5. Thanks for this post. Drinking & driving is a very sensitive subject in my family. My mother and Grandparents were nearly killed 9 years ago by a drunk driver. My Grandmother was not expected to live through the night, and through only a miracle she is still with us. My Grandfather was told by his doctor that he had never seen a broken back so bad that the person was not paralized or dead. My Grandpa is still alive as well and he can walk just as well as any other 89 year old man. My mother had the least severe injuries, but did have a broken pelvis and had to somewhat relearn to walk after the surgery. You would never be able to tell from looking at her. Seeing the pictures after the accident let us know the only way any of them are even alive is through the grace of God. It truly was a miracle. Anyway, everyone reading this just please don't drink and drive & don't let anyone you know do it either. It's not about what they do to themselves, it's what they do to the innocent victims around them (did I mention the drunk driver walked away with minor scrapes & bruises?). It's not worth the risk. If you think about it, spend some time in prayer tonight praying over the safety of all those having to be on the roads tonight and tomorrow.

  6. A very important message indeed ~
    Just popped over to wish you all a very happy new year ~ may 2009 bring you lots of love, luck and happiness.
    Love and hugs Tabitha XXX

  7. That is such an important reminder! I remember waiting in waiting for my transplant, I was always told to be extra ready on holidays. It's sad. Be careful everyone!

  8. Thanks for that Nate for this post.
    We are staying in and I know my Kids are going to be with friends but staying the night. Which is fine with me.Keys taken as they walk in the door and hid. So no one drives if they do drink.
    My life was totally changed losing a Brother fifty years ago to a drunk driver.
    Years later I myself met a drunk driver making a left turn at a light at 11 am. She was going so fast and my Daughter and I just happened to be in her way. I just know we both were extremely lucky to walk away from that.Not with out problems but God was good.

    Please consider your actions when driving don't drink.

    This a really important message though sobering very honest.

  9. Thanks, Nate.. that needed to be said, and you said it well! Happy New Year...

  10. Thank you for the reminder! I pray that many will take this to heart today and tomorrow.

  11. I work in a level 1 trauma ICU... unfortunately u hit the nail on the head, we will be making a lot of phone calls tonight... also want to say please please please everyone wear your makes a difference.

  12. Great post,very important message to get across to people. No drinking at my house tonight its just me and the kids, hubby has to work. But it makes me nervous he gets off at 2am after the bars close. Every year I worry someone elses stupidity could cost me the head of our family!

  13. From an officer's wife, I thank you for reminding everyone to be safe and make sound decisions tonight. Please if you are on the road and see someone who is driving drunk - CALL 911 to report them right away. I would rather be cautious than not call and find out that person caused an accident.

  14. well said.

    fyi...donor here! the more people that know, the better for all. and yes, I am registered.

    praying for all who face these decisions daily.

  15. Amen! We are going to a party an hour away from home tonight so we decided to check into a hotel so we are not on the road. I am lounging with the laptop while the rest of the family swims!

  16. Indeed. I thought about possibly meeting some friends tonight, but don't want to risk being on the roads in Los Angeles on the biggest drunk driving night of the year. Soooo not worth it. Instead, I'd much rather snuggle in with my little family, watch a kiddie video and kiss my sleeping hubby and babe at midnight. Ahhhh bliss.

  17. Thank you for the reminder to pray for all the folks out celebrating tonight. Natalie

  18. I say a big AMEN to that!! We're staying home, safe & warm to ring in the new year...God bless!!

  19. Amen brother.

    In 1989, after my sister endured a year of dialysis, the day after Christmas we received "the call/page". A kidney had become available.

    In an ironic twist, the donor was the brother of a co-worker of my sisters husband.

    After a sucessful transplant, in May 1990 Hope died due to complications from a virus. Her kidney was healthy and had nothing to due to her transplant.

  20. You know, as an ER nurse I always put out a be careful message around this time of the year, but I never have given a thought to the fact that the high fatality rate on the roads due to trauma, even here in Australia, would also yield calls for transplant patients should the wishes of the deceased be to donate.
    This year I am going to put that message out at Easter time aswell...because sdly, people are not careful at that time, nor at Christmas.

  21. Thanks Nate!
    I will be out patrolling tonight and the extra reminder is so needed. Praying everyone has a happy but more importantly a safe new years.

    Happy New Year to You Nate,Trisha,Gwenyth,Meka,and Ralphie!


  22. Well said Nate! Happy New Year to you and your beautiful girls!

  23. Thanks Nate, Lost my best friend in high school to a drunk driver. The driver was also a friend and went on to get 3 more DUI's before getting on a motorcycle drunk once again and killed himself and his girlfriend. It is not worth the short time high to risk taking yours or someone else life.

  24. So true and an important message. I am a CF transplant patient (UNC) who received that New Year's phone call 7 years ago. My donor was hit in Wilmington, NC by a speeding car while he was (responsibly) walking home from a friend's house in the early hours of New Year's Day 2003. People do stupid things and my donor died because of someone's bad judgement call. I live every day trying to honor a life that ended too soon.


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