
Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Newest Member of Team Pattysue

I nearly cried this morning when I was dressing Gwyneth. The shirt she's wearing today is one of our Team Pattysue shirts that we make every year for our family and friends that walk with us in the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis...except that this shirt was made for our 2006 team, long before Gwyneth was around. Thanks to hand-me-downs among cousins, the shirt has found it's way to us, and to see it on Gwyneth today is very overwhelming...just one of those things I never thought I'd see...

Tricia and I in May, 2006.
Gwyneth today.

BTW, some of you have noticed that Tricia's website is will be back soon!



  1. Oh my! When did she become a LITTLE GIRL? Seems like just the past couple of weeks she's not a BABY anymore :O

    Gorgeous :)

  2. She gets prettier and prettier, and yes, a little girl moreso than the baby she was.

  3. I love it Nate!!! She is absolutely Beautiful!!

    Kate in Va Beach

  4. That is so wonderful!! I can only imagine the emotions you and Tricia have been feeling these past few weeks....and for the BIG event coming in a few days!

  5. Wow. This is really cool! Gwyneth looks so grown up with her pink glasses and Team Pattysue tshirt!

    And noticed yesterday that Tricia's site was down, glad it'll be back soon!!

    On a separate note, is there a day or week for raising awareness on organ donation? And do you know of anyone who would be willing to do a guest post on organ donation or donating blood?

  6. That's awesome. A small reminder of God's goodness.

  7. Hmm.. well.. that could be Josh's or Jessie's or Maddie's....

    I love my '06 shirt and sleep in it just about every night!

  8. That is sooo very special! Thanks for sharing the moment and the gorgeous pics!

  9. The first photo of Gwyneth with the dimple/clef in her chin is so so cute. I think this is my favorite so far and that is a lot to chose from.

  10. I was going to say I think it's Jessica's but forgot it could have been Josh's maybe. Either way...LOVE seeing it again.

  11. I love the last photo. Gwyneth looks so content.

  12. Awwww bless - doesn't she just get cuter by the day?!

  13. Ohhh so cute!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Those tiny ponytails melt my heart!!! Happy New Year!

  15. Nathan, I think a few of us are with you on the tears. Gwyneth is a true miracle! Judith

  16. Such a sweet blessing from God that shirt was handed down to Gwyneth.

  17. I know that is a dream come true for you!

  18. These are some of my favorite pictures of Gwyenth ever. Wow is she beautiful...

    A CF blog follower from Chicago, IL.

  19. Fantastic! And Gwyneth---I could just eat her up. Positively delicious. That smile in the first picture is priceless.

    Happy New Year.

  20. Gwyneth is SUCH a doll! But of course, you already knew that. :-P

  21. Thanks to everyone who has and continues to "come out " to our Great Strides. If I recall correctly I believe Grandpop and Grandmommy Lawrenson made those 06' shirts possible for all of us to wear. Thanks to you faithful folks as well.

  22. Oh My goodness, I read every post when it is posted, so how did I miss the transition from baby to little girl. She looks SOOO big in the last couple of posts!! She looks like a little girl now, not much sign of baby.. and of course she looks adorable in her shirt!

  23. How sweet is that? sniff,sniff. It's amazing to realize how far you all have come in the past few years. Best of luck in the coming year.

  24. what?!!!!!!! she is TOO adorable for words!!!! amazing little girl!

  25. What a beautiful little girl Gwyneth is, love to you all xx

  26. It's been a while since I've commented, though I still check your blog regularly. Had to say how gorgeous G is though, and yes, how "big girl" she's getting. Also have to admit that the post made me cry a little too but then you've always been a pro at that! I love it!

  27. The first photo of Gwyneth is too cute! Can't believe I have been stalking your blog for over TWO years now...

    Alison, Epsom, Surrey

    PS Nate, did you hear the news about Jessica Wales? In your words..awesome....just Facebook x

  28. You guys are so lucky I don't live near you..I would be over, EVERY day, giving millions of kisses to your beautiful, cute, amazing girl! :) Happy New Year to you and your family! I pray amazing things for your family, this coming year ;)

  29. How cool is that, she looks wonderful, love the pigtails and smile.

  30. What a precious girl!

    Looking forward to Tricia's site being back up. Does this mean a remodel has been in the works?

  31. in that second picture she is so her mother! that expression looks just likes ones we see of trish!

  32. That first photo of Gwyneth is my most favourite EVER!! sooo adorable!

  33. Gwyn is STYLIN!!! She looks absolutely adorable in that shirt Nate!

    And I LOVE the pigtails!!!

  34. Absolutely CANNOT get over how adorable Gwyneth is!
    A long time reader - inspired by your family,

  35. Oh my goodness, Gwyneth is so cute, so adorable, i love her blue eyes, her curly beautiful blond hair, her pretty pink glasses that totally look cute on her and now those pigtails are something else!! God Bless!! I was wondering about Tricia's site...

  36. That is just too sweet! One, I love that she is wearing that shirt, such a great reminder of what you guys have done the last two years. Two, those are the cutest little knots in her hair!! I love them!


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