
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Welcome Home Kisses

By far, the best part of my day...



  1. Awesome. Kisses from the ones you love are the best. Lovin Gwyneth's pucker. Too cute.

  2. Tricia's hair is coming back! It looks really cute!

    My son and I play a game called, "I'm gonna give you kisses" it's my favorite part of our day!

  3. You have two beautiful and amazing women in your life! Do you realize how lucky you are?

  4. Glad to see you loving it!
    You guys all look great!
    Our girls, 7 and 9, still snuggle into bed in the mornings and love kissin hello and good-bye! So sweet.
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  5. I enjoy reading your blog. I cry, pray & rejoice with you but I do not understand the jab at our "otherwise boring lives". Are you suggesting that if we read here often that we must be boring? That does not do a lot for CF awareness.

  6. "otherwise boring lives" was a bit of a backwards joke, meaning, "I'm sure we're the only ones who find Gwyneth changing diaper sizes to be exciting."

    It wasn't a jab, and I don't understand why anyone who has been reading my blog for more than a few days would think so poorly of me to think that I'd take a jab at my readers for no reason.

  7. Sorry I misunderstood. I knew it wasnt meant as anything downright mean, but it just didnt sit right. Forgive me, I am too sensitive I guess. Take care.

  8. I don't think I've ever commented, but I've been reading for a while. I am pretty sure the "boring life" comment was self-deprecating.

    And, I am a self-deprecation aficionado (and fan). :o) Keep up the good work!

  9. Tricia's hair is growing fast. And your entire family is too cute!

  10. Tricia may not think so but her hair looks adorable, especially given how much she has been through--hoping she is feeling better away from chemotherapy!

  11. funny how you and gwyneth both make the same face when receiving a kiss. i think its great, btw, that lil' g has hit another fabulous milestone, even if it is a diaper size.


  13. Tricia's hair is growing back! She looks great with a pixie type style. If you were doing all that hard work in my house every day, I would kiss you too. One thing is for sure, you are loved.

  14. PS - After reading through the comments, I totally get your sense of humor and took no offense. How else would you be a Redskins fan? (See, I share your sense of humor)

  15. The house is looking great! I love the floors and your girls are precious!

    Merry Christmas!

  16. Lookin' Good. ( and your wife and baby girl!) Oh, you too. Didn't want you to feel left out. lol

  17. Tricia,

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair! I think a pixie looks great on you!


  18. Love the hair! I would throw out the wigs & show the world your REAL Beauty!

    House looks great! You should be very proud!

    Take Care, and enjoy every moment of this first Christmas as a family!

  19. Love the pic of Tricia without a wig...she looks great and should go like that more often. And Miss Gwyneth is adorable as always!

  20. wow look at Tricia's hair, it looks good. is she going to grow it out again or keep it short?

  21. I just LOVE you guys...and not in the creepy kinda way...I haven't written to you in a very long time as I have been busy and other family things but want you to know your family is always in my prayers...

    Love Tricia hair and all the great other pictures of the house ...and of course...that beautiful little miracle baby!
    Much love
    The Fletcher's

  22. I love Tricia's hair .. I remember when my mom's hair started to grow back and she just looked so "cute". Enjoy your upcoming trip.

  23. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    don't let anyone get you guys down, don't listen to the haters!

    u guys rock!


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