
Friday, December 12, 2008

Big News!!!

Gwyneth moves up a diaper size today!

Now, back to your otherwise boring lives...



  1. In her sweet little life, a bigger diaper IS big news.

    Yea! for a bigger little hiney!

    Love to all!

  2. Ahhh that makes me sad..I want to go back thru all those stages again too..ha

  3. Yea. . .so she's in a 2 I'm guessing??

  4. That is big news. Way to go Gwyneth, you sure have come a long way. Bigger diaper means more room to fill.
    Elaine from MT

  5. You realize that is the same thing as buying a larger purse. She'll find a way to fill it. : )

    All grown up. : ) Congrats!

  6. hey, thats a HUGE milestone for a preemie!

    i still remember when our lil one moved was a great day!

    hard to believe they actually do get big, huh?


  7. My life is anything but boring.Glad she is getting bigger.Very precious Santa moment.Have a good holiday.

  8. My life is anything but boring.Glad she is getting bigger.Very precious Santa moment.Have a good holiday.

  9. My life is anything but boring.Glad she is getting bigger.Very precious Santa moment.Have a good holiday.

  10. My life is anything but boring.Glad she is getting bigger.Very precious Santa moment.Have a good holiday.

  11. Awwwwwwwww this is great news!!!!!
    She's really such a doll!!!

  12. That's BIG News! Let me guess? A size 2?

  13. What a monumental moment! Thanks for making it fun and for making me smile!

  14. I am thinking size 2? Way to go little one! You are not so little anymore! But I still think a good nickname might be tiny hiney LOL

  15. Way to grow Gwyneth! Get out your pocketbooks Mom and Dad, for it only gets more costly from here on out ;) First it's bigger diapers (which sadly cost the same but you get less!), then bigger clothes, then they want to borrow the CAR!!! :D

    Enjoy this milestone!!

  16. Congrats!! The little peanut is growing! woot!

  17. that is AWESOME and definitely newsworthy!!

  18. DO you have one of her original diapers from when she was first born? If you do- you should take a picture of it with one she wears now so we all can see the amazing difference. :) We did that about a year ago when our preemie finally got to size 2 :)

  19. You forgot to tell us what size?!?!

  20. thanks for the smile. I need that today!

  21. This is the most heart warming and morally redeeming blog I think I've ever read. I'm so addicted to reading your posts. You have such a beautiful family and you are so incredibly lucky, even with all the horrible things that have happened in your life. Your posts are so full of love and that is so refreshing in this world today. Your family is beautiful. God bless you!

  22. Great news!!!!!! I'm thrilled to hear it!

  23. That's great news! I was just laughing a few minutes ago when I accidentally grabbed my 10 month old niece's diaper to put on my 2 year old, but it actually fit! She's a little chunk though, 20+ pounds. Funny to think her and Gwenyth are roughly the same age and she wears a 4 already. God has big plans for your (not-so) tiny little girl! God bless you all this Christmas and always!

  24. My life isn't boring, cuz I read about exciting Gwyneth news like that! :-)

  25. So how much does she weigh now. She still looks so little. What a great pic with santa too!!!

  26. Congrats! I remember Adia was in the same size diapers for so long. I was so excited when she finally moved up.

    Go Gwyneth!

  27. I knew to change diaper sizes when a big poopie came oozing out the back. Thanks for helping me recall such a yummy memory. Hee!!

    Way to go Gwyneth!

  28. Every little step IS BIG NEWS! Congrats. I was thinking of all you have to celebrate and all that is coming soon! Moving into your home as homeowners, Christmas - the birth of our Savior, Gweneth's 1st birthday is just around the corner! and the anniversary of Tricia's new lungs! I've been following you for a year now and fell it a privelege to have been a part of your prayer team. Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us! Enjoy the coming weeks, hugs and continued prayers!

  29. This IS really big news! I was thinking of all the celebrations you have coming up! Moving into your new home as the homeowners, celebrating Jesus' birthday at Christmas, a New Year, Gweneth's 1st birthday, the anniversary of Tricia's new lungs! Wow - enjoy every moment! I've been reading for a year now and have considered it a privelege to be part of your prayer team! Thank you for sharing your family, your passions, and your Savior! Enjoy!

  30. I am sure the day will come when she will no longer appreciate daddy reporting growth of her backside. Oh say age 30? lol

  31. Bless her tiny hiney. I am guessing a size 1 for her. My granddaughter is in a 3 and is 19 pounds at one year. When she is older and notices her hiney growing bigger, you might not want to mention it here. She will be big enough to lock you in the closet:) Somewhere in the new house in progress. Have a wonderful weekend.


  32. Woohoo you go girl! What size is she in?

  33. Hey Nate.

    Completely irrelevant to the "Big News" but I just wanted to say ..... WHOO HOO!!!

    Almost to "1,000" blog followers.

    Okay, back to my Christmas shopping now. :)

  34. we say in our how..."Its the little victories!"

  35. This is fantastic news all the milestones with a premie are massive especially with gwyneth - oliver was only a 32 weeker and only spent 5 weeks on NICU but everymilestone he makes is amazing news :)
    Keep going gwyneth you're dong fab! How much does she weigh now?

  36. Way to go Gwyneth!!! You are getting to be such a big girl!!! Praying for you from Dallas, and also for your parents! Hope ya'll have a wonderful holiday....

  37. Go big-butt! The only time she'll be glad her butt is increasing!

    p.s. how cute does Tricia look as a blonde!!


  38. Keep growing, Gwyneth! And I agree with an earlier commenter--Tricia's a gorgeous blonde!

  39. Yay for Boring! After all you've been through, boring so rocks!


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