
Thursday, January 8, 2009

65Roses4PattySue Update

Tricia updated her blog!



  1. What a beautiful entry by Tricia! What a sweet & special mother she must be! I can only imagine what those moments & days must have been like for all of you. I am so thrilled that these miracles happened & that Tricia got to see her baby & has now spent the past year loving her!!! I so happy that she has new lungs to breath with & I am so happy that I get to get a glimpse into your lives through these blogs!!! I will pray for Tricia today as she goes through this surgery & I pray that you all return home, safe & sound tomorrow!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  2. Tricia,

    Wow, what a touching post. I am so happy for the blessing that God has provided your family. I'm really looking forward to reading your upcoming posts...can't wait to hear all about it through your perspective.

    Praying for you in everyday in Ohio,


  3. I'm having problems reading her blog...neither links are working for me...

  4. Ok I found a way onto the site (go me!)
    And was just in tears. Very well said and THANK YOU for sharing all that you guys do. It gets me anytime I see 'who do we save first? you or the baby?'. You are an awsome mom, Tricia!

  5. Nate, I love Gwyn's bow in her birthday pics. She looks perfect....with or without a bow.

  6. Happy birthday sweet miracle! Today is my 9th anniversary so I remembered it was your special day too! Praying for your whole family! God bless...

  7. How beautiful! Tricia's faith, personality, strength and love all come out in that post.

    I have been close to death, but have never feared for the life of my child. I cannot imagine what that must feel like. I am so happy that you were both given your miracle baby Gwyneth and that Tricia's life was spared.

    I wore brown today to celebrate Gwyneth's birthday!! Happy 1st Birthday sweet baby Gwyneth.

  8. How precious to read Tricia's thoughts on that day one year ago. I remember it as if it was yesterday as I held my breath waiting to see what God was going to do with the seemingly impossible. Oh how He does such perfect work and has done so much more since that day. You are such a blessing Tricia and your little 1lb. 6oz. peanut has turned into the most beautiful little girlie girl. God is so good. Praying for your surgery and your perfect health. I love you guys.


  9. It is so nice to hear things from Tricia's perspective, not that we don't appreciate you, Nathan.

  10. as if I had not cried enough today! why did i put makeup on today?!?

    thank you Tricia for sharing your perspective. you are truly a blessing to my heart. i pray that if (when) i have to face a medical issue, i will be half the woman that you are. your strenght, that comes from God, is beautiful.

    Happy Mommy Anniversary. but then again, i guess that would be in September, the day that God confirmed to you that you were a mom. being a mommy happens at conception. confirmed upon positive tests.

  11. I read Tricia's blog and tears were in my eyes thinking back to this time last year when all of us "internet blog strangers" pulled together praying for the same miracle. So thankful to our Lord for the experience to be a part of your lives via your blog and hoping for the best for all of you in 2009!



  12. amazing, how our Father cares for us in every moment of our lives! thank Tricia for sharing so openly, would you? if I'm tearing up reading it I can't imagine what it was to live through or even write about.

  13. Tricia,
    What a great story. You had me crying happy tears. I pray for my daughter Melissa who is 18 months old with CF that she will find faith like you have. I also pray that when it comes time for her to marry and have kids there will be a cure found and she won't have to make a choose like you had to. Thank you for sharing your story with us and the world.

    God is good!

    Traci Liberto

  14. Tricia,

    Wow, your words touched me. What a miracle this has been! I hope you will write more often.

  15. Tricia writes so well. Even though her posts aren't as frequent as yours, they are always worth the wait. I love her perspective. Most of all, I enjoy watching in awe of God's power and the miracles that he has presented you with. Thank you for sharing. We are all blessed because of it.

  16. that was seriously one of the most beautiful and moving tributes from a Momma's heart that I have ever read! I am SO incredibly thankful that God brought you all through the last year - you have been SUCH an amazing walking testimony of the great God we serve. I am SO happy for you all and wish you the VERY best birthday little Gwyneth Rose! Sunshine

  17. Bless you Tricia. you are an amazing woman and mother and have taught me so much this year. You have deepened my faith in God and humankind. You deserve so much happiness. Enjoy your husband and beautiful little girl and celebrate this day as YOURS too! We pray for you every chance we get and know that this year is going to be a good one for you and your family.

    Much love and thank you for sharing your faith and story with us,
    Tricia (other!),Micaela and Brian xoxxoxo

  18. Tricia,

    Thank you for the beautiful post! We have been thinking of you and your precious miracle, Gwyneth Rose, all day today! We remember praying fervently a year ago for both you and Gwyneth, and it was an honor to be able to celebrate and rejoice with you today for where God has brought you. I shared your story today in my small group prayer time at the school where I'm teaching (part-time 3 year olds), and my friends were so touched by how God has moved in your lives! To Him be the Glory!

    Happy Birthday to sweet baby Gwyneth!! May this be the first of MANY birthday celebrations for your family. Our prayers continue for your health and happiness. You are a wonderful Mommy and a fantastic example of what it means to truly live by FAITH! Thank you for sharing your story and testimony with so many- God has already and will continue to use it in mighty ways!!

    Love, prayers, and friendship,
    The Edwards family

  19. Happy Birthday to your little Rose. I, too, was touched by Tricia's blog post. I feel honored to share a birthday with Gwyneth, though I'm um, slightly older. ;)

  20. Awesome piece of writing Trisha, thanks for sharing from you perspective! Congratulations on having a one year old precious child!!!

  21. That was awesome! Had a big lump in my throat! Thought I was going to cry in front of everyone in my office for a minute there but I held it together lol.

    Congrats - Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

  22. Please let Tricia know that I like reading her blog very much.

  23. That post gave me shivers in my spine. That was quite a day...

    Thanks for sharing your lives with us. It's been a joy to pray for you all through this journey.


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